
Weaving of baubles from ribbons: video lessons and diagrams for free

  • Weaving of baubles from ribbons: video lessons and diagrams for free

    Weaving bracelets from ribbons on an example of a bracelet + video master-classes

    Making bracelets from tapes is the simplest section of macrame. This hobby is especially common among schoolchildren. In this kind of needlework, like weaving braid from ribbons, video clips will help learn macrame and adult, and the child. In this article we will consider several works from tapes with the inclusion of beads, as well as ideas for decorating the baubles.

    Accessible video for novice masters

    Step-by-step MK bracelet made from tape and beads

    It will need:

    • tape 5 mm wide;
    • pearl beads;
    • fishing line or silicone thread for stringing;
    • needle;
    • scissors;
    • rosette or other flower for decoration as desired.

    Insert the double thread into the needle. Begin to sew, retreating from the edge of the tape 10 cm. The stitches should be placed strictly in the middle.

    The first stitch is made empty. Starting with the 2nd, the stitches alternate with the beads.

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    The length of the stitches must be the same and at the same time match the size of the beads. Loose loose ends in a bow, on top of which you can sew a flower.

    Bracelet made of tape and steel wire


    - spiral wire;

    - double-sided tape with a length of 10 m;

    - mother-of-pearl and multi-faceted beads;

    The end of the steel base should be sharpened as sharply as possible using a grinding stone or an elementary nail file from a manicure set. This is done so that the tape is easily punctured onto the substrate without forming puffs. The tape is divided into three equal segments, the ends of which are burned on fire. Then proceed to thread the tape on the wire at intervals of 1.5 cm, twisting before each puncture. As soon as one turn is completed, go to mother-of-pearl beads. After it goes again the turn for the second segment, the next for the faceted beads, and the latter is intended for the 3rd ribbon.

    To prevent the ribbon from blooming, the ends of the wire are bent in a loop like round pliers or even pliers. And that's what happened.

    More schemes

    Here are the schemes of weaving bracelets from ribbons:

    - Bracelet made of silk ribbon with a button or pendant.

    Its production will take only a few minutes. Through the button pass the tape, and push it to the middle. Tie the knot as close to the button as possible to fix the decoration. Then wrap the tape around your arm a few turns so that the button is on top. The second knot is tied in a place that was opposite the button. Having deviated from the last node the distance equal to the size of the decoration, make one more knot.

    - Fenichka made of ribbon and multi-faceted beads.

    The essence of its implementation is the alternation of beads and nodules, located closely.

    - A pencil made of washers is made in two ribbons of 60 cm each.

    The tape passes through the hole of the washer and the loop formed between the bands. For the middle of the bracelet take washers the size of more.

    So the ribbon in the hands of the master turns into beautiful ornaments.

    Manufacture of bracelets from tapes is the simplest section of macrame. This hobby is especially common among schoolchildren. In this kind of needlework, like weaving braid from ribbons, video clips will help learn macrame and adult, and the child. In this article we will consider several works from tapes with the inclusion of beads, as well as ideas for decorating the baubles.

    Accessible video for novice masters

    Step-by-step MK bracelet made of ribbon and beads

    It will need:

    • ribbon with a width of 5 mm;
    • pearl beads;
    • fishing line or silicone thread for stringing;
    • needle;
    • scissors;
    • rosette or other flower for decoration as desired.

    Insert the double thread into the needle. Begin to sew, retreating from the edge of the tape 10 cm. The stitches should be placed strictly in the middle.

    The first stitch is made empty. Starting with the 2nd, the stitches alternate with the beads.

    The length of the stitches must be the same and at the same time match the size of the beads. Loose loose ends in a bow, on top of which you can sew a flower.

    Bracelet made of tape and steel wire


    - spiral wire;

    - double-sided tape with a length of 10 m;

    - mother-of-pearl and multi-faceted beads;

    The end of the steel base should be sharpened as sharply as possible using a grinding stone or an elementary nail file from a manicure set. This is done so that the tape is easily punctured onto the substrate without forming puffs. The tape is divided into three equal segments, the ends of which are burned on fire. Then proceed to thread the tape on the wire at intervals of 1.5 cm, twisting before each puncture. As soon as one turn is completed, go to mother-of-pearl beads. After it goes again the turn for the second segment, the next for the faceted beads, and the latter is intended for the 3rd ribbon.

    To prevent the ribbon from blooming, the ends of the wire are bent in a loop like round-nosed pliers or even with pliers. And that's what happened.

    More schemes

    Here are the schemes of weaving bracelets from ribbons:

    - Bracelet made of silk ribbon with a button or pendant.

    Its production will take only a few minutes. Through the button pass the tape, and push it to the middle. Tie the knot as close to the button as possible to fix the decoration. Then wrap the tape around your arm a few turns so that the button is on top. The second knot is tied in a place that was opposite the button. Having deviated from the last node the distance equal to the size of the decoration, make one more knot.

    - Fenechka made of ribbon and multi-faceted beads.

    The essence of its implementation is the alternation of beads and nodules, located closely.

    - A pencil made of washers is made in two ribbons of 60 cm each.

    The tape passes through the hole of the washer and the loop formed between the bands. For the middle of the bracelet take washers the size of more.

    So the ribbon in the hands of the master turns into beautiful ornaments.