  • Asthma: symptoms and early signs in adults, treatment, causes

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    An increasing number of people fall ill with asthma, and this is due to an unsatisfactory environmental situation.

    Now the number of patients only increases rapidly, even despite timely diagnostics and innovative methods of treatment. Statistics show that in the world more than 160 million people suffer from this insidious disease.

    The disease is characterized by the presence of pathological inflammation in the respiratory tract. If there is a relapse, then another attack of suffocation begins to torment you again and again, while it is both short-term and long-lasting. Often at the first stages of the development of the disease, it passes by itself. In some cases, a person does not even suspect of a pathology developing within him.

    But time does not stand still, and if the disease is not treated and does not conduct timely prevention, then short-term episodes of suffocation are beginning to take on a mass character. In this case, you should immediately contact a qualified doctor. Bronchial asthma is of a genetic nature, which means that it will necessarily be inherited.
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    Classification of

    All types of asthma are based on chronic allergic inflammation. It is it that provokes bronchial hyperactivity. Thus, regardless of whether the patient is an adult or a child, there are periodic bouts of difficulty in breathing, which are accompanied by wheezing.

    As a rule, asthma is divided into severe, moderate and mild. If the disease is characterized by mild degree and partial difficulty of breathing, relapse can be removed with anti-inflammatory drugs, such as theophylline. In addition, doctors prescribe an inhalation device, in which the cough is rapidly disappearing.

    1. 1) Moderate asthma is characterized by weekly wheezing and difficulty breathing. But with a severe stage of coughing, you are tortured every day.
    2. 2) Aspirin asthma is a very serious form of the disease that occurs in both children and adults. It is a combination of disease, rejection of aspirin and polyposis of the nose.
    3. 3) Bronchial asthma. This is a manifestation of allergies. This includes atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis.
    4. 4) Asthmatic status. Recognized as the most complex form of the course of the disease. If the time is not cured pathology, but in this case, even a lethal outcome is possible. The disease is observed in children and the elderly.

    Symptoms and signs of asthma in adults

    Bronchial asthma is recognized as a pathological disease in which the respiratory tract is affected. The development of the disease is accompanied by a pathological cough, systematic bouts of impairment, and also with a sighing breath.

    In the event that the disease rapidly develops into a chronic one, its asthmatic attack becomes an important sign.

    The very development of bronchial asthma in adults takes place in different ways in connection with the characteristics of the human body. In addition, the conditions for the course of the disease are different. If we take into account the atopic form, it arises from direct contact with the allergen. Infectious - allergic asthma appears due to emotional overstrain.

    The onset of an attack is accompanied by spontaneous skin itching, as well as a runny nose and a feeling of tightness in the chest zone. As a rule, the attack begins unexpectedly: the patient feels anxiety, difficulty breathing and pain in the chest. To this must be added dry rales, felt from afar. Breathing is difficult, and it becomes impossible to inhale, the veins on the neck swell. The attack itself takes a long time.

    The main symptoms are:

    • cough, characterized by the presence of sputum, or without secretions
    • the skin between the ribs begins to actively retract. This process occurs during the breath.
    • dark circles formed under the eyes of
    • shortness of breath. The patient becomes worse breathing, if he performs physical exercises or is engaged in active activities.
    • the shortness of breath begins to increase rapidly at night or the morning hours
    • the patient becomes worse breathing if the outside is cold
    • the disease is characterized by a dry pathological cough
    • the presence of a wheezing cough
    • is significantly improved if the patient takes appropriate drugs that dilate the bronchi.

    What should I do if I have an asthma attack?

    The attack is incredibly violent. Noteworthy is the fact that shortness of breath appears in a few seconds. In this case wheezing in the lungs is heard even at a great distance. Cough is paroxysmal.

    For an attack, you must immediately lean back on the chair. You should immediately pull yourself together and normalize your breathing. Exhale all the air in the lungs. Be sure to open the window. This approach to the cause will ensure the influx of air.

    In addition, you must immediately use a short-acting inhaler. It can be salbutamol, terbutaline and fenoterol. Such drugs are called "first aid".It is necessary to carry out a couple of inhalations. If the condition improves, two more inhalations should be performed.

    Asthma treatment

    All drugs for the treatment of adult disease are divided into groups:

    1. 1) Medications that prevent seizures and drugs, and those that must be taken to relieve the attack.
    2. 2) Oral steroids. Similar preparations carry to the first group of medicines. They are prescribed by doctors for a long period of treatment. There are in the form of capsules, liquids and tablets. In order to cure the disease, appoint corticosteroids, the reception of which lasts up to 11 days. Please note that long-term treatment is provided in order to prevent the first symptoms. Such funds are taken every day.
    3. 3) Inhaled steroids. They eliminate the symptoms and successfully eliminate the swelling of the respiratory tract.
    4. 4) Beta agonists. These drugs have a long-lasting effect and prevent asthma symptoms. Used together with inhaled steroids.
    5. 5) Inhibitors of leukotrienes. They help reduce inflammation, while blocking the effect of leukotrienes, as well as chemicals that provoke the inflammatory process during an allergic reaction.
    6. 6) Sodium cromolynate. It is an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug of non-systemic influence.

    Complications of

    The list of complications includes asthmatic status. But it also includes the following symptoms:

    • pneumothorax
    • Bettolepsy
    • respiratory failure
    • in the course of an intensified cough arises fracture of the ribs
    • development delay
    • psychological problems
    Children are forming a "chicken breast" - this pathology is provoked by a systematic swelling of the lungs. In severe form, the airway is blocked. This includes a cough that provokes a loss of consciousness.

    Asthma prophylaxis

    For prophylactic purposes, it is necessary to actively and systematically engage in physical education, as well as swimming. In addition, to cope with the disease, you need to inflate the balls. An effective approach to the matter is breathing exercises.

    Prefer outdoor walks. If possible, eliminate allergens such as pollen, dust, animal hair. In the event that the work is directly related to such factors, it is necessary to change it. Avoid inflammation of the airways, and also timely treat.

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