  • Valgus deformation of the foot: causes, symptoms, treatment, photo

    The most common pathology of the foot is valgus deformation, expressed by varying degrees of protrusion of the stone to the outside of the foot at the base of the first phalanx, the formation of subphalangeous corns and large deformities of the fingers.

    Such a pathology is caused by distortions and deformation of metatarsal joints, their spreading causing an expansion of the anterior part of the foot, which provokes a large amplitude of displacement of ligaments and tendons.

    The disease has ancient roots, for the first time, mention of it is found in the notes of the doctor and magician Ruselo, dated 1769 year.

    A further description giving a definition of how the valgus deviation of the toe from the median plane was made in 1871 by the famous therapist of his time - Hutter. And already in1911, GA.Albrecht in Russia described the disease as Gout - the most common orthopedic pathology.

    Clinical picture

    To understand the nature of the disease, let us consider this problem in a short form accessible to every reader. The structure of the human foot includes a number of metatarsal bones, finger phalanges, ligaments and tendons connecting them.
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    With a healthy foot, the normal arrangement of the metatarsal bones has a completely parallel arrangement. Due to various negative factors, deformation of the first metatarsal bone and its deviation to the side( outwards) occur, forming an unimportant bulging cone.

    The duration of the process causes the progression of the disease, as a result of which the foot "blurs".Dysfunction of ligaments and tendons with loss of elasticity leads to a more extensive pathology of the first metatarsal bone. Depending on the severity of symptoms and the progression of valgus deformity, the disease has several stages.

    1. 1) The early stage of the disease - is determined by the index of deviation of the toes of the toes to a distance not exceeding fifteen degrees. The cone is small in size.
    2. 2) The middle stage of the disease is determined by the deviation of the finger to twenty degrees. The next finger is the second one, it rises above the thumb, resembling the hammer shape.
    3. 3) At the advanced stage of the disease - the deformation is marked by a thirty-degree deviation. All fingers are deformed, at the base of the first phalanx, a large cone protrudes, and in the places of greatest stress, gross calluses are formed.
    If you do not take any measures and put the disease on its own, incorrect foot loads cause pathological processes in the spine, knee and hip joints.

    The causes of valgus deformation

    The risk group includes mostly middle-aged women, with women almost ten times more likely to have a disease than men.

    Risk factors are:

    • rickets - borne in childhood;
    • age factor;
    • long-term professional employment in ballet and dance;
    • diseases that cause inflammation in the joints.
    For the first time, the cause of valgus foot deformity was described in 1852 by Dr. Brock, who suggested and linked the occurrence of this pathology with the wearing of the wrong shoe. Later, with his assumption agreed, since the systematic wearing of shoes with a high( more than 5cm) heel, a narrow toe of shoes, an incorrectly selected shoe may well be one of the factors of the formation of valgus deformation.

    Due to its anatomical features, the main cause of valgus deformity is a consequence of natural causes associated with a deficiency in the structure of the human foot. In most cases, it is a congenital or acquired transverse flatfoot.

    But even the genetic factor of such a deficiency is not an unambiguous statement of congenital pathology, since, neither in small children nor in pubertal children, valgus deformity of the big toe never occurs. This suggests that even a hereditary factor should be facilitated by any reasons, and they can be:

    • longitudinal or transverse flatfoot;
    • consequence of congenital pathologies;
    • weakened ligament, due to pregnancy or during menopause in women;
    • with a large body weight;
    • in osteoporosis, when there is a significant loss of bone mass;
    • with rapid growth of the foot at pubertal age;
    • as a result of traumatic deformation;
    • of endocrine disability;
    • is a professional activity associated with prolonged leg strain.

    Symptoms of valgus deformation

    In order to detect valgus deformity of the big toe in the initial stage, it is necessary to know the early symptoms of the disease. Characteristic manifestations of signs of deformation of the foot depends on its stage.

    In the initial stage of the disease,

    • is noted with aching pain and exacerbation during walking, in the proximal phalanges;
    • redness and scuffing of the skin of the bulging bone.
    In the middle stage:

    • there is a development of the inflammatory process of the joint;
    • is characterized by manifestations of pain and edema, the formation of growths in the region of the first head of the metatarsal bone;
    • appears under the third, middle flank.
    The launched stage of valgus deformity of the foot:

    • differs by sharp debilitating pains in the thumb and on the sole of the feet;
    • protruding spine-spike well visible visually;
    • skin under the second and third lower phalanx, covered with horny skin or calluses.

    Diagnostics of valgus deformities of the foot

    The first step in the diagnosis of valgus deformity is visual examination, which determines the stage of the disease.

    1. 1) To determine the detailed changes in bone tissue, radiography is assigned.
    2. 2) The method of planotography determines the stage of possible flatfoot and examines the level of load on the feet.
    3. 3) Computer analysis - the sub-measurement, determines the pressure on the feet.
    The results of this advanced diagnosis are the basis for determining the method of treatment.

    Treatment of valgus deformity of the toe

    Treatment of valgus is a fairly long process, requires patience and endurance. Directly depends on the degree of deformation of the joint of the thumb.

    For early and moderate degree of valgus deformation of the foot, treatment begins with recommendations for the correct selection of shoes - loose and comfortable, with a wide toe to reduce pressure and remove discomfort, in order to prevent further deformation.

    Selection of orthopedic devices that distribute stress and reduce stress and friction on the feet. These can be:

    • insteps;
    • interdigital rollers;
    • orthopedic correctors;
    • corrective insole.
    The use of such devices helps to correct gait, eliminate pain, inhibit the pathological process.

    Drug therapy involves the use of corticosteroid drugs, and the joint use of anti-inflammatory drugs with physiotherapy procedures. If the valgus is a consequence of any systemic diseases, then the causes of the background disease that caused the pathology are first eliminated.

    The started stage of the disease is treated with surgical intervention. It can be:

    • removal of the built-up by surgical method;
    • reconstruction of deformed bones;
    • operation to balance the periarticular muscles;
    • distal and proximal osteotomy - changes in angle between bones;
    • arthrodesis - joint fixation operation;
    • transplantation of tendons;
    • operation for joint implantation
    • or about 93 individually selected techniques.

    Prevention of disease

    Want to prevent valgus deformity of the big toe? Then remember, because the main prevention rules are:

    1. 1) Timely detection and treatment, any type of flatfoot.
    2. 2) The correct selection of shoes, without high heels and narrow socks, made of natural materials.
    3. 3) Use of orthopedic insoles and insteps.
    4. 4) With prolonged loads on the legs, rest your legs and make relaxing warm baths.
    Attentive to your health, helps to avoid many health problems.

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