  • Causes and Diagnosis of Brochitis

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    Bronchitis is a diffusely inflammatory disease of the bronchi that affects the mucous membrane or completely the entire thickness of their walls.

    Inflammation of the bronchi can arise as an independent, isolated pathological process, or as a complication that develops against the background of previous infections and chronic diseases.

    In case of damage to the mucous epithelium, the development of natural secretion, motor activity of the cilia and, consequently, the process of cleansing are disrupted. Specialists distinguish different forms of the disease, depending on the etiology, pathogenesis and methods of treatment.

    Causes of this disease

    There are many reasons for developing bronchitis, but only a few of them are recognized by all world medical organizations:

    • smoking;
    • heredity. Thus, the disease can result from a lack of alpha-1-antitrypsin in the body;
    • is a bad environmental situation, in particular, the saturation of the atmosphere with dust and various harmful gases.
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    Secondary causes include passive smoking, poor living conditions, alcoholism, etc. As a rule, the disease develops very quickly when the bronchial mucosa is permanently damaged by some particles that are in the air.

    Another reason that can contribute to the onset of the disease is unfavorable for the human body climate - constant humidity, frequent changes in weather, fogs.

    When the bronchial mucous membranes are permanently damaged, such lesions act as a kind of catalyst that contributes to a continuous increase in sputum production. Subsequently, a person constantly has a need to cough, in order to eliminate phlegm from the respiratory tract.

    Specialists have proved that smoking is one of the first reasons that contribute to the onset of this disease. So, according to statistics, smoking people have a prolonged form of illness 3-4 times more often than those who do not smoke.

    However, it does no less harm to the lungs and work in harmful production - chemical and woolen, as well as baking plants, too, often suffer from bronchitis.

    Classification of the disease

    Bacterial bronchitis is rare, because bacteria can not firmly fix on the mucous membrane of the organ.

    Therefore, when mucosal damage is eliminated, as a rule, bacterial infection also disappears. This type of bronchitis usually appears as a complication after viral infections.

    Viral bronchitis is the result of infection in the body. In the process of breathing, the virus from the nasopharynx cavity enters the bronchi and is fixed there, after which it begins to multiply inside the cells of the mucous membrane and damage it. It is typical for children, in adults this form is rare.

    Chlamydia bronchitis is also more characteristic of the child's body. Usually, this disease begins gradually, and it takes place with adequate treatment in just a couple of weeks.

    Mycoplasma bronchitis differs from the above forms of the disease only cause of occurrence.

    Diagnosis of the disease of various forms of

    Specialists are allocated a huge number of types and forms of bronchitis, depending on the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, as well as on the location of the inflammatory process.

    For example, depending on the location of the inflammatory process, tracheal bronchitis, bronchiolitis and bronchitis with a predominant lesion of small and medium bronchi are isolated.

    Tracheal bronchitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the trachea, bronchi or bronchioles. This type of disease is characterized by rapid spread, damage to the mucous membrane of the organs.

    For the most part of cases, with proper treatment, this disease completely disappears within a couple of weeks without causing any appreciable harm to health.

    Diagnosis of bilateral bronchitis means that the inflammatory process has developed in both lobes of the lungs. As a rule, this species is diagnosed in the acute course of the disease and is not dangerous for a person with timely and adequate treatment.

    Diffuse bronchitis is typical for the chronic course of the disease, in which pathology captures most of the lungs. This form of the disease can be either one-sided or two-sided, often in combination with it, experts diagnose tracheitis.

    Destructive, characterized by a violation of the structure of the walls of the bronchi. In fact, only a specialist after a complete examination of the patient, as well as performing various diagnostic procedures, can accurately determine the exact form of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

    Therefore, if symptoms are characteristic of the disease, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.


    Like any other disease, bronchitis can lead to more severe complications if untreated. So, among the consequences can be identified pneumonia, pneumonia, pathological changes in the tissues of the respiratory system, etc.

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