  • Kidney pyeloectasia in pregnancy - what is it?

    Such a condition as hydronephrosis during pregnancy is a fairly common condition, but the frequency of its development can not be calculated objectively due to the inability to use X-ray methods of research in this period. The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical picture, complaints and ultrasound diagnosis.

    Pyeloectasia or hydronephrosis

    Hydronephrosis( hydronephrosis transformation of the kidneys) is a pathological condition for which a progressive enlargement of the renal pelvis is known, called kidney pyeloectasia in pregnancy.

    This is important! In women, this disease is much more common than in men. In this case, unilateral defeat dominates, especially the right one is affected rather than the left kidney, it has a direct connection with the features of its structure. Therefore, this anomaly is often detected during pregnancy, as the increase in the uterus and hormonal leaps contribute to the stagnation of urine. In such cases, renal pyelonectasia is a temporary condition and disappears after delivery.

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    Information on the types of hydronephrosis

    Depending on the mechanism of origin, there are two types of disease:

    • organic( pathology of the urinary system)
    • functional( temporary state of the body).

    Peculiarities of development of pyelonectasia in pregnancy

    The main mechanism of development of the disease is the process of compression of the ureter, which takes place due to the increase in the uterus in size. Changes in the hormonal background during this time can also have a direct effect on the contractile function of the smooth muscles of the bladder, which in turn exacerbates the course of the disease. Pyeloelectasis of the right kidney during pregnancy is observed much more often than the left kidney.

    The presence of hydronephrosis during pregnancy can be considered a transient violation. This pathology is a functional type of pathology, and, consequently, it can be resolved independently without additional medical measures after elimination of the main cause of the onset, in this case of birth.

    This is important! When considering the relationship between the development of hydronephrosis and pregnancy, it is very important to know whether to establish whether a disease has developed during pregnancy or whether it has a chronic course, that is, it originated much earlier.

    The presence of hydronephrosis is not considered a strict indication to interrupt the bearing of a child, while a chronic disorder can lead to severe complications during childbirth.

    That is why the issue of admissibility of pregnancy in the presence of chronic course of this pathology should be solved on the basis of all necessary studies, and also after studying the functional state of the kidneys.

    Diagnosis of pyeloectasia

    This disease can be asymptomatic for a long time. The exact diagnosis is possible only with the help of X-ray methods of research, thanks to which it is possible to determine exactly how much the kidney, the degree of enlargement of the renal pelvis and other signs of progressive hydronephrosis. But this diagnosis is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

    Diagnosis is the thorough examination of complaints and the collection of anamnesis, the diagnosis of pyeloectasia can be confirmed by examination of the bladder or abdominal organs.

    Prognosis of the disease

    The presence of hydronephrosis of the kidney during pregnancy can lead to the development of complications in the process of childbirth and in the early postpartum period. However, this pathology rarely reaches deep functional disorders in its development.

    This is important! If we talk about the prognosis, pyelonectasia, then it is still considered favorable. With the help of modern ultrasound diagnostics it is possible to establish changes in the kidneys at early stages and to prescribe effective and adequate treatment.

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