  • Calendula

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    Calendula officinalis ( Calendula officinalis ) is a well-known plant with flowers that blossom in the early morning and close in the evening. It grows wild only in the Mediterranean countries, but it is extremely widely cultivated throughout the world as an ornamental and medicinal plant. The name of this flower was, most likely, for the similarity of the shape of the seed with a claw or nail.

    The generic name comes from the Latin colendae - the first day of every month( hence the Russian calendar).The plant blooms for a long time, inflorescences open in the morning, as if informing about the beginning of the day, and close at night.

    Species definition from the Latin officina - pharmacy is associated with the medicinal properties of the plant.
    Description: The height of the erect branching stem is up to 70 cm. The basal sheets are oblong-ovoid, petiolate;cauline leaves - oblong-lanceolate, sessile stem cells.

    Flowers orange or yellow in large apical baskets up to 5 cm in diameter. Exterior flowers in baskets are linguistic, feminine;internal - tubular, bisexual, infertile.

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    Fruits - bent achenes, located in 2-3 rows, in the outer row are larger and bent.

    Blossoms from June until late autumn, the fruit ripens throughout the summer, as the plant fades. Calendula flowers have a specific smell.

    Calendula will decorate any flower garden and also looks good in a bouquet, where it is stored in water for 5-7 days. Large bright spots of calendula pleases the eye in any weather. Low grades are good on balconies, workbenches and in mixborders. Calendula is used for planting in groups in variegated flower beds and on the background of lawns, rows in rabatki. The yellow-orange gamut of calendula is not bad combined with the blue-blue coloration of plants such as ageratum and lobelia. Calendula is a photophilic cold-resistant plant that tolerates frosts up to -4 ° C.In the heat, inflorescences fade and flowering quickly ends.

    Garden groups are distributed:

    Pacifik with exquisite terry inflorescences, in which the ligulate flowers on the ends are twisted into tubules;

    Medallion with original inflorescences, where the reed flowers are located in a row along the edge, and the entire center is tubular with sprouting aureoles.

    Seeds retain their germination capacity to five years.

    Geographical distribution. The birthmarks of the marigolds are central and southern Europe. At us cultivated decorative plant plant on flowerbeds, lawns. For medicinal needs cultivated in specialized state farms.

    Composition: Calendula flower baskets contain carotenoids( about 3 %), essential oil( 0.02 %), resin( up to 3.4 %), mucus( up to 4 %) organic and mineralacids, ascorbic acid( vitamin C), and phytonecids.

    Cultivation: Calendula is photophilous. In the shade, plants are stretched, lodged, inflorescences grow smaller. Calendula is unpretentious to soils, but it grows better on sufficiently moist areas. Propagated by seeds. Seeds germinate at 8-10 ° C.It is possible to sow plants.

    Since autumn, 4-5 kg ​​of organic fertilizers and 20-30 grams of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers per 1 m2 have been applied for digging in soils with low fertility.

    In the spring, when loosening the soil, 15-20 g / m2 of nitrogen fertilizers are applied. Sow calendula at the earliest possible time in the open ground. For seeding, it is better to take the smallest central seeds of a flower basket, since they give plants with a large number of double inflorescences. Sow in grooves to a depth of 2-4 cm. The distance between the grooves is 30-40 cm. 1 m2 of seed is sown on 1 m2. Shoots appear on the 9-15th day.

    Care consists in weeding, loosening, watering.

    Seeds mature 100-110 days after sowing and retain their germination for 3 to 5 years. They are usually collected in August-September when the achenes are stained. To marigold flowers began to bloom early, you can grow seedlings in boxes, greenhouses, sowing seeds in April. Especially effective is the seedling method for low-growing varieties of calendula. Seedlings appear after 7-8 days, they are dived at a distance of 15-20 cm between plants. Seedlings with 5-6 real leaves are planted in spring in a permanent place. The area of ​​feeding 30 х 40 or 40 х 40 cm provides normal care of plants during the growing season and their good development. When plants are drought, marigolds are watered. This is important, since calendula is not a drought-resistant plant.

    Calendula should regularly pick out the color of the flowers, this stimulates the formation of new flowers, prolongs the flowering time, and preserves the plant's dioratation.

    To prolong the flowering of the plant and preserve its decorativeness, the faded flowers are cut off as the wilting progresses.

    In the flower garden and on the windowsill

    In the specialized farms for the production of medicinal raw materials, the following domestic varieties are grown mainly: Colt, Ryzhik, Sakharov orange. It is believed that these varieties have the greatest amount of medicinal substances, such as, for example, carotenoids.

