  • Role in action when playing with children

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    A characteristic feature of independent games of children of the second year of life with story toys is the repeated repetition of a single game action - first in relation to themselves, and then in relation to the doll.

    The variety of the game is mainly due to the inclusion of additional characters in it( to "feed" not only themselves, but also mother, grandmother, not only a doll, but also a bear, a hare, a horse).

    At the end of the second - the beginning of the third year of life, most children already unite in their game several different actions, already known to them from joint activities with an adult, aimed at a doll( or other toy character).In this case, the child does not care what sequence these actions follow one after another.

    Here's how Dima works in 2 years 2 months.

    The game begins with making porridge, which he cooks, stirring with a stick in a toy pan.

    - Everything, it was welded. To Mishka I will give!

    Dima brings a bear, feeds it for a while from the pot with a stick, blows on it before bringing the bears to his mouth.

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    - Wash hands!

    The boy takes the bear, goes with him to the closet, presses on the wall:

    - Shhh. .. Vodichka. Wash hands!

    Wash teddy bear paws, rubbing them against each other.

    - Now attach a napkin!

    Appeals to Mom:

    - Give a napkin!

    Mom gives him a napkin, which was previously used in the game with the little boy.

    Dima is trying to tie her teddy bear:

    - No way!

    Mom helps him.

    - Everything, Now to walk. Top-top, top-top!- Moves Mishkin's paws on the table, depicting his walking. Then he brings a stroller and puts a bear in it, rolls it around the room.

    Dima is not at all embarrassed that the napkin is tied to the bear when it is no longer necessary, that is, after "eating".

    The child's independent play at this age is often determined by toys falling into his field of vision. Now he can himself "discover" a new action game, imitating adults.

    Mom bought Dima a toy basin. Playing with Dima, she bathed in him a doll. But here Dima plays alone with his beloved bear. Next to my mother puts a basin and puts a cube in it.

    Dima, who again assiduously feeds the bear, takes off his napkin and erases it: he rubs it with a cube, removes it from the pelvis, shakes it, adjusts it to the bear, removes it again and erases it. Brings a doll, adapts a napkin to her.

    This new idea - to wipe a napkin - belongs to Dima himself. Mom supports her.

    - You're good for me. Washed, now the napkin is clean.

    Next time, Dima discovers in the basin a few rags, doll clothes and another - a toy iron.

    Mom believes that now the child's actions will be put in order: he "knows how to wash", now, according to the logic of things, you have to iron.

    But this is our adult logic, the kid has not mastered it yet. The new toy is similar to the object with which the mother acts. Excellent. He will also iron. He does not mind that the linen is in the basin "dirty"( according to the plan of the mother).He concentrates on it with an iron and, only "ironing" everything, several times "erases" in the basin. It's all a normal child's game. In order to play, he learned and the correct sequence of actions, you need a hint of an adult in a joint game in the course of commenting on the child's actions. In this case, it is useful to correlate game actions with real ones( mother first binds Dima to a napkin, and then feeds it, water is poured into the basin, clothes are washed, and then it is patted, etc.).

    Gradually in the game the child begins to correctly display the sequence of actions of adults. But do not be very picky to demand from the child the correct order of actions in the game, to insist on it. The most important thing in a child's achievements up to 2.5 years is the independent discovery of new actions "for fun", the conventions of the game action and the expansion on this basis of a number of game actions united by a common meaning.

    In the second half of the third year of life( approximately 2 years 6 months - 2 years 7 months) in children's games, there can be an innovation: relating yourself to a specific adult and calling himself by his name( "Anya - grandmother", "Dima-papa" andetc.).Such behavior of the child is usually preceded by the appearance in his toy "farm" of real things belonging to one or another member of the family( mother apron, old father's hat, mother's bag, old frame from grandmother's glasses, etc.).Fitting them to themselves, the child outwardly looks like an adult.

    Dima( 2 years and 6 months old), tied up her mother apron, walks around the apartment and tells all family members: "Dima is Mama".

    Anya( 2 years 5 months), putting on grandmother's glasses, proclaims: "Anechka is a grandmother."He takes the book( it was read by his grandmother) and depicts reading( turning pages, muttering something inarticulate).

    In addition, some children begin to correlate their actions with toys and the real actions of adults.

    Dima( 2 years and 7 months), sitting on a chair facing back, twirling the wheel, imitating the engine sounds: "JJJ. .. JJJ. .."

    Interrupting the buzz, says: "Uncle chauffeur!"

    Light( 2 years 9months) after the game with a toy thermometer and a phonendoscope, announces: "Sveta-Lena Ivanovna!"( This is the name of the doctor treating the Light.)

    But such an independent correlation of gaming with the actions of an adult and naming oneself by his name occurs rarely in children.

    Most children after 2.5 years already seem to act in the game like someone else - they feed their dolls, how their mother feeds them, treats dolls, how the doctor treats them. But they still do not put themselves consciously in the place of the other( that is, they do not assume a certain role).

