  • Parsley garden

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    Petroselinum crispum

    A biennial or perennial umbelliferous plant 70-150 cm high. Its motherland is the eastern regions of the Mediterranean, where it grows in the wild. This is one of the most valuable spicy and green cultures. Petrushka was known even before the

    of our era as a medicinal and spicy plant by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Greeks, who considered parsley as a sacred plant, did not eat it.

    Description: leaves petiolate, root white spindly. Stem is rounded with thin grooves. The lower leaves are twofold and threefold-cut, and the upper leaves are only three-syllable. Flowers are regular, greenish-yellow, collected in umbrellas. Blossoms in June-July. Fetus is an ovoid seed.

    Ingredients: parsley leaves and fleshy white root contain 0.1% of complex essential oil, which is the carrier of odor, glycoside, apinin and mucus. The main components of essential oil are apiol and myristicin. In parsley comparatively large content of potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. In 100 g. Of parsley leaves an average of approximately 7 mg of carotene, 160 mg of vitamin C, B vitamins, 1000 mg of potassium, 41 mg of calcium, and 120 mg of phosphorus. In 100 g. Of parsley root 41 mg of vitamin C, 0.03 mg of carotene, vitamins of group B and 56 mg of phosphorus and other mineral salts, as well as especially valuable folic acid, are contained. According to the potassium content, parsley is one of the first places among vegetable crops and is very valuable for strengthening the heart muscle.

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    Cultivation: two varieties of parsley are known - a root crop with a thickened, slightly branched root crop and a leafy one, distinguished by a branchy root and a large rosette of smooth or curly leaves. Leaf varieties of parsley form a rosette consisting of 80-85 leaves, root crops - from 20-40 leaves and root crops weighing up to 100 grams or more. Parsley is a cold-resistant plant. Parsley seeds start to germinate at a temperature of 5 ° C, but slowly, shoots appear only after 15-20 days. Shoots tolerate light frosts, adult plants overwinter well, except for severe snowless winters.

    Cultivated from seeds almost all over the world. Sow parsley on loose loamy and sandy loamy soils. It is placed on early white cabbage or cauliflower, early potatoes, cucumbers. The methods of growing parsley are similar to the cultivation of carrots. The preparation of the soil consists of autumn deep digging and dredging in the spring to a depth of 15-20 cm. In autumn or spring, before fertilization, mineral fertilizers are applied to the digging, and also the application of wood ash. Organic fertilizers, especially fresh manure, are introduced under the preceding root parsley culture. When grown on fresh manure root crops are highly branching. Under the leaf parsley it is possible to apply organic fertilizers in spring for presowing soil cultivation, but also in moderate amounts, otherwise the overgrown green mass of the plant will lose its flavor and aroma.

    Seeds are sown early in the spring in rows with a row spacing of 30 cm. Shoots are thined at a distance of 5 cm between plants. In the process of growth parsley should be digging, weeding from weeds and watering as necessary. Good results also give seeding parsley seeds for the winter.

    The most common and favorite varieties of parsley Sugar and Bordovik. Sugar - early ripening variety, high yield. Bordovik - medium-late variety with a developed rhizome, demanding to loose humus soils. From the root varieties, the variety Urozhainiy is very popular.

    Grade Ordinary sheet gives an abundant deciduous mass, and grade leafy( sometimes also called French) leaves have an unusual shape of leaves with corrugated edges. It is very decorative, so it can also be used for framing flowerbeds, and after cutting it does not fade for a long time, preserving freshness and elasticity.

    Collection: the first cut of greenery is performed on the 60th-70th day from shoots when the rosette leaves grow 20-25 cm. The last cut is carried out at the end of September. To obtain early greenery in the spring of next year, the last cut must not be done, it is necessary to leave the plant under winter. The roots of parsley are collected in autumn and spring in the second year, cleaned, cut along and dried.

    Medicinal properties: Apiol and myristi-zin, which are part of parsley, are effective disinfectants, diuretics and expectorants. Parsley garden improves digestion, stimulates the kidneys and bladder, also strengthens the heart muscle and is recommended for various cardiovascular diseases. It promotes the excretion of salts from the body and is therefore prescribed when salt is deposited. Parsley juice has the ability to stop many inflammatory processes.

    Application: for centuries, parsley has been used in folk medicine for various diseases: digestive disorders, cholelithiasis, functional bladder diseases, cardiac edema, prostatitis. A high content of ascorbic acid and the ability of essential oil to stimulate gastric secretion allow the use of parsley in gastritis. Parsley uses all parts of the plant - roots, leaves( herbs) and seeds - in fresh and dried form. Parsley has a spicy smell, sweet, spicy and tart taste. In the pharmaceutical industry, parsley root

    Sauce with parsley greens

    2/3 cups of sunflower oil, 6 eggs( yolks), 1/2 cup 3% vinegar, 1 large bunch of parsley, 1/2 cup pureed spinach, 1 st.. and dill, 1 tsp.mustard, 1/4 cup mayonnaise, salt to taste

    Leave the parsley leaves, spinach, dill in a closed saucepan with strong boiling. The prepared mass is cooled, rubbed and mixed with mayonnaise. Add butter, sugar, mustard, vinegar, yolks. All is good to stir. Sauce to serve to dishes from vegetables, meat and fish.

    Salad from parsley greens

    Large bunch of parsley, onion, lemon, salt Parsley leaves and onion finely chopped and mixed with chopped lemon pulp. Salt and gently mix.

    is used for making decoctions and medicinal teas. Broths, medicinal teas and tinctures are prepared from fruit, essential oil is obtained. In cosmetic practice, parsley is used to remove freckles and pigment spots.

    In cooking, most often parsley is used for cooking dishes from vegetables, various salads and meat soups. Finely chopped greens are added to the dish just before serving.

    The root is laid in the dish at the beginning of cooking, mainly in soups and dishes from vegetables. Various salads are prepared from it. Green parsley improves the taste of dishes, enriches food with vitamins and minerals, gives it a pleasant aroma. Parsley can be used in dietary nutrition, especially with diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Finely chopped greens or grated root, many people like to add to boiled fish, game, mayonnaise and potato dishes. In French cuisine, the washed and dried greens of parsley with a stalk are popular, quickly fried in vegetable oil. Still warm it is served to dishes of fish and meat.

    Parsley root salad

    200-250 g. Parsley, 1 large apple, 1 shallow onion

    Root parsley finely chop and mix with chopped apples, add chopped onion, a little vinegar or lemon juice, add salt and season with vegetable oil. If desired, you can add more green parsley. Salad from root vegetables