  • Kidney stones in pregnancy, causes and signs of development

    Recently, very parts are diagnosed with kidney stones during pregnancy. The manifestation of this pathology is the active hormonal transformation in the organism of the future mother. It becomes very important to identify the symptomatology of this disease in a timely manner and not to confuse it with signs of other lesions.

    Without emergency, surgery during pregnancy is not carried out. Necessity arises only on the condition that acute kidney is formed in the kidney, excessive bleeding develops and signs of acute insufficiency that do not yield to conservative therapy.

    The operation is performed only by gentle methods, which allow to normalize the outflow of urine. Stones are removed only if they are easily accessible. Such an approach does not increase the duration of surgical intervention and does not cause risks for the future child, since the main task of doctors is to maintain pregnancy. The subsequent treatment can be carried out only after the birth of the child.

    This is important!

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    But in a situation where doctors do not raise the question of a surgical operation and the presence of only suspicions on the development of kidney stones, it is required to visit a specialist of the urologist who will conduct a full examination no later than one month after delivery.

    In recent years, kidney stones have been increasingly detected in pregnant women, and the activation of hormonal changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy promotes the manifestation of this lesion. It becomes extremely important to notice signs of pathology in time and not to confuse them with signs of other diseases.

    Symptomatic of formation of stones in pregnant women

    Any pregnant woman should feel any changes in her body, including disturbances of his work, and even with the slightest deviation understand what exactly is happening to her. This also applies directly to kidney stones. The earlier suspicions of pathology arise, the greater the chance of alleviating the health condition and eliminating any hazards associated with the condition described.

    Should be alerted and visit a doctor in the following situations and with the development of the following symptoms:

    1. Kidney pain during pregnancy. If a woman feels pain in the kidneys, then she should not ignore it. With the formation of concrements, pain usually progresses - its intensity increases every day and comes to severe attacks accompanied by fever and colic. The pain is most often cramped and begins in the lumbar region, gradually descending down the direction of the ureter. The pain radiates into the inguinal region and into the genital organs.
    2. The presence of blood in the urine is another regular sign of pathology. Stones are able to independently go out and at the same time destroy the surrounding tissues. This process contributes to an increase in the concentration of hormones in a pregnant woman - they contribute to relaxation of the muscles in the abdominal region - namely in the ureters and the renal pelvis. This provokes the movement of stones.
    3. Pain in the process of urination - the stones can not come out without pain, in connection with which every urination is accompanied by sharp pains and cuts.

    In addition to the main symptoms of the disease with exacerbation of the lesion or when it starts to flow, these symptoms are accompanied by chills, a rise in body temperature, nausea, vomiting, and flatulence. There is also a risk of fetal disease.

    Consequences of stone formation in pregnant women can be very serious, for example:

    • Severe renal colic, which is supplemented with severe fever and can provoke miscarriage.
    • If urolithic pathology is accompanied by an infectious lesion, then it can cause infection of the placenta of the fetus.
    • Stagnation of urine increases and there is a risk of pyelonephritis.

    How is urolithiasis treated?

    In the hospital, patients are assigned ultrasound examination of the kidneys, colorful tests and thermal imaging. On their basis, a general picture of the disease is established and appropriate treatment is developed.

    If kidney stones are found in pregnant women, doctors first of all block pain by injection of papaverine, but-spi, platifillin and baralgina. In difficult situations, narcotic analgesics are used. If the pain does not recede, a novocaine blockade for the uterine ligaments is carried out, and urine is removed at this time using a catheter.

    This is important! There are different methods of removing stones from the kidneys, but it is best to do this before pregnancy, so that the operation could not affect the formation of the fetus. Surgical intervention is performed only with kidney failure or with the formation of suppuration.

    Drug therapy should be supported by proper nutrition, which, depending on the type of stones, is prescribed by the attending physician:

    • With urate stones, preference is given to dairy and plant products, and restrictions are imposed on meat.
    • In the presence of calcium salts in the diet in the diet, on the contrary, the amount of meat, cereals and fruits increases, while the consumption of milk, eggs, legumes and potatoes is limited.
    • With high concentrations of oxalic acid, milk, eggs, tomatoes and legumes are excluded from the diet.

    It is not recommended to treat the stones with folk recipes during the gestation period, because they are capable of provoking different and sometimes completely unforeseen complications.

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