  • Treatment of the elbow joint folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • Elbow diseases: symptoms, causes, types
    • Treatment of the elbow joint folk remedies: homemade prescriptions
    • Prevention and useful advice how to maintain health and mobility of the elbow joint

    Treatment of the ulnar statute at home: folk recipes

    In connectionwith the fact that the human hands perform many necessary movements and functions, the upper extremities, and specifically the elbow joints, account for the greatest part of the load, which is fraught with the development of seriousabolevany.

    Diseases of the elbow joint: symptoms, causes, types ^

    The main reasons for the occurrence of diseases of the elbow joint are:

    • intense physical activity;
    • activities related to lifting weights;
    • getting an injury, for example, falling on the elbow;
    • subcooling;
    • degenerative processes in ligaments and cartilages;
    • constant emphasis on the elbow joint during operation.

    The most common diseases of the elbow joint are:

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    • arthrosis( destruction of the cartilaginous tissue in the elbow joint);
    • arthritis( inflammation of the joint);
    • epicondylitis( dysfunction of ligaments, which has an inflammatory character);
    • bursitis( development of inflammation in the synovial bag);
    • injury( closed tissue damage);
    • bruising( bruising due to rupture of blood vessels);
    • dislocation( joint integrity disorder);
    • pinched nerve.

    A characteristic symptom for all diseases of the elbow is severe pain of varying intensity. It can be acute( with arthritis or bursitis), burning( with pinching of the nerve, inflammation), dull and aching( with arthrosis).Painful sensations arising during exercise, speak of epicondylitis of the joint, and in the course of movement - about arthrosis.

    In addition, the development of the disease is indicated by the limitation of elbow mobility, edema, numbness, crunch and other symptoms. Lack of timely and competent treatment of such diseases can lead to a complete limitation of joint mobility and constant pain. That's why when you have suspicions of the ulnar disease, you should immediately contact a specialist.

    Treatment of the elbow joint folk remedies: homemade recipes ^

    People's treatment of the elbow joint: home recipes and remedies

    Treatment of the elbow joint at home is possible only if it is correctly combined with taking medications prescribed by the doctor.

    Treatment of arthritis of the elbow joint

    To prepare an effective remedy for arthritis, you need only two ingredients: sour milk( 50 ml) and eggshell( 1/4 cup).

    • The shell of several eggs must be dried, removed the inner film and crushed into powder using a coffee grinder.
    • Mix milk and shell.
    • The resulting gruel should be evenly distributed on a gauze napkin and attached to the elbow.
    • Secure with polyethylene and tie with a warm kerchief.
    • Keep compress all night long, and rinse the remains of the mixture with warm water in the morning.
    • It is recommended to perform the procedures every evening for 5 days. After a 3-day break, the course should be repeated.

    Treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint

    Strengthen the blood circulation and relieve pain in arthrosis of the elbow joint is effectively helped by a medication prepared on the basis of honey( 2 tablespoons) and apple cider vinegar( 2 tablespoons).

    • The components must be mixed and insisted for two hours.
    • Use for grinding.
    • Perform the procedure daily before bedtime for 20 days. After grinding, the elbow should be kept warm until the morning.

    Treatment of epicondylitis of the elbow joint

    During the exacerbation of the disease, you can use ordinary green tea to relieve the pain:

    • A teaspoonful of good tea should be poured a glass of boiling water, insist and cool.
    • Pour the drink into ice molds.
    • Frozen cubes should be applied to a sick elbow until they melt.
    • Follow the procedure once a day for 3-4 days.

    After the inflammation has been removed, the elbow joint should be heated:

    • For warming up, use a mixture of olive oil( 200 ml) and chopped laurel leaves( 4 tablespoons).
    • Infuse the medication in a glass bottle for a week, then filter through gauze.
    • It is recommended to put oil compresses daily for half an hour.
    • The course of therapy - 2 weeks.

    Treatment of pinching the nerve of the elbow joint

    • Mix a teaspoon of crushed orange peel and the same amount of lemon balm.
    • Blend the mixture with boiling water( 250 ml) and infuse the broth under the lid for 10 minutes.
    • Filtering the drink through gauze, add a teaspoon of valerian infusions, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
    • It is recommended to drink 250 ml of the drink once a day for the treatment of pinching the nerve. You can add a little honey to the drink.

    Treatment of bursitis of the elbow joint

    To forget about the existence of bursitis will help an effective curative decoction.

    • In equal proportions, you should take chamomile, St. John's wort, burdock root and yarrow.
    • Tablespoon chopped herbal collection brew 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 2 hours.
    • Take three times a day for half a glass.

    After 21 days of daily use of the elixir and taking medications prescribed by the doctor, the ailment will recede.

    Treatment of a contusion of the elbow joint

    • It is necessary to prepare an herbal collection from a violet tri-colored and burdock root( 30 g each), veronica and roots of the crocheted fork( 20 g each).
    • All components are pre-chopped.
    • The resulting mixture pour a liter of vodka, insist 3 days and filter the infusion through gauze.
    • In the medicine you need to moisten the gauze, attach it to the elbow, tie it with food wrap and wrap it with a warm kerchief. Leave for all night.
    • To relieve pain and swelling with a bruise, it is recommended to perform 10 procedures.

    Treatment of an elbow fracture

    • Three tablespoons of lemon peel should be mixed with a lime bark( 30 g) and pour a mixture of 0.5 liters of vodka.
    • Insist for 4 days in a dark place.
    • Put compresses on the patient's elbow joint every day at night.
    • The course of treatment is 21 days.

    Treatment of inflammation of the elbow joint

    Excellent anti-inflammatory drug - tincture based on horse sorrel.

    • To make it, you need to fill a liter jar with a pre-crushed root of the plant and fill the raw materials with 0, 5 liters of vodka.
    • Infuse for 10 days, then strain through a sieve.
    • It is recommended to moisten gauze in a potion and apply to the affected area for the night, fix it with polyethylene and tie it with a warm kerchief.
    • It is recommended to put compresses every evening for 10 days.

    Treatment of pain in the elbow joint

    To remove pain in the elbow effectively helps the juice celandine.

    • It is necessary to moisten the wadded disk in the juice and apply it to the sore spot for 30 minutes.
    • Then the skin needs to be greased with sunflower or olive oil.
    • The course of treatment is 10 days.

    Relieves the symptoms of an ailment of fresh black radish juice.

    • They need to rub the elbow joint before going to bed for 20 days.

    Treatment of the elbow joint with herbs

    Healing plants at all times have been used to reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

    • Should take in equal proportions of elderberry color, parsley root, willow bark and nettle leaves, grind all the ingredients.
    • In a glass of hot water you need to pour a tablespoon of herbal mixture, boil for 5 minutes, then cool and filter the drink through a sieve.
    • It is recommended to take one glass of medicine twice a day before breakfast and dinner.
    • Duration of treatment - 2 months.
    We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the article Treatment of the hip joint with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice how to maintain health and mobility of the elbow joint ^

    To improve mobility of the elbow, as well as to prevent the development of inflammatory diseases of the elbow joint, accompanied by discomfort and painful pain, simple recommendations should be observed:

    • Proper nutrition and avoid the appearance of extra pounds. In the diet should be present foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
    • Avoid injury to the elbow, and if injured, seek medical advice immediately.
    • Monitor the level of physical activity. You do not have to be zealous, but you should not completely exclude them.
    • Actively engage in sports and lead a lively lifestyle.
    • It is advisable to visit baths and saunas regularly, and avoid prolonged exposure in the cold.
    • In time, treat infectious diseases and be examined by a doctor.