    However, the decorative qualities of marigolds are not ignored. On the cut are mostly tall, low-branched varieties of calendula: for example, in Pacific Beauty( Pacific beauty), the stem reaches 45 cm in height. Surprisingly attractive look dwarf terry plants of calendula with a variety of color inflorescences, for example, a group of Patio or variety of Calypso, so they are most often used in landscaping. There are varieties and with motley inflorescences.

    Some varieties of calendula can be grown without any special hassles, not only in the garden and on the balcony, but even at home on the windowsill. They will brighten and decorate any room.

    Calendula is a cold-resistant plant that can tolerate sudden fluctuations in night and daytime temperatures, short-term frosts. It is quite enough for growth and flowering of temperature from +8 to +12 ° C in the daytime and from +4 to +10 ° C at night.

    In hot weather, the decorative qualities of marigolds may suffer - the plant is growing too fast, reduces flowering time, the flowers are shallow and may lose their sweat. Therefore, it is important, at least during the budding period, to provide sufficiently cool and humid conditions for maintenance.

    The plant is photophilous, it will be better in a flower garden in an open place, and at home - on a sunlit window sill.

    Calendula can grow on a variety of soils, but still prefers rather fertile ones. Before planting in the garden, the soil is prepared in advance: in the fall, it is dug and brought in 3-4 kg of manure, 40 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of ammonium nitrate per 1 sq. Km.m. Instead of manure, 15 grams of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of potassium salt and 60 g of superphosphate can be added.

    For cultivation in boxes on the balcony or in the flowerpots in the room, you can purchase the ready-made soil "garden soil" and mix it with an equal amount of simple unfertilized soil. Or prepare the soil mixture yourself: 2 parts of loamy soil and 1 part of sand with the addition of compost.

    Sowing on the site is carried out in early April, but it can be done both for the winter and during the summer. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of +2 to + 4 ° C, but it is better still at a temperature of + 15 to +20 ° C.Seeds are usually sown directly into the soil, but seedlings are sometimes prepared. Seeds sow in grooves to a depth of 2-3 cm. The distance between grooves should be 30-40 cm. One square meter is used 1-1.5 g of seeds. The calendula begins to bloom a month and a half after the emergence, that is, usually in late June - early July.

    At home, the seeds of marigolds are put in pots with a diameter of 20 cm, filled with ordinary soil for indoor plants with good drainage.

    Pest and disease marigolds are not afraid, on the contrary, protect other plants on the site from various misfortunes. Sometimes, for this purpose, they are sown along the perimeter of the plot for potatoes.

    Collection: collect flower baskets at the beginning of the flowering period, stopping them without pedicels, and dry in well-ventilated warm rooms or dryers at a temperature of 40-45 ° C.

    Collect full-blown flower baskets in the period of horizontal arrangement of reed flowers. They are torn off and removed by peduncles. With systematic frequent harvesting, new inflorescences are formed, and flowering continues until frost, causing the yield to increase.

    Medicinal raw materials. Finished raw materials - marigold flowers - Flores Calendulae consists of flower baskets with a diameter of 6-18 mm or more without peduncles or with a small remainder of up to 3 cm in length. The carotene is flat, naked. In the baskets of non-marigold marigolds, reed flowers are arranged in 2-3 rows, and in terry flowers - up to 15. These flowers are orange, red-orange or bright yellow. Tubular infertile flowers are yellow or brownish. Leaflets are gray-green.

    Smell weak, fragrant. The taste is bitter with a sensation of mucus.

    GOST 6717-53 allows: moisture content not more than 14%;flower baskets with the remains of peduncles longer than 3 cm, but not longer than 5 cm, not more than 7%;baskets with completely crumbled flowers not more than 20%;stems, leaves and browned baskets not more than 3%;organic impurity not more than 0.5%;Mineral - no more than 0,1%.

    Chemical composition. Marigold flowers contain about 3% carotenoids( carotene, lycopene, violaxanthin, citraxanthine, rubixanthin, flavochrome), flavonoids( narcissine, isokvetsitrin, ramnetin and isoramnetin-3-triglycoside, isokvetsitrin), there are about 0.02% essential oil, saponinsglycosides of oleanolic and glucuronic acids), bitter substance of calendene, up to 3.44% of resinous substances, up to 2.5% of mucus, inulin, organic acids, unexplored alkaloids( especially in seeds), triterpendoles( arnidiol and pharaciol), phytosterols, enzymes,some tannins.

