
How to Prepare for Pregnancy - Prepare for Pregnancy

  • How to Prepare for Pregnancy - Prepare for Pregnancy

    The birth of a child is one of the most exciting moments in the life of each family. Anxiety and joy, hope and confusion - parents experience a sea of ​​emotions, preparing for the appearance of the baby. What will it be like? Is it healthy to be born? How will affect the established relationship? So much to learn, buy, change!

    Traditionally, similar experiences and related troubles begin after the couple learns about the upcoming replenishment. Caring for a happy childbirth and the postpartum period, newly mum and dad often forget that pregnancy itself, although it is quite a natural process, also requires preparation. According to experts, the months preceding the conception are no less important for the health of the child than the months of intrauterine development, since they lay the physiological basis, the foundation of the future organism. And from the point of view of psychologists, this time is ideally suited for the prevention of conflicts and problems of marriage, caused by the expansion of the family and its transition to a new level.

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    How to prepare for pregnancy? Long-term research and observations allowed to develop a whole set of recommendations concerning the behavior of potential parents for a period of 90-100 days prior to planned fertilization. Summarizing different approaches, it is possible to single out several main principles and aspects of preparation. Further material is devoted to their analysis.

    Principles of Pregnancy Preparation

    Smoking in the Planning of Pregnancy

    There are three key principles, or in other words, the rules for preparing for pregnancy:

    • Principle of responsibility. When going to conceive a child, remember that your actions and lifestyle for 3 months before this moment will directly affect the condition of the fetus. If you know that you have been seriously ill in previous weeks or, say, abused alcohol, postpone conception until better times. Although the child still exists only in your project, you are already responsible for his fate;
    • Principle of training for two. Take responsibility and prepare for the upcoming pregnancy should both a woman and a man. First, because the health of both partners influences the development of the future embryo. Secondly, even very strong and self-sufficient women need support during pregnancy. Joint training will teach the spouse to help his wife and share her worries;
    • The principle of complexity. Solving the problem of how to properly prepare for pregnancy, you can not be limited to any one activity or one activity direction. Pregnancy is a multifaceted phenomenon, changing life in the medical, everyday and psychological aspects. For the normal course of the process, all of them must be taken into account and implemented at the preparatory stage.

    Medical Aspect

    The first recommendation for a couple wishing to conceive a healthy child is to undergo a medical examination. In order to identify and treat diseases, both explicit and hidden, it is necessary to visit the therapist, gynecologist and dentist. Both partners should be consulted, although the woman goes through more diagnostic procedures.

    The therapist will evaluate the general condition of the body, will point out the potentially dangerous problems for the fetus, which you need to cope with before pregnancy. The gynecologist diagnoses possible deviations in the work of the reproductive organs and helps to choose the right moment for conception. Without a dentist, unfortunately, also can not do - caries and other untreated dental infections threaten violations of perinatal development, and in some cases even miscarriage. Doctors can prescribe additional tests and examinations, which should not be avoided. Remember the principle of responsibility: you do it not only for yourself.

    A second medical recommendation relates to expectant mothers. We are talking about the admission of special multivitamin preparations that strengthen the body and prepare it for bearing. It is especially important to use a sufficient amount of folic acid( vitamin B9), responsible for hematopoiesis, normal development of the fetal tissues, the formation of its nervous system. Its lack in the body of a pregnant woman is fraught with mental disabilities for the child, including mental retardation.

    Another important point is not to try to conceive immediately after hormonal contraception has been canceled. Wait at least 3 months to bring the hormonal background of the body back to normal. The same period is necessary for a woman to recover from an unsuccessful previous pregnancy( miscarriage).

    The household and psychological aspect of

    Along with purely medical recommendations, there are others that cover the sphere of life, psychology, style and lifestyle of the family. Preparing for pregnancy, it is important to exclude the impact on the body of negative factors - alcohol, nicotine, toxic substances. If a woman works in hazardous production( constantly in contact with dangerous substances or is subject to physical overload), a job change is necessary. If the spouse smokes, he should at least try to do it out of home, and it is better to give up cigarette dependence altogether. The use of alcoholic beverages in the period preceding the conception is forbidden both for women and for men.

    Special attention to the future mother should be turned on your diet. Eaten should be balanced, refusing, if possible, from semi-finished products, fried and smoked dishes, products containing synthetic dyes and preservatives, but not forgetting the full consumption of protein foods. Still, give preference to vegetables, fruits, greens. The latter, by the way, are rich in folic acid. If you care about a figure, instead of debilitating diets, exercise, walk more in the fresh air. But the forces spent on active rest must always be filled with a normal sleep.

    Time for rest

    How to prepare for a pregnancy psychologically? First of all, avoid stress. They are no less harmful to the body than bad ecology. Learn to cope with anxiety, regulate your psycho-emotional state. In order not to worry about trifles in the future, take time for self-education. Read the profile literature, gather information about what happens to a woman during pregnancy, and how the fetus develops. It is possible to visit together with her husband courses or trainings for couples who want to become parents. Armed with knowledge, you will begin to understand what feelings are the norm, and which are not, and the bearing will be more calm.

    And most importantly, when preparing for pregnancy, create a positive attitude."Do not scroll in the head of horror stories" suddenly something will go wrong. "Our thoughts have the property of being embodied in reality. So tell yourself: "Everything will be fine."And believe me, it will be so!