  • Absolute glaucoma is the terminal stage of the disease

    Absolute glaucoma is the terminal state of glaucoma, its final stage, in which vision is completely lost and blindness occurs. This degree of disease is characterized by the detection of irreversible phenomena of all parts of the eyeball, the absolute atrophy of the optic nerve.

    The level of intraocular pressure( IOP) and the condition of the anterior ciliary vessels allow to determine the degree of compensation of glaucoma. At the initial stage of glaucoma, the IOP level does not exceed 28 mm.gt;Art.(compensatory stage of glaucoma).The stage of decompensation speaks of IOP above 28 mm.gt;Art.(a symptom of "cobra", in which there is an expansion of the surface vessels of the eyeball).In this case, there may also be edema of the cornea and other eye tissues.

    Absolute glaucoma is a severe and unfavorable outcome of all clinical manifestations of glaucoma, which result in complete and final blindness. With constantly increased IOP, a disturbance of normal functioning and metabolism in the tissues of the organ of vision occurs. This leads to atrophic changes and a gradual fading of functions. There may be severe pain.

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    Dystrophic changes of the eye are expressed in the defeat of the cornea in the form of keratitis or ulcers of the cornea of ​​the eye. The process can be complicated by the attachment of the infection, as a result, there may be a complication in the form of corneal perforation. During the appearance of perforation, hemorrhagic manifestations are noted, when a rupture of the posterior arteries occurs and the membranes of the eye( or part of them) are pushed out of the eyeball under blood pressure.

    Treatment of absolute glaucoma

    The method of treatment of absolute glaucoma is only operational when it is necessary to eliminate intolerable pain caused by degenerative changes in nerve endings. The operation is usually appointed after unsuccessful attempts at a conservative method of treatment. Most often, distraction therapy, the increased use of miotic drugs, usually do not work.

    Authoritative ophthalmologists believe that the use of conventional surgeries that are used to treat glaucoma does not give the expected effect. So, there are complications in the form of gash wounds, bleeding, a sharp increase in IOP, pain intensification. That is why, based on many years of practice and world experience, it was decided that the optimal option for surgical treatment of absolute glaucoma is opticociliary nevrectomy.

    This operation is technically simple in the practice of ophthalmic surgery, while simultaneously representing a very effective means of eliminating pain. In most cases, the eye can be preserved as a cosmetic organ. Of course, there are contraindications for this operation:

    • Severe condition of the patient.
    • Dystrophic changes in the cornea.
    • Malignant neoplasms.

    Also, one should be especially careful when trophic corneal disorders, because in this case, opticociliary nevrectomy can have an adverse effect.

    At the same time, with dolorous absolute glaucoma, the operation of ciliary surgery and diathermocoagulation of the ciliary nerves without cutting the optic nerve can be very favorable for effective removal of pain and influence on trophic processes in the cornea of ​​the eye. This operation is much less dangerous, although it is more complicated technically. According to the doctors' observations, the postoperative course bears a favorable character regarding the elimination of the pain syndrome and improvement of the general condition of the patient.

    In some cases, for medical reasons, the enucleation of the eyeball is performed, i.e., its removal. Subsequently, it is possible to perform intraocular prosthetics to eliminate the cosmetic defect.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    An early diagnosis of the disease in the early stages is of great importance and the most important role in preserving vision. Even successful surgical treatment does not guarantee the preservation of vision, if the operation was performed in a developed or neglected stage of the disease.

    Considering the fact that glaucoma can start unnoticeably, have a slightly symptomatic picture, then detection of this disease in the early stages is a difficult task even for experienced specialists.

    Therefore, any changes in sight, loss or narrowing of its fields, discomfort and painful feelings should be a warning signal for the patient and the doctor. The diagnosis consists of a comprehensive analysis of patient complaints, an anamnesis of his life, as well as testing, tests and instrumental methods of examining the organs of vision.

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