  • Kerosene-healer

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    Today it is known that medical products, including kerosene, have received wide recognition from

    not only among supporters of traditional medicine, but also representatives of official science. Moreover, treatment with non-traditional household items( salt, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, etc.) is quite promising. After all, it is known that antiquarians did not waste time on trifles: developed by them many years ago and only recently tested recipes is enough to defeat many diseases. Active follower of new non-traditional methods of treatment Vladimir Preobrazhensky gives an example of the history of the effectiveness of treatment with kerosene, told by its immediate participant.

    The case was during the Great Patriotic War."In one of the villages of the Russian hinterland, which was in the fascist occupation, the women who walked along the water found a wounded Soviet soldier hiding in the bushes. Since there was a camp for prisoners of war nearby, the women quickly realized what was wrong. They brought the soldier to one of the houses. It was found that the soldier is not only extremely exhausted, but also literally at the brink of death - a bullet wound of the soft tissues of the shin, received by the fighter two weeks ago, caused extensive gangrene. For help, they decided to turn to a local old woman, a sorcerer, as a doctor in the occupation can not be found in the daytime with fire. The wizard examined the wound and only shook her head. Realizing the seriousness of his situation, the soldier asked to cut off his leg - at least a saw for firewood. On this, of course, the witch doctor could not go. However, the grass in this case could hardly help. And then the sorceress seemed to be dawning: she took a clean rag, moistened it in kerosene, and put it in the form of a bandage on the menacingly swollen shin of a fighter. On the first day, the condition of the patient as if

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    would have even worsened: he would rush into delirium, demanding immediately to take his leg off. However, on the second day, the swelling and redness stopped spreading, then they began to subside. And two weeks later, only the scars and purplish-cyanotic rapidly pale spot reminded the soldier of his deadly disease. Sinister, as it turned out later, knew perfectly well about the therapeutic effect of kerosene, but considered this liquid "not divine," preferring to use the repeatedly tested collections of medicinal herbs. Seeing that it was a question of the life and death of a young soldier, the witch doctor abandoned her prejudice and finally decided to use the "non-divine" agent, kerosene, in order to say that in this situation the witch doctor acted very competently and used all available in her arsenalmeans: the bandage was changed daily, and as a dressing material it used only pure natural tissue, which possesses high hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb moisture. It is not known how the fate of the wounded would turn out, It is difficult to say how kerosene had such a powerful effect neither the causative agent of gangrene - a particular microorganism, but the fact is, the gangrene has gone, sparing the person. "

    The describedthe historical fact once again confirms the possibility of effective treatment with non-traditional methods. Yes, traditional medicine stores many secrets and even the most real secrets. And the statement of the well-known endocrinologist from Rostov Viktor Dmitrievich Kazmin can serve as a confirmation of this: "Many specialists of

    on kerosene therapy agree that kerosene has a curative effect on bedwetting. It is necessary to put an open container with kerosene under the bed, and you can sleep peacefully: involuntary urination does not occur. Why this happens, science has not yet established. "Like this! Why not try it if there is a need? In this case, there is no risk. It's a different matter when you take kerosene inside.