  • Why hair is electrified and how to fight it at home

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    The problem of electrification of hair is familiar to almost every girl. Some are subject to it constantly, and some feel only at certain times of the year. Why hair is electrified and how to deal with it, you can determine only by establishing the cause of this unpleasant effect.

    The main reasons for the electrization of the head of the head are

    . The hair on the head can be electrified for a number of well-known reasons: due to dry air, lack of vitamins, snow, wind, rain and, of course, wearing hats. In the latter case, due to friction, a statistical charge arises and the hair is electrified.

    Hair is very strongly electrified during the heating season, because the air is dry and the hair in this atmosphere is prone to drying out. It is worth noting that frost affects the curls.

    In winter, hair becomes more fragile due to a lack of vitamins in the body, respectively, they can easily be electrified, also have a big impact caps. In the summer, hair can be saturated with static, primarily from drying with a hair dryer at high temperatures. They lose their moisture, and this causes their electrification.

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    The application of various flat and ironing rods also contributes to this process. By the way, improper combing affects the obedience of curls, so it is not recommended to use a plastic or iron appliance.

    How to prevent this?

    When the thermometer is nearing zero, you have a question: "What if the hair is electrified?"And there are also many answers, from professional to popular. Depending on what your hair structure is, you can choose an effective remedy for this unpleasant effect.

    • To make the air in the room more damp, get a humidifier or you can put a pot of water near the battery, and it's better to put it in hot water. On the radiators you can also hang wet sheets.
    • So that your hair is not too dry - wear a hat.
    • Try to determine your hair type and use suitable care products, including shampoo.
    • If you have to use a hairdryer, then use gentle mode.
    • Get a special anti-static comb or use one with a wooden base.
    • Buying headwear is best from camel wool and using antistatic threads.
    • If you have long hair, then in winter it's better to braid them in a braid or make a bunch, so they will not come into contact with clothes.
    • Get a hair spray with anti-static effect.
    • You can resort to folk remedies: so it is believed that to prevent the electrization of the hair will help lavender and rose oil, which to achieve the desired effect, should be distributed to the hair.
    • Drink plenty of water and eat properly. If you watch your health, then your hair will be beautiful.

    Only fragile and fine hair is electrified, so that your hair looks gorgeous, you need to provide care and care for your hair.

    At home

    If your hair is heavily absorbed by the el, then you should take care of them with the help of cosmetic products containing natural ingredients. In order to make hair obedient and smooth, you need to use not only shampoos, but also conditioners and hair balms.

    Thus all means it is necessary to choose depending on your type of hair. In particular, it is worth to be attentive to those girls whose hair is naturally dry, since with an improperly chosen remedy there is a risk to worsen the condition of their curls.

    It is recommended to wash the head with balm at least two or three times a week. In this case, experts recommend doing this at a water temperature of not more than 40 degrees. Balm is applied to damp hair. He fills the scales of hair, which means that the locks will not be elated.

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