  • Asperger's Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention

    What is it - Asperger syndrome has become an actual problem in recent times, which is associated with a change in the lifestyle of modern man.

    This is a condition in which there is a schizoid personality disorder of the type of autism, that is, withdrawal into oneself.

    Once emerged, this condition exists for life.

    The main features are as follows:

    • lack of emotional activity
    • they do not have a close relationship with the people around them
    • sincere desire to be alone
    • such people are in their own world, in their own fantasies.
    This syndrome was described by Hans Asperger as one of the manifestations of schizoid disorder, which has been observed since childhood. In the risk group are representatives of the male sex, as well as persons who have a hereditary heredity for autism.

    Causes of

    The causes of Asperger syndrome are not completely established. At the present time, an assumption is made about the hereditary nature of this pathological condition. Therefore, given the ambiguity of the reasons, effective etiotropic treatment of this disorder is not possible. Only symptomatic therapy is performed.
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    Numerous studies have found that the development of this syndrome does not depend on such factors as:

    • features of child rearing
    • lifestyle of a person
    • general condition of the body.

    Symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome

    Clinical manifestations in Asperger syndrome affect almost all mental functions, namely:

    • communication, that is, communication
    • interaction with surrounding people
    • social imagination.
    The maximum manifestation of symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome is observed during puberty, that is, puberty. With such adolescents, it becomes difficult to find a common language. They do not grasp the intonational difference, they do not understand facial expressions and gestures.

    As a result, this is characterized by the appearance of anxiety and anxiety. Such children often show a high level of intelligence, so geniuses in this category are not uncommon. Sometimes, however, there may be difficulties in the communication process. These patients need constant support from surrounding people. In such conditions, they can lead a full life without feeling defective.

    People with this disorder of mental functions do not know when to start a conversation, but when to finish it. They do not understand jokes, as well as various comparative turns. Therefore, a person who communicates with such patients should show a sense of tact and conciseness, to express themselves very clearly.

    People with Asperger's syndrome have almost no friends and friends, because no one can understand them, especially their behavior during a conversation. Although these patients want to maintain a friendly relationship, but they get it very badly, if not to say that it does not work at all. Due to their rich imagination, they often in the future choose the profession of actors, journalists and other creative trends. However, their professional activities often fail because of the lack of creative approach, original thinking and a certain logic of reasoning.

    Children also show interest in specific games. They like those where logical reasoning is required. Games of a fantasy plan, as well as pretense of them do not entice. Therefore, they early start playing dominoes, checkers, chess.

    Patients with Asperger's syndrome are very fond of order. They constantly lay out the objects in the room for "their seats", they try to establish their own rules of life, and if they are violated, this leads to a great disappointment. And as a rule, their implementation in most cases is not possible because of the serious demands to yourself and your life.

    Having a certain hobby that makes a person devote all his free time to this activity is another characteristic clinical feature of Asperger's syndrome. Such patients can not distinguish between main and secondary, so hobbies prefer their main work.

    In addition, sensory disorders can be noted in this disease, that is, the work of the sense organs can be either strengthened or weakened. Therefore, intense stimuli( bright light, loud sounds, strong touches) lead to the appearance of anxiety, self-concern. The perception of one's own body can be violated, which expresses difficulties in moving, performing certain actions, etc.


    Diagnosis of Asperger syndrome is based on the results of a special test that identifies the main characteristic disorders. In contrast to the typical autism in this disease, there is no violation of cognitive functions, as well as speech. This means that the external manifestations of the disease for a long time are absent.

    Given the characteristics of the test, carrying it in adults is easier in comparison with children. Therefore, this syndrome is more often diagnosed in adults. Also, as part of the diagnostic search, the doctor must find out the family history, the features of the child's communication with peers, adherence to certain games, etc.

    Treatment of Asperger's Syndrome

    Pharmacological treatment of Asperger syndrome is currently not available. The main therapeutic measures should be directed to the following:

    • creating the most comfortable conditions for a sick person
    • creating opportunities for self-realization
    • advice on choosing the most suitable profession( should be preferred to those that require a logical approach)
    • improving nutrition
    • psychotherapy for behavior correction,e.
    The main recommendations for dealing with patients with Asperger syndrome are as follows:

    • specific expression of one's own thoughts during communication( there should not be ambiguous phrases)
    • phrases should be short and logically completed
    • may require a visual presentation of thoughts for better understanding( video-and photographic materials)
    • give an opportunity for a person to speak out on topics of interest to him.


    Prevention of Asperger syndrome, which will prevent its development, is not developed. Therefore, in the presence of burdened heredity for autism, it is necessary to regularly advise the child from a psychologist and psychiatrist. This will allow timely diagnosing this mental disorder. As a result, parents will know how to behave with the baby in order to minimize the manifestations of the disease.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that Asperger syndrome is a genetically conditioned condition that is characterized by a disorder of mental functions according to the schizoid type. This leads to the violation of certain functions, the main one of which affects the communication abilities of a person. Such patients are difficult to communicate with others.

    As a result, this affects their future lives - they have no friends, can not be realized in professional activities, especially if it concerns a creative direction. However, they need to create favorable conditions for full-fledged life management, since there is no pharmacological correction of Asperger's syndrome.

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