  • The garden saver

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    Satureja hortensis.

    An annual plant with a height of 20-60 cm. Its motherland is the eastern regions of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea region.

    was well known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. This plant also has the names of savory fragrant, savory annual, savory summer, pepper grass, leguminous grass and hobra.

    Description: straight stem, branched, leaves linear-spear-shaped, whole-edge. Flowers are small, pale violet, pink, sometimes white.

    Fruits are nuts. Blossoms from July to October.

    Ingredients: the grass contains up to 2% essential oil. Its main components are carvacrol, cymol, borneol, cineole, pinene and other terpenes. It also contains tannins, resins, mineral salts, vitamin C, rutin, provitamin A and phytoncides.

    Cultivation: savory is light and thermophilic. Seeds germinate on the 8th-10th day at a temperature of at least 14 ° C.To soils it is not exacting, but on more fertile, well warmed and friable soils its productivity rises. In connection with early maturity, it is good to grow it directly by sowing seeds in the ground, not only in the mid-zone conditions, but also considerably to the north. In autumn, for digging in soils with low fertility, it is possible to add manure or compost in a dose of 3-5 kg ​​/ m2.In the spring, before fertilization( or digging in heavy soils), mineral fertilizers are introduced. Prepared for the cultivation of the chaiber, the ridge is carefully leveled with rakes. Sowing is carried out in the last decade of April or early May. For this purpose, a notch( 0.5-1 cm) grooves are marked on a ridge at a distance of 25-35 cm from each other. It is better not to cover the seeds with soil, but slightly mulch with humus.10-12 days after emergence of plants in a row, thin out, leaving between them 5-8 cm. With the development of 2-3 pairs of real leaves, the second thinning is carried out, leaving 15-20 cm between plants. Caring for a chaverom is common: loosening, weeding,watering.

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    When podzimnem seeding and growing in seedlings( to grow seedlings the same way as seedlings of basil) maturation occurs approximately 3-4 weeks earlier. The savory is quite aromatic already at the earliest stages of development, therefore the

    torn off during thinned plant can be used in cooking.

    Especially it is necessary to distinguish varieties Garden, High and Ganja. Cultivated varieties externally differ in height of the bush, branchedness, color of flowers and early maturity. A low-bodied savory with a compact spherical shape of a bush is decorative enough and can be used as a curb plant for planting and decorating a garden plot.

    Collection: the young shoots of the chaiber are cut and used in all phases of development, for harvesting, grass is used which is cut at the beginning of flowering almost above the ground, bundles into bundles and dried in a dry, shady place at a temperature of no higher than 35 ° C.Store savory should be in tightly closed containers.

    Medicinal properties: savory is used to induce appetite, with digestive disorders, vomiting, catarrh of the stomach and intestines, as a diaphoretic, diuretic and antihelminthic. The bactericidal action of the chaiber is also noted. Decoction from it is used for strengthening baths.

    Application: savory has a strong aroma, spicy, spicy and spicy taste. The burning taste of the chaiber makes it possible to use it in dry form as a substitute for pepper. In the pharmaceutical industry, he goes to the manufacture of medicinal teas and tinctures and to obtain essential oils. As a spice, savory should be used carefully, so that its taste does not dominate everything else. Culinary uses fresh or dried leaves and stems. Leaves do not cut and do not crush, but eat whole, otherwise they give the dish a bitter taste. Fresh savory is popular in dishes made from green or white beans, as well as from other beans. Dried leaves are a classic spice for all legume dishes. It is also used in the preparation of mushrooms( except champignons), pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, marinades, for cooking meat and potato salads, boiled fish, fish soups, mayonnaise, poultry fillings, steaks, sausages, fried potatoes, marinated in vinegar vegetables, colored and sauerkraut, ragout of meat, cheese dishes, croutons and salted biscuits, loved by many. On the leaves of the chaiber can be insisted aromatic vinegar. It is especially good to consume cooked dried cabbage in cooking because, unlike many spicy plants of

    , the aroma of a dry chaiber does not decrease and is well preserved for a long time.

    Chicken with chaser

    1 chicken, 2-3 tbsp.l.fresh chabera, vegetable and butter, black pepper Divide the chicken into portions, sprinkle abundantly with the leaves of the chaiber, pour it with vegetable oil and put it in a cold place for several hours. Then add chicken portions, pepper and bake with butter in the oven.

    Kvass with a saaber

    For 1 liter of bread kvass 20 g. Chabera, 50 g of sugar

    Dry the leaves of a chaiber boil in 1 cup of kvass, pour the rest of kvass, add the sugar, mix and leave for 10-12 hours. Strain, pourin bottles and refrigerate.