  • Results of the 3rd month

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    Motor reactions. The child freely holds the head in an upright position on the adult's hands for 30 seconds. The volume of movements in the limbs increases, especially in the shoulder joints. The kid often raises his hands above the horizontal level. Lying on her stomach, she lifts her torso, leaning on her elbows and forearms, and raises her head high, holding her in that position for 1 minute. The chest is elevated, legs lie quietly on the diaper cover.

    With the support of the mouse, he firmly rests both feet on the solid support, straightens the legs in the knee joints. It is a "column".By 3.5 months the child occasionally turns on his side.

    A characteristic motor revival manifests itself. It can be limited only by the movement of the handles and the head or the legs alone, and sometimes it is so strong that it involves the whole body with the arching into the "bridge" and the vigorous spanking on the mattress.

    Skills. Sucks the breast and the nipple very actively. Sucks not the whole fist, but the finger.

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    Hand movements. Animated, the child straightens his hands and encounters toys hanging over the chest. He squeezes his fingers, tries to grab her. Moves the hanging object, watches the changes. He feels his clothes and bed linens. Holds the toy for up to 10 seconds.

    Simultaneously, he looks at the toy that is put into his hand, grabs it and brings it to his mouth to touch his lips. Such simultaneous actions of grasping, examining, examining the mouth, sucking them now are coordinated. At 3.5 months, hands are drawn to the middle line and are compressed, intertwined with fingers. If a child puts a toy in one hand, the second hand will join it and begin to feel the object.

    Spotting reactions. In the upright position, the child is visually focused on the face of an adult talking to him or on the face of a toy. After 2-3 adult calls, he looks at his face for 10 seconds. Follows the toy, which the adult spends before his eyes at a distance of 30 cm along the arc. Follows steadily by turning the head. Trial tracking of the subject is no longer automatic, but interested. The flexibility of the focusing system appears. The kid looks at his hands for up to 5 minutes. He is not much interested in objects removed at a distance of 60 cm from the eyes, he looks with interest only at those objects that are not far from him and slowly move. Recognizes the mother's face in the photo.

    Auditory responses. A normal reaction to sound at this age can be considered the activation or inhibition of general and sucking movements, rubbing the fists of the eyes, turning the eyes toward the source of sound. The localization reaction begins to form. At first the baby turns toward the sound of the eye, then the head, sometimes with some delay. From this period, there is a negative reaction to the sharp sound. The child shudders, opens wide his eyes and becomes completely still, frowns and starts screaming after 10-15 seconds.

    Speech reactions. Scream with distinct intonations( whine, irritation).Voice manifestations become diverse - from quiet sounds to loud, jubilant cries. In verbal manifestations, vowel sounds in various combinations: a-ah, ae, ay, agu , etc.

    Sounds can be pronounced separately, briefly - the initial walk. By 3.5 months you can often hear extended vowels and their combinations - singing. The child selects intonation in the speech. Often plays with sounds( the so-called vocal games).He listens to the sound of his voice.

    Emotions. Following the "required way" of communication, a "requesting method" arises. Shouts are less urgent, there are pauses waiting for an answer. The baby expresses emotional states in different ways. Well-being - an open radiant smile. It is extremely diverse: weak, with a barely noticeable lip opening, more pronounced, involving facial expressions of the whole face and

    very bright, accompanied by the brilliance of the eyes, and sometimes with laughter. Neutral state, lack of emotions the child shows seriousness and alertness, a feeling of discomfort - whining and irritation, active interest - focused attention.

    Eventually, all manifestations: fading or concentration( motor, auditory, visual), followed by motor animation, a smile and vocalization by walking and accompanied by a look in the eye, combine into a single complex of behavior, called the "revitalization complex."The emergence of a "revitalization complex" means that the child has entered the path of development of communication.

    Intelligence. The kid begins to actively suck at the sight of the bottle, he ceases to cry when his mother appears to feed him. The child already understands what awaits him.

    Gradually, interest in the environment becomes conscious.

    By the age of 3 months, infants usually display an increased interest in phenomena that are somewhat different from those perceived previously, giving less attention to the familiar or completely new.

    A characteristic feature is the growth of voice activity and attention to different phenomena.

    • weight of the boy - 5250-6000 g

    • weight of the girl - 4800-5600 g

    • height of the boy - 59-62 cm

    • height of the girl - 58-60 cm

    • Automatisms disappear. The child gets great pleasure exercising his muscles.

    • The two main systems of action - viewing and sucking - are closing. Now for the baby, the hand is what you can see, what you can move and what you can bring to your mouth and suck.

    • A "revitalization complex" appears - the first act of behavior. It's not just a reaction, it's an attempt to influence an adult.

    The "revitalization complex" is the main neoformation of this period. It marks the end of the period of newborn and the beginning of a new stage of development - the stage of infancy.