    The stage of the formation of the game, when the chain of child's play actions can already be correlated with the specific actions of a particular person( role), but this correspondence is not yet realized by the child, psychologists call the role in action. As a rule, most children move from "role in action" to a more complex role-playing game only with the help of adults( parents or kindergarten teachers).If the child is not helped in time, then, as the observations of psychologists and teachers show, a conscious acceptance of the role may not appear in the game even after 3 years.

    Two important prerequisites for moving to a complex role-playing game - identifying specific adult-specific activities and naming oneself in the name of this adult - should be formed in the child in the third year of life.

    First of all, certain actions( or a chain of actions) should be allocated to the child as belonging to a certain person, a certain role.

    To do this, you can play in front of the child with his toys, reproducing a series of actions, typical for example, for a doctor, a chauffeur, and then call a role( "I am a driver", "I am a doctor").Watching you, the child himself will start to act the same way, first repeating your actions, and then making your own variations in them.

    For a child who in his own game already reproduces a series of actions specific to a person( that is, he already has a "role in action"), it is enough to connect them with the name of the role that he actually( still unconsciously) performed:

    - You, as a mother, nursed a daughter-doll.

    - You, as a mother, went to the store.

    - You, as a driver, drove by car and taxied.

    - You, as a doctor, were treating the doll Lyalya.

    As a rule, after 2-3 such "summing up" of the child's independent play, it creates and fixes the necessary premise of a complex plot game in the future, as the attribution to itself of the actions of the other.

    If a child spontaneously has an external likening to a specific adult( through an imitative gesture, a piece of clothing) and naming himself by his name, it is important to push the baby to a mix of such imitative behavior with activities specific to this adult.

    For example, the kid put on his mom's apron and declares: "Dima is Mom!"

    But then the game does not go. It in general is not a game. In order for this randomly generated imitation to become a game, you need to push the child to further play actions:

    - Once the mom has put on an apron, she will wash or cook dinner. You are now a mother, what will you do?

    To form the beginning of role-playing behavior, it is advisable to use the method of explaining, commenting on the actions of children that you already know, with attributing it to a particular role( this may be the role not only of the person, but also of the animal, fairy-tale character known to the child, it is important to show him that henow - someone else).For example:

    - Are you a dog? "Mother asks Sveta, who moves around the carpet on all fours.

    - Yes!- answers Sveta. - Gav-gav! Give the dog milk!

    Or else:

    - Anya! Do you drive in a small stroller like Aunt Tata?

    Anya, delighted with the comparison:

    - Yes, walked with Igor. In the elevator we'll go.

    Anya opens the cabinet doors, which, apparently, reminded her of the elevator doors, climbs with the stroller into the closet and "pushes the buttons."

    - Zhzh, let's go! She says.

    In order for the transition to more complex role behavior for the child to be easier in the future, it is necessary to show him also the role in its semantic connection with another role.

    Already the most simple game actions of the child are usually aimed at the character-the toy: the child feeds his doll, puts it to sleep, etc. And in this simplest relation of the child to the doll there is already implicitly a role relationship: mother is a child, however,she is not yet aware of the playing child. The doll is still only the object of the child's influences, he does not ascribe to it any response reactions.

    In order to ensure that their own role-playing actions are more clearly distinguished by the child, and the doll was attributed the corresponding response actions, she also needs to "set" a role. Of course, Mom had to download this.

    Here's Mom sits down to daughter and takes a doll:

    - I'll be a doctor, and this sick girl came to me.

    - Sit down here, - she turns to the doll. - What's your pain?

    - The neck? Now I'll fly you.

    Mom unfolds a chain of actions typical for the doctor( using specially designed toys from the kit "Doctor Aibolit", and if they are not - suitable substitutes, not forgetting to indicate their game value).All her actions are accompanied by a dialogue with the doll: Mama speaks for herself in a normal voice, and for a doll - a thin, changed one. The "sick girl"( the doll) herself explains that she has pain, cries, when she is given an injection, etc.

    But the doll is "cured", and the mother - "doctor" turns to her daughter:

    - Come on- Now you're sick and went to the doctor. I'll fly you. Where are you hurting?

    On such proposals, children usually react differently. Some people happily become patients, but some may refuse:

    - I do not want to!

    It happens that the child even in the game does not want to hurt. Do not insist on the proposal, but it can be modified:

    - Come on - you brought your son to the doctor!

    It can be a bear, and a hare. This proposal is accepted by all children in general, and this is also not bad, because you want - you do not want, and the child himself will still talk with the "doctor" for the "son".

    Observing the role of an adult in relation to the "patient" doll, to himself as a patient, the child best identifies specific role-playing actions - both of the doctor himself and the patient, their semantic connection.

    The next time you can offer a child to be himself a "doctor".The adult becomes a "patient" or "mother" of a sick child( dolls,

    bears), demonstrating more fully the patterns of the patient's behavior.

    In the child's independent game now there will be a conversation with the doll, while still simple, but it is not only a passive object of the "medical" manipulations of the child.

    Do not be upset if the child has not reached such heights in his independent game by the age of 3, as the independent naming of his playing role, role-playing conversation with the doll. If an adult little by little has already begun to play with him, it will go into the independent game of the child later.

    You can be satisfied by the fact that in the child's independent play a "role in action" appeared, he easily uses substitute items and calls his playing role after an adult.