  • Mastopathy: symptoms, treatment, reasons, photo

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    What is it - mastopathy is one of the most common diseases of the mammary glands that is known to mankind for more than a hundred years.

    More than 50% of women have ever experienced short-term symptoms of mastopathy or have encountered this diagnosis after a doctor's examination.

    This disease is characterized by benign growth of the breast tissue, which is often accompanied by pain.

    It is remarkable that mastopathy occurs in women at any age, even during menopause or in girls after the first menstruation. There are also cases of mastopathy in men.

    Classification of

    Mastopathy is divided into two types - diffuse and nodal.

    In diffuse form, there is a proliferation of tissues, which is accompanied by painful sensations before menstruation, and in the upper chest there are small seals.

    If you do not treat mastopathy at this stage, then the disease goes into a nodal form. It is characterized by the formation of dense knots, which are perfectly probed in the chest due to their size. The pains become stronger, have a pulling or stitching character, they can give to the ribs, shoulders or back.
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    They do not disappear with the onset of a new menstrual cycle and can bother in any phase of the cycle. It is also possible to extract fluid from the nipple.

    Causes of mastopathy

    Mastopathy occurs as a result of hormonal disorders of various origins. Abortion, stressful situations, pregnancy, childbirth, gynecological diseases, various endocrine disorders are far from an incomplete list of what can start a malfunction in the woman's fine hormonal system.

    Most often, the combination of several factors negatively affects the hormonal system, leading to functional disorders of the endocrine system.

    Symptoms of mastopathy

    By itself, this disease is not dangerous. The appearance of seals and nodules is of a benign nature, and pain can for a long time not disturb a woman.

    But mastopathy should be diagnosed as early as possible, since it is against its background that many dangerous diseases develop, for example, tumors or precancerous conditions.

    For diffuse and nodular mastopathy, a different degree of symptom severity is typical. So, with diffuse mastopathy a woman will complain about:

    • drawing chest pains that appear in the luteal phase of the cycle and end with the onset of menstruation;
    • heaviness in the chest;
    • increase in breast size.
    To many women, these manifestations do not seem to be symptoms of the disease, so rarely does anyone go to the doctor on time. In some cases, such symptoms are indeed a variant of the norm and do not require treatment, but most often there is diffuse mastopathy, which is well treated in this period of development.

    Without treatment, the symptoms intensify, new ones appear and eventually the woman begins to suffer from:

    • strong chest pains that appear regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle and are often given to the shoulders, ribs, back, etc.;
    • breast augmentation;
    • soreness of the nipples;
    • discharge from the nipples that look like colostrum.
    The above symptoms are the phenomena of nodal mastopathy.

    Diagnosis of mastopathy

    The main role in the diagnosis of any breast disease is assigned to a woman. Even the slightest changes in the breast can be detected using a home-made manual examination. His techniques can be taught by every gynecologist.

    In addition, almost in all women's consultations there are booklets that tell in detail about the home examination of the chest. It is carried out in the first phase of the cycle. First, the woman should stand at the mirror, one hand to throw behind the head, and the other to start probing the axillary zone and chest. On the other hand, the same thing is done. Next, the chest is probed with the hands down.

    If desired, you can repeat the same actions lying on the bed, but in this case a small pillow should be placed under the shoulder. Normally there should be no knots, seals and painful sensations.

    If a woman during the home examination felt strange densities or sensations, then it makes sense to go to the doctor for a checkup. The doctor will conduct a clinical examination, feel the chest and ask the necessary questions. If necessary, a general blood test, biochemical blood test and hormonal status tests( determination of the level of progesterone, estrogen and prolactin) will be prescribed.

    Assignment of instrumental examination is possible. Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands and mammography are two excellent methods by which it is possible to diagnose not only mastopathy, but also other diseases of the mammary glands.

    Ultrasound and mammography have a high diagnostic efficiency, which allows one to recognize tumors smaller than 1 cm. If a node or tumor is found during the examination, then in some cases a biopsy will be required to perform the cytological examination. In addition, discharge from the nipples, if any, are also sent to the laboratory for research.

    Treatment of mastopathy

    Mastopathy is not a dangerous disease, but, unfortunately, against its background, the risk of tumor formation and the development of various dangerous diseases increases. Timely diagnosis and correct treatment will help to avoid all this.

    Treatment of mastopathy depends on the specific case of each woman, on the causes that led to the development of the disease, as well as on the symptoms and their severity. In any case, treatment should be aimed at reducing the proliferation of breast tissue, eliminating the symptoms and eliminating the causes of mastopathy.

    In rare cases, the use of hormonal drugs, which can only pick a doctor. And the use of hormonal drugs for the treatment of mastopathy should be justified, since the most commonly used conservative treatment, which gives excellent results.

    In addition, to improve the effect of treatment, it is necessary to adhere to the right way of life, which includes the rejection of tobacco and alcohol, regular exercise, healthy food, good sleep and active rest, and the intake of vitamin complexes.

    Prognosis for

    treatment The prognosis of treatment in case of mastopathy is most often favorable.

    Correct and timely treatment avoids all possible complications. In rare cases, after a few years, the symptoms may appear again. Without treatment, nodal mastopathy often degenerates into breast cancer, the diffuse form of the disease is less likely to be affected by such transformations.

    Prevention of mastopathy

    Given that 50% of all women are mastopathic, the prevention of this disease becomes a matter of responsibility. By prevention in this case means a set of measures that will help prevent the development of the disease or detect it at the initial stage of development.

    In a similar package of measures includes:

    • self-examination of a woman's breasts every month;
    • regular visit to the gynecologist;
    • after 30 years of age or on the recommendation of a doctor, it is necessary to undergo an instrumental breast examination every year, which includes ultrasound and mammography;
    • a healthy lifestyle, suggesting proper nutrition and rejection of bad habits;
    • building a regular sex life;
    • evasion from stressful situations;
    • organization of the correct "work-rest" system;
    • regular exercise;
    • selection of the right and comfortable bra.
    In rare cases, mastopathy can lead to breast cancer, which makes it also a preventive measure against cancer. Therefore, there are other preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of mastopathy. About them can tell a doctor-gynecologist or a doctor-mammologist at the next reception.

    For example, in some cases, when the family history of the disease involved breast diseases, the doctor can prescribe tests to identify a predisposition to breast cancer. Depending on the results of this test, the woman will be presented with a list of preventive measures that will need to be followed to prevent the development of a dangerous disease.

    The woman, who first encountered mastitis in her life, should not despair and panic. This disease requires a visit to the doctor, the appointment of some tests, as well as treatment that will help cope with the cause of the disease. And preventive measures will help to never again suffer from mastopathy and those diseases that develop against its background.

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