  • Mayo Clinic Diet

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    Read the article:
    • Essence and features of the Mayo Clinic's weight loss method
    • Mayo Diet: 7 days menu for the
    • Results, reviews of thin and physicians about the Mayo Clinic's diet

    Mayo Diet Forms Healthy Nutrition and Lifestyle Habits

    The Mayo Diet is named after the famous medicalan institution in the US that treats a wide range of diseases, including obesity - the Mayo Clinic.

    The essence and features of the Mayo Clinic's weight loss method ^

    The specialists of the clinic developed a unique nutrition method, the so-called healthy weight pyramid.

    Mayo's weight loss program is not a habitual diet, but a new way of life, the purpose of which is to find the optimal, individual food option, thanks to which the weight will be kept in the norm.

    Thus from the person the person will get real pleasure, correctly choosing and combining food products:

    • In the bottom layer( base) of food pyramid lie fruit and vegetables.
    • The next layer is carbohydrates.
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    • The third product line is occupied by proteins.
    • Even higher - fats.
    • And the smallest part, the top, is sweets.

    So the diet of a healthy person should be built. The pyramid shows that vegetables and fruits constitute the main, the most part of the diet, then carbohydrates, proteins, fats and the most insignificant part is given for sweets.

    It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, they most of all slow down the process of removing excess fatty deposits from the body. Stop drinking is recommended a few days before the start of the diet.

    The main source of food is a fat-burning soup that can be combined with natural and healthy products. The feeling of hunger does not have to be tolerated and it is not necessary, because the allowed products can be eaten. It is allowed to eat dietary meats and fish, fruits and vegetables without restrictions.

    The diet consists of two stages - weight loss and retention of the result. Disadvantages found in such nutrition is difficult. But people with diabetes, it is better to consult a doctor. It implies the use of a large number of fruits, which can cause a rise in blood sugar. But the advantages of this technique are many.

    D of the Mayo food system essence :

    • The Mayo diet does not limit or impoverish the diet with nutrients, but only reduces the daily intake of calories, by reducing the amount of saturated fat and fast carbohydrates.
    • The organism will not suffer from the monotony of products, a balanced diet does not lead to vitamin deficiency and can not cause a deterioration in health.
    • The process of losing weight has no sharp leaps, weight goes smoothly, which does not contradict medical norms.
    • A habit is developed for healthy eating and lifestyle, and this is the prevention of many dangerous diseases.
    • The result achieved is the ability to hold as long as desired.

    Mayo diet: 7 days menu ^

    Mayo's fat burning diet is designed for 7 days, but it can be maintained for a longer time, making short breaks and focusing on your well-being. The duration depends on what kind of results you need to achieve. The main, daily dish will be light, but rich in all the necessary substances vegetable soup.

    Recipe for fat burning soup Mayo

    To prepare it you will need:

    • Cabbage - 1 head of medium size. Onion - 6 heads.
    • Celery - 1 bunch.
    • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
    • Green pepper - 2 pcs.

    How to prepare:

    • Vegetables are all ground and placed in a bowl with boiling water.
    • You can also take canned tomatoes instead of fresh tomatoes.
    • To taste, salt and hot sauce are added.
    • On high heat vegetables should boil for about 10 minutes.
    • Then the fire should be reduced and continue cooking until the softness of the vegetables.
    • The dish is ready, you can eat it at any time and in the required quantity.

    However, this does not mean that all week it will be necessary to eat only the first dish, the diet of Mayo on the fat-burning supine suggests a diverse addition to it. The diet is very delicious and balanced. Follow this system of weight loss will not hurt even a strong employment, because take a thermos with a hot soup is not difficult.


    • In addition to the main course, you can eat all sorts of fruits. Ban only bananas.


    • Still soup, and it is additionally allowed to eat fresh, steamed or steamed vegetables. Exceptions will be legumes and corn. Fruits are also excluded.


    • You can have soup, vegetables, fruit. You can not - potatoes and bananas.


    • Repeats the diet of the environment, you can add 2 bananas and milk to it.


    • In addition to soup, you can eat meat, and from vegetables the choice falls on tomatoes. A portion of lean beef is very generous - up to 800 grams.


    • The sixth day is still meat. Low-fat beef - no limit. Vegetables any, preference to leafy crops. The potato is excluded. And of course, soup.


    • The Last Day. Soup and an unlimited amount of brown rice and vegetables. You can drink fruit unsweetened juices.

    The products are quite diverse, so it will be easy to give up completely bread, pasta, pork, carbonated drinks, sweets, smoked foods and fats. It is recommended to drink plenty of plain water. Physical activity is required, at least 30 minutes a day. It may be a bicycle, running, dancing, anything that pleases and brings pleasure.

    After the main weight loss, the second part begins - weight retention. The basis of the second stage is the ability to choose products and the right approach to nutrition. Portions can be voluminous, but low-calorie. You can make yourself a menu yourself, taking as a basis the "pyramid".Allowed some indulgence, you can pamper yourself with not too useful goodies, but infrequently. At the same time, excess weight will still gradually leave, up to 1 kg per week.

    We also recommend that you read the article Diet on a separate diet.

    Results, reviews of thin and doctors about the diet of the Mayo Clinic ^

    If you follow the simple recommendations, the results of the diet Mayo can justify even the most daring expectations. For a week it will leave from 5 kg of excess weight at insignificant its surplus and to 8 kg if the scales grieve very strongly. After a week, it is recommended to take a break in 1 or 2 days. Then it is recommended to again adhere to a rational diet.

    There is no strict mode of eating, at the first senses of hunger you need to eat soup or foods that are allowed on that day, so the diet is easily tolerated. The technique of Mayo is developed by professional dieticians, so from the point of view of medicine, there are no contradictions in it. This is a very flexible approach to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

    After all, not just the extra pounds go away, but the general health improves considerably. This is evidenced by multiple positive responses about the diet of Mayo. The second part of the diet is responsible for weight retention, where you can eat any foods, but most of them should be the lower layer of the pyramid, and products from the upper layers should be consumed in a limited way.

    Having developed the habit of sticking to a healthy diet, weight gain will not be terrible, even if you allow yourself a little indulgence. Once a month, the eaten pork shish kebab or cake shape will not be spoiled if other days do not allow unnecessary excesses. Proper nutrition and sport guarantee an excellent figure and health for many years.

    We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: