  • A joint game of children - what is it?

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    It would seem that for the question. After all, we have already found out what a story game is, and children play together or one by one, what's the difference. The game is the game.

    But, it turns out, it's not so simple. First, it is not unimportant for the development of the child, he plays alone or with peers, and secondly, the joint game has its own characteristics. To begin with, not everything that seems to us a joint game is hers. For example, two children play in a corner, they have one doll, and they carry out some general actions with toys. And when an adult asks them about what they played and who were in the game, it turns out that their stories do not coincide at all. One of the girls says that she was a mother, and her girlfriend is a daughter, and the partner claims that she was a teacher. In other words, although the children acted on the same playing space, they did not understand the meaning of each other's actions, so that it is hardly possible to talk about a joint game here.

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    In a joint game, the children face a complex problem of mutual understanding. We have already said that it is sometimes difficult for the adult to understand the child's actions in the game. Even more difficult is for his peer.

    In order to better imagine what a joint game is, let us turn again to the analogy. Let's say you are going to visit your friends, not having any clear( practically-utilitarian) goal, in addition, just to visit them and "talk".It is unlikely that you will build a program in advance, a plan for "communication"( first we'll talk about this, then about it, etc.).Even if you have some sore points that you do not mind discussing, you probably will not announce them when you enter the house. Most likely, your communication will begin situationally, depending on what the hosts are doing. If they are watching TV, then maybe you will join them, and then( or along the way) discuss the transfer. If you suddenly caught on the road bad weather, it is possible that the conversation will go about climate change or that weather forecasters absolutely can not be trusted. Maybe you will fall into the midst of the conflict of the pope with the child, and then the conversation can take a completely different direction - the discussion of the problems of upbringing. In a word, the content of the conversation and its turns will depend on a number of situational moments.

    But suddenly you will remember about the subjects that have recently occupied your thoughts, for example about the theory of education of Janusz Korczak, and you want to discuss it with your friend, find out his attitude towards her. If this name says something to him, it will be enough for you to only indicate the topic of the conversation, and if not, you will have to explain this theory to you, otherwise there will be no conversation on this matter. However, it is possible that the friend has his own painful problems, and he will try to direct the conversation quite another way. The degree to which your chosen topic will be able to include the topic that interests the interlocutor, how much your knowledge of the subject of the discussion coincides and how clearly you can express your thoughts will depend on the satisfaction of everyone from communication and the smoothness of the conversation.

    Children-preschoolers do not have communication-conversation( ie, purely speech forms of communication with each other).Children's communication often takes place in the form of a game, interaction in it. But, as well as in free conversation of adults, the general theme of the game is largely determined by the situation. Representations about the direction of its deployment do not completely coincide with the participants, so children, in order for the game to develop consistently, it is necessary to explain their intentions when moving from one story event to the next.

    - And let's play kindergarten. .. And come on - I'm a teacher, and you're a nanny. .. Yes, I'm a teacher, how many times do I have to tell you. .. And let's - we walked with children. ..

    This is a children's "Acome on. .. "is heard at every step, when the children are playing together. It fulfills the function of an unobtrusive sentence of the topic, after which a concretization of the idea follows.

    In addition, participants in the game have to overcome the ambiguity of the conditional game action. Indeed, here is one of the players sitting in the open compartment of the children's locker and gestures, as if he "presses the buttons."For him, these actions have a certain meaning - he "starts a car", but it is possible that the partner will understand them quite differently. Enough for the child to say at the same time "Let's go" or "Get in the car" or just start to buzz, as the situation becomes clear, unambiguous and for the partner.

    Such explanations for the partner accompanying conditional game actions and determining the transition to further game events, perform an important matching function in the game.

    Each method of building a game requires specific explanatory statements from a partner. For example, when the game is based on the level of conventional substantive action, the main thing - to clarify, to define the meaning of the game action and substitute object( the child gives the partner the dice and says, "Ha, you eat bread!").And this is not always necessary if the toys themselves already sufficiently determine the meaning of the action( when these are not conditional substitutes, but copies of real things).At the level of role behavior, much of the child's further actions become understandable to the partner, if he only indicates his playing role. In the example given with the "machine" the child could simply say: "I am a chauffeur" - and his actions, although they were carried out with imaginary objects, would become clear to the partner in the context of this statement.

    When the content of the game becomes more difficult, it is important that for the partner was identified, explained the event that the child offers to recreate in the game( "Let's - was an accident on the road, I was hurt, and you're on the" fast "has arrived!");this will allow the partner to build response actions according to the situation.

    Success, coherence of children's interaction in the game are connected with mastering such an "explanatory" speech.

    If a child is mostly played alone or with an adult( which in general is a "universal ponimatelem" - he has much to understand at a glance, poluzhesta), such skills are added in his slow( due to the fact that they have it just do not need).

    In a spontaneously developing game, its full joint forms appear only in the senior preschool age( after 5 years).And this is due not only to improving the speech and thinking of the child, complicating the content of the game, but also by accumulating experience of communication with peers. Only such experience leads to the child's awareness of the need to be understood by the partner - the experience of behavior in situations of discrepancy of the game, when the partner behaves contrary to the expectations of the child. If you create such a situation specifically( and adults can learn how to do it) and show children the patterns of behavior, which removes "mismatch" can be as early as 4 years to form the child's ability to successfully build a joint play with peers( while, however, at the level of the elementary role interaction).

    Basics also play together in the broad sense are laid very early( before 3 years) through substantive interaction where the child for the first time consciously directs its effect on the partner( adult or child) and makes it stand out as a carrier of a response( still "literally", non-fiction)an action corresponding to his expectations or diverging from them.