  • Treatment with vodka

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    As you now know well, in Russia vodka has long been considered not so much an entertaining drink as a healing salvation from many insidious ailments.

    Since many recipes for the use of this product for medical purposes have come down to us from antiquity, it would be at least inadvisable not to use them. Especially considering the high cost of drugs, consisting of a continuous "chemistry", and the relative cheapness of vodka, which consists mainly of only natural ingredients.

    In addition to the use of vodka in its pure form, it produced a variety of tinctures using the natural resources that our land has. For example - tincture of birch buds, or tincture of common duckweed.

    First, we give some general rules for making tinctures from medicinal plants and vodka( 40 or 70% alcohol).

    So, in the self-manufacturing of infusions usually takes either ordinary vodka( 40% alcohol), or alcohol 70% concentration. Then the pre-ground vegetable components of the future tincture are filled with the necessary alcohol concentrate. And the ratio should be 1.2 or 3 parts of raw materials to 10 parts of vodka( alcohol), depending on the prescription recommendation. The mixed ingredients are placed in dark glass panes( usually ordinary bottles), sealed with a cork and, periodically mixing, insist in a dark room for 3-21 days, depending on the recommendations.

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    After the specified period, the obtained tincture should be filtered( through a folded in several layers of gauze or through not too dense cotton wool), again put in a bottle of dark glass, where to store.

    As a rule, tinctures with strict adherence to the storage rules retain their healing properties from 1 to 3 years.

    It is worth saying a few words and how correctly, without harming one's health, to dose the obtained tinctures. This is necessary to know because some medicinal plants have not only healing properties, but - in some cases - contraindications. And often this refers to the most seemingly harmless herbs.

    First, all of the following recipes are designed for an adult. For this reason, children from 1 to 3 years of

    should be reduced 3-5 times their dosage;from 3-7 years - reduce by 2-3 times;and finally, for children from 7 to 14 years, the dosage given in the prescriptions should be reduced by a factor of 1.5-2.

    Secondly, when starting treatment, during the first week of using the tincture, its dosage is reduced approximately 2-fold. This is necessary so that the body can gradually adapt to the new drug, as well as in order to find out and detect possible contraindications and tolerability of this agent by the body. If the effect of the tincture does not cause any side effects, then from next week you can proceed to receive the obtained medicinal drug at full dosage.

    However, here it is necessary to make a small reservation. The fact is that after the beginning of taking herbal tincture under the influence of natural substances in the body of a sick person, a kind of "restructuring" of the immune system begins to take place. As a consequence, there may be a slight exacerbation of the current disease, which, as a rule, disappears after a while, and the process of intensive improvement of the patient's well-being begins.

    Yet there is another important factor that seriously affects the possibility of using self-made medicinal tinctures. We strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor before using these medications as to their compatibility with other drugs that you may have taken earlier or are currently taking.

    It is also necessary to put your doctor in charge also in the event that the use of this drug did not help you at all. It will help you find an effective way and choose the right recipe correctly.

    Almost all of the following recipes contain a dosage in the proportions of parts. Take into account the fact that the parts are weighted.

    So, if you carefully read the basic rules for the use and manufacture of vegetable tinctures on a substance that already has enough healing properties on its own - on vodka( alcohol), then we

    can safely proceed to specific recipes for the preparation of this amazing healing drug from the most common plant components. We think that you do not need to remind you that medicinal plants should be harvested only in ecologically clean places and only at certain times of the year - there is enough information about this. So, let's get started. ..