
What is the risk of inflammation of the bronchi? Signs and therapy of the disease

  • What is the risk of inflammation of the bronchi? Signs and therapy of the disease

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    Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, which in most cases has a viral etiology and develops against the background of a cold or flu.

    This pathology requires timely treatment, as it can provoke the development of chronic obstruction in the bronchi and lungs, which leads to emphysema, chronic obstructive bronchitis or causes bronchial asthma.

    Causes of inflammation in the bronchi of

    • ARVI and attachment to the pathological process of bacterial flora;
    • gastroesophageal reflux, when hydrochloric acid affects the esophagus and larynx;
    • inhalation of tobacco smoke, as well as toxic gases or dust;
    • the risk of getting bronchitis increases with the presence of a chronic foci of infection in the body;
    • adverse environmental situation;
    • hereditary deficiency of alpha-1-antitrypsin;
    • climatic conditions with high humidity.

    Clinical picture of bronchitis

    When the patient develops bronchial inflammation, the symptoms of the lesion depend on the level of inflammatory changes and the degree of obstruction.

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    So, with a pronounced inflammatory process, the signs of an organism intoxication come to the fore, and in the presence of a pronounced obturator syndrome, significant disturbances in external respiration are evident in the clinical picture-shortness of breath, prolonged exhalation and spastic cough, gas exchange disorders( with severe bronchial inflammation).

    Symptoms of inflammation of the bronchi include the following symptoms:

    • is an irritating and unproductive cough that is accompanied by pain due to the development of concomitant tracheitis;
    • shortness of breath;
    • sputum - in the beginning of the disease of astringent, vitreous, may contain blood veins, later becomes mucopurulent, is released in large quantities;
    • , when the pathological process spreads to the lower parts of the bronchial tree, hyperthermia develops( high body temperature);
    • with percussion in most cases, pathological changes are absent;
    • at auscultation note hard breathing, wheezing dry, change their character after coughing;
    • X-ray diagnostics does not show significant changes, although sometimes it is possible to observe an increase in pulmonary pattern in the basal area.

    Inflammation of the bronchi in children is characterized by a fairly long fever( up to 10 days), marked by signs of respiratory failure.

    Patients have an increase in the frequency of respiratory movements, bloating and involvement of additional muscles in the act of breathing, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle.

    Cough is first dry, then it becomes wet and productive( with sputum secretion).Quite often, bronchitis in children occurs with bronchial obstruction. At the same time, wheezing, elongated exhalation, tachypnea develops.

    The temperature can be within normal limits or reach subfebrile indices. With such inflammation of the bronchi, children become restless and try to change their position more often.

    Treatment and therapy

    Treatment of inflammation of the bronchi is carried out taking into account the etiology and severity of clinical symptoms after a detailed examination of the patient.

    In the diagnosis of this disease take into account the complaints of patients, the features of the clinic for the defeat of the bronchi, as well as data obtained after percussion, auscultation, radiography.

    Auxiliary diagnostic methods are the detection in the blood of leukocytosis and ESR( nonspecific signs that indicate only the presence of inflammatory process in the body and its intensity).

    External respiration functions are also defined. So, with inflammation of the bronchi, the vital capacity of the lungs decreases, as well as the basic expiratory parameters during pneumotachometry.

    It is worth noting that, before treating bronchial inflammation, differential diagnosis should be made with inflammation of the lung tissue, asthmatic bronchitis, which in most cases is allergic in nature and requires the appointment of antihistamines, as well as with acute stenosing laryngotracheitis. The peculiarity of this disease is the development of inspiratory dyspnea, stridor and respiratory failure.

    Depending on the clinical picture of the disease, antipyretic drugs may be prescribed, remedies that restore nasal breathing, when coughing is recommended to take antitussives.

    Most often, doctors, when deciding how to remove mucus from the bronchi, prescribe expectorant and mucolytic agents that can be injected directly into the bronchi with the aid of a nebulizer for greater efficiency. In addition, therapeutic gymnastics and postural drainage of the bronchi are prescribed.

    Among the herbs for the bronchi most often used chamomile, leaves of eucalyptus and plantain large, calendula flowers or elderberry black. Solutions are prepared for ingestion or for inhalation.

    Bronchial diseases require an integrated approach to treatment, which should include pharmacological therapy, bed rest and adequate nutrition with plenty of warm drinking, physiotherapy and massage.

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