
Home rejuvenating face mask - how to do

  • Home rejuvenating face mask - how to do

    Aging of the human skin depends on many different causes. First of all, heredity, ecological conditions, diet and lifestyle are important here. Serious influence on the skin of the face is the presence or absence of proper care, as well as its quality and the drugs and preparations used. If they are selected correctly and used regularly, then the youth and freshness of the skin can be extended for many years. Along with cosmetic products and a variety of procedures, a home-grown rejuvenating face mask plays a very important role in maintaining the youthfulness of the skin with a cosmetologist.

    Types anti-aging face masks

    helps to preserve freshness

    action of effective anti-aging face masks, performed at home, is aimed at achieving several goals that contribute to the preservation of freshness and youthful skin:

    • Moisturizing masks help to restore the moisture balance in the skin, which givesshe is young and healthy looking. Of the substances available for creating such masks, you can name such fruits and berries as watermelon, grapes, peaches, apricots, melons. The components of these fruits quickly fill the skin with moisture, smoothing out wrinkles and removing the dullness inherent in the age skin.
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    • Nourishing masks fill the skin with energy, saturate the lost fats and vitamins, make the skin softer and more elastic, which means they struggle with wrinkles. For such masks are used a variety of oils, egg yolks, honey, sweet fruits such as bananas and peaches, apples, cottage cheese, sour cream and yogurt, yeast.
    • Lift masks allow you to tighten flabby and sagging skin, improve the face oval and correct the sagging corners of the mouth and nasolabial folds. The basis of these masks is most often used egg white and a variety of cosmetic clay, yeast and gelatin. Since aging skin is often dry, and clay and protein tend to further dry and dehydrate it, they are supplemented with nutrients and emollients.
    Cosmetologist's work

    If only one home mask is used to rejuvenate, how much effective effect will be very difficult to achieve. However, a combination of massages, cosmetic manipulations, home and factory masks with high-quality cosmetics - creams, serums and tonics - will help successfully and durably resist aging. With good and, most importantly, regular care, delay the aging of the skin can be a minimum of twenty years.

    Recipes for simple and effective masks

    Wonderful effect gives an apple

    Do you remember the tale of apples? Our ancient ancestors were right, these fruits do have rejuvenating properties. To search for them, you do not need to go to the end of the world, but enough to find a decent supplier who will sell organic fresh apples.

    Please note! Store apples should not be used, as they are often treated with a variety of chemical preparations for long-term preservation, which can cause acute allergic reactions and have unpredictable effects on the skin.
    Grated Apple

    Apples for creating rejuvenating home masks are used in different kinds. If you grate a fresh apple on a grater( necessarily plastic), add a little honey and olive oil, this mask will effectively cleanse the skin, refresh and lighten it.fruit acids contained in the apple will have on the skin is very soft and delicate peeling effect, removing and lifeless roughened outer layer of cells without causing noticeable flaking of the skin and exfoliation.

    Baked apple

    A baked apple is useful for the skin itself - it nourishes and softens it. If you add yolks, vegetable oil and honey to mashed potatoes, you will get an excellent nourishing mask that contains many useful substances for the skin. The course of these masks will return the skin to the lost elasticity, density and moisture, noticeably rejuvenate and refresh it.

    Cook a fresh apple in

    If you weld a fresh apple in a small amount of good fatty milk, you can get a nourishing and clarifying mask for the fading skin. The softened apple should be quickly wiped through a sieve, mixed with milk, in which it was cooked and immediately applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.Cover it with a gauze napkin and warm it with a towel. Such a simple mask miraculously restores a tired face with pronounced traces of aging. Unfortunately, this mask is prohibited when couperose. Hold the mask for half an hour( before cooling down), then rinse with cool water. After that, the face is very well wiped off with an ancient remedy, which our grandmothers used again with grandmother's white wine. They, like a tonic, wipe their face, neck and décolleté, and then, without washing off, apply their usual waste remedies. Wine makes the skin white, matte, like porcelain, pulls together the pores and gives a gentle translucency. The effect of mask and wine, of course, will manifest itself only if the procedures are carried out regularly.

    The next simple but very effective recipe is a mixture of yolk, vegetable oil and honey. This mask simultaneously softens, nourishes, moisturizes and tightens the skin of the face and neck. After washing the mask, rinse the skin with water with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or herbal tea.

    Mask from baking yeast

    On an aging, flabby skin, the usual baker's yeast has an excellent effect. For oily, porous, contaminated and pigmented skin, they are diluted with hydrogen peroxide, mineral water or skimmed milk. For normal skin, you can take ordinary water, milk or kefir, yogurt, for dry - in yeast add olive oil. Regardless of the "solvent" mask for consistency should be like a very thick sour cream. The mask is applied to the entire face, except the eye area and mouth. Keep it necessary to dry, lying down and not talking, because it is designed to tighten and strengthen the skin of the face. After washing off the mask, it's good to use a tonic from aloe juice - its biologically active substances perfectly complement the anti-aging and lifting effect of this mask.

    Tonic with aloe juice

    These are just a few of the many recipes for home-rejuvenating masks that the beautiful half of humanity has accumulated over the millennia of the struggle for beauty and youth. All of them are selected for the specific requirements of the skin and can be a significant help in the preservation of young, beautiful and healthy skin.


    Recipe for rejuvenating mask with malt:

    See also:

    Home facial masks

    Tightening face mask

    Eyeliner mask