  • Game and preparation for school

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    Speaking about the preparation of children for school, it is necessary to distinguish two of its aspects: broad training, providing a general level of development, and special training - the formation of the child's specific knowledge, skills, skills that will contribute to the success of schooling in the very first stages.

    Everything that we have already said about the importance of the game for the development of a preschool child( the development of the imagination, the arbitrariness of behavior, the ability to work together), generally refers to the preparation for school. In this sense, the joint game with the adult and the independent play of the children is already in itself working for a broad preparation for the school. And this is the most important thing. If the child is sufficiently developed speech, thinking, he can arbitrarily control himself - act on the instructions of an adult, restraining his immediate desires, is able to critically evaluate the results of his work( see whether they meet the requirement, sample or not), so he is ready to learnat school. In this case, not even having learned to read and count until school, in the first grade the child will easily master the basics of school wisdom and will safely move on.

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    But if parents want to prepare a child for school also with respect to specific skills, you can use the game for this purpose.

    Suppose next year the child will enter the first class. The game first of all can help him to feel the upcoming reality of school life. This is especially important for children who do not attend kindergarten( in the kindergarten the children of the older group are taken on a trip to the school, and the kindergarten exercises to some extent imitate the school life - in the lesson it is necessary to sit quietly, act according to instructions, evaluate their results andetc.).Of course, the child already knows about the school according to the stories of the elders, films, books. But you can play with him in school. The very outward side of school life will appear to him in a more distinct form if he becomes a "student" in the game( "while he is a teacher" while he is a mother or a grandmother), who sits at a desk, answers questions, runs on a break, returns with a bell for a deskand so on. After that, he himself will start playing in school. Now he is already a "teacher", and "pupils" are dolls.

    The subject game for the school, specially organized by the adult, can be used also for teaching children the beginnings of reading, counting.

    Direct stimulation of the child is not always possible:

    - You are already great, you have to learn to read, you will soon go to school!

    - I'll learn there, "the child answers reasonably.

    And the parental torments begin:

    - Anya, it's evening, and today we did not look in the primer.

    - I do not want to read now, Mom. I'm playing. Let's get better tomorrow.

    And tomorrow again the same story.

    It is known that when a child does something from under the stick, the result is achieved more slowly, the teaching even before school can become a dull and burdensome occupation.

    If you meet the negative attitude of the child to the teachings, try to connect it with the game first:

    - Anya, let's play.

    - Come on. But as?

    - You can go to school or kindergarten. As you want.

    - Better to school.

    Anya takes a knapsack, which she already gave to her birthday, puts in it a notebook, an alphabet. The puppets are already sitting.

    - We came to school, - says Anya.

    - The first lesson is reading, - Mom declares. - Children, get the letters. What is the letter on the first page? Who knows, raise your hands.

    - Me!- Raises the hand of Anya. - This is the letter A.

    - Well done, Anya. And now I'm going to put the letters together. Who will read what is written here?

    Anya again raises her hand.

    - No, retorts Mom. - Now let Igor answer.

    Anya also answers puppets for puppets.

    Of course, introducing the training in reading, do not forget about the correct methodology, specially designed receptions for preschoolers. Adults need to get acquainted with special literature.

    The development of account skills can be included in any story game, regardless of its thematic content. It can be a game of school, kindergarten, shop, etc.

    - How many children do you have in a group, a teacher? We only have five spoonfuls, how many do your children miss?

    - How much does this dress cost for a doll? Five? I have ten rubles, how much will you give me?

    The simplest tasks can be entered into the game with rules. For example, in a lotto:

    - We have only 9 pictures. You have already closed 5, how many left to close?. . And I have only 3 closed. How much do I have left?

    Playing "jigsaw", you can complicate the rules:

    - Let's do not so many steps, how many points dropped on the die, and each time we add 2.

    - Let's do 2 times more steps each time than points dropped outon the cube.

    When the child has mastered the initial skills of counting, reading( and the initial stage is the most difficult), you need to move on to separating the training sessions from the game. A senior preschool child and a junior high school student will spend a lot of time playing, but they must clearly distinguish between the game and the compulsory work-study, work, for the successful fulfillment of which, volitional efforts are required, overcoming their immediate desires.