  • Child among peers

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    Senior preschoolers already spend a lot of time with their peers. Since the main kind of their independent activity is a game, it becomes the basis for the self-organization of any children's group. Around it and in it are built the real relationship of children.

    Whether it is able to play interestingly, whether it comes fairly in a joint game is one of the important criteria that determine the attitude of peers to a child, their sympathies. And to enter a peer society is a very important thing for the emotional well-being of a child( as well as for an adult it is important to feel an equal member of a production group).

    Inability to play causes the rejection of the child by the peer community and often turns into irreparable consequences, deep personal traumas for the preschooler. The initial external conflict( do not take in the game) goes into the inner-personal, the self-esteem of the child decreases, it gives rise to a feeling of inferiority, or, conversely, negativism, which is already difficult to give psychological-pedagogical correction.

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    In groups of kindergarten there are sometimes children who are always away from other children are not accepted into their company because they can not play or play differently from the group. No direct adult pressure to ensure that these children are accepted into the game does not help. While the adult is near, his authority can "work", but when the children are left alone, everything will return to its place.

    But in the initial stage it is still completely fixable - you just need to help the child learn the necessary ways of building the game.

    Unfortunately, parents do not always see the child's misfortune, and if they see, they do not always understand the reasons for it. Unwillingness to go to a kindergarten, for example, is most often an indicator of conflict with peers, the inability of a child to find a common language with them. This sphere of a child's life should not be out of sight of parents. Look closely at how your child plays with the children in the yard, with friends who are at your house, listen to the remarks of the teacher in the kindergarten. If you find that the child's playing skills do not "reach" to the level of peers, play with him together more. The described techniques of the formation of the plot game, used in time, will help to equip the child and ways of constructing the game, and the ability to listen to the partner, to understand it.

    Another reason for conflicts with peers( except inability to play) can be too high self-esteem of a child who is used to playing and communicating with adults who are indulgent to him, over-praise, understand from the half-word. Such a child wants to be the first in any game, does not accept peers as equal partners with their own intentions and intentions.

    Here the invaluable help to the adult will have games with rules. The rules are mandatory for all, choose the first - in fairness( in turn, according to the count, etc.) - all this must be understood by the child, so as not to cause a negative attitude of peers.

    Rules of "fair" behavior can be used in the story game - when choosing its theme, the distribution of roles. True, the children themselves in an independent story game, they are used much less often than in the game with the rules, but the child must have this experience.

    Timely and correct organization of the child's adult play is important not only for his development, his future life, but also for his current emotional well-being, which for the older preschooler is largely determined by the possibilities of his inclusion in the group of peers, the success of interaction with them.