
What are the children of the attached parents growing up? What kind of people come out of them?

  • What are the children of the attached parents growing up? What kind of people come out of them?

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    For what kind of personality a child has become, parents should not rush to take all the blame or all the glory on themselves. There are many factors affecting what a person will grow out of a child in the long run. Loving care in the first years of life, when everything is laid, only increases the chances that something good will come out of it.

    In the early years of my practice, I was keen on exploring the long-term impact of the parent approach. Parents who adhered to a strict approach( greeting the regime, giving children cry, if they so wanted, afraid to spoil, etc.), I put a mark on the medical map in the form of a red dot. Parents who gave loving care received a blue dot. Parents who received a blue dot and used all the "Important Five"( a set of rules for loving care, ie early contact, responsive response to the crying of a child, breastfeeding, carrying a child on themselves, sharing a dream), and also if the father was careful, received an additional point. This simple system was not designed to judge parents' approaches or assess parents for a "good" or "bad" one. Just gather information from which I could draw conclusions. You can not call this research really scientific, you can not establish the exact relationship between what the parents did and what came out of the children, but I was able to come to some general conclusions.

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    Won in the future, not only the children of caring parents - good things have happened to these parents themselves. First, the caring and attached parents of

    quickly became confident. They used basic tools to build loving care, but felt strong enough and free to develop their own style, until they found something that suited them, their child and their lifestyle. During the examinations on the day of a healthy child, I often asked: "Is this still working?" I recommended that parents periodically conduct an inventory of effective techniques and discard everything that does not fit. What works at one stage of development may not work on the other. For example, some children at first better sleep in bed with their parents, but later become restless, in need of changing this custom. Other children at first better sleep alone, but need a joint sleep with their parents in later months. These parents used as a barometer for measuring and evaluating their actions by themselves and their children, and did not focus on the norms of neighbors.

    Loving parents, it seems, also received much more joy from from caring for a child;they quickly acquired affinity with their children. As a result, they arranged their lives and organized the work so as to include the child. Communication with the child, work, travel, recreation and entertainment - all this revolved around the child, including the

    him - because that's exactly what they wanted.

    There were years, and I noted one quality that singled out parents and children connected by affinity - sensitivity. This sensitivity also penetrated into other aspects of life: marriage, work, relationships with others and games. From my own experience, I can say that sensitivity( of the parent and child) is the most outstanding result of loving care.

    Becoming older, these children, who have close contact with their parents, were deeply excited when something went wrong. They were compassionate when other children were crying, and quickly found themselves next to comfort. In their teens, they were affected by social injustice, and they tried to do something to fix it. These children were not indifferent! Because they were so firmly rooted in their own inner sensitivity, they had a desire to swim up the river, against the current. These children will be leaders, creating, shaking this world, building the best.

    The ability for close communication is another quality that I noted in these children. These children learn to contact people by becoming attached to them, rather than to things. They become highly sensitive people even in a high-tech world. A kid, growing up on his hands, is used to communicate and enjoy interpersonal relationships. Such a child with

    is more likely to have full-fledged relationships with peers, and in adult life he will soon have a deep affinity with a representative of the opposite sex. A child who feels loving care, has learned to give and receive love.