    Action and application. Biologically active substances of marigolds have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action( especially for staphylococci and streptococci), promote the regeneration of damaged tissues. Therefore, infusion of 40 g of 200 ml of water and tinctura( Tinctura Calendulae) are used to treat wounds with amputations, bruises, burns, frostbites, furunculosis, sycosis, eczema, with wounds, to prevent scars during wound healing, skin rashes, lichens, inflammation of the veins of the extremities, with angina, in obstetric practice - for douches, tampons and lotions for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, with angina and stomatitis. . Inside is prescribed for the treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis and as choleretic agentyours. The industrial "Calendula" ointment with tincture of marigolds is applied externally for lubrication with cuts, burns, etc.

    In cosmetic practice, flowers are used for acne and oily skin of the face, to strengthen and grow hair.

    Calendula is also used as a symptomatic for inoperable forms of cancer. Under the influence of the calendula preparation, intoxication decreases in patients with cancer, dyspeptic phenomena disappear, appetite and sleep improve. Calendula has a bactericidal effect, especially against staphylococci and streptococci. Included with the composition of tea blends as an "aesthetic additive"

    Ancient used calendula with insect bites, and even snakes. The healers and wives used the plant for ulcers, cracks in the mucous tissue, for lichens, frostbite, calluses, build-ups on the skin. In the old days, ointments, essences, lotions, rinse preparations, enemas, douches, patches were prepared from marigold. Avicenna advised the ash of marigolds to dilute with vinegar and such a composition to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Calendula was used by Ibn Sina to treat radiculitis.

    Calendula can be used both inside and outside. And with proper application, the plant, undoubtedly, gives a positive result. But that's not all. It turns out that calendula can be simply contemplated - and at the same time be healed! In the old days it was believed that if you look at its flowers every day for several minutes, you can prevent many eye diseases. Our ancestors were sure that the marigolds bring joy, they heal and soothe, they help to remove the stress accumulated during the day. This flower, so loving the sun, is also the most reliable remedy for insomnia.

    Calendula selection is usually done in two directions - medical and decorative. In our country, the medicinal properties of this plant are mainly used. In specialized farms for the production of medicinal raw materials, the following domestic varieties are grown: Kalta, Ryzhik, Sakharov orange. It is believed that these varieties have the greatest amount of medicinal substances, such as, for example, carotenoids.

    However, the decorative qualities of marigolds are not ignored. On the cut are, mainly, high low-branched varieties of calendula: Pacific beauty and a tall calendula Pacific Beauty, reaching 45 cm in height. Surprisingly attractive look dwarf terry plants of calendula with a variety of color inflorescences - for example, the Patio group or the Calypso variety, that's why they are most often used in gardening. By the way, these varieties can be grown even at home on the windowsill. They will revitalize and decorate any room.

    To date, there is a large variety of decorative varieties of marigold. And to decorate your garden or home, you can choose any variety that you will like. In special directories on plant growing or home floriculture, a lot of information about these colors. You will only have to buy seeds.

    Calendula officinalis L. Compositae Family The generic name comes from the Latin calendae - the first day of each month( hence the Russian calendar).The plant blooms for a long time, inflorescences open in the morning, as if informing about the beginning of the day, and close at night. The genus of calendula has about twenty species, but only two are used in culture: the calendula of the field, little known in our country, and the very popular calendula officinalis.

    Calendula officinalis is an annual herbaceous plant 40-60 cm high. The stem is branchy, ribbed, gently oped with sticky glandular hairs. Leaves are regular, the stalk is worn, the lower ones are broad-leaved, the upper ones are oblong.

    The flowers have a creamy, apricot and creamy yellow to dark orange color. At the tops of the stems, a clustered inflorescence with a diameter of 4-5 cm is collected. The scent is fragrant. Fruit is a bent seed. There are varieties with motley inflorescences.

    Blooming of calendula officinalis - abundant and prolonged: from June to strong frosts. Calendula is a good honey.

    Calendula is widely used and used in cooking. The flower is added to dishes - meat, fish, curd, vegetable, included in the composition of sauces and spices. By the way, not only flower cups of marigolds are used in cooking, but also leaves that are juicy enough for this plant. Flower baskets are dried and added to beverages, are included in the composition of herbal teas. Calendula is flavored and stained with cheeses, butter and its substitutes. Flowers decorate festive dishes.

    Leaves and inflorescences of calendula in fresh and dried form are used in the preparation of soups, added to salads, sauces, for additional flavoring of meat dishes. Petals are used as a substitute for saffron for coloring various dishes.

    Salad with calendula

    2 cucumbers, 2 tbsp.l.finely chopped green onions and crushed calendula inflorescences, 1 hard-boiled egg, 2 tbsp.l.sour cream, 1 tbsp.l.finely chopped dill, salt

    Cucumbers cleaned, cut into thin slices, add calendula, onion, dill, sour cream, mix everything. Salad decorate with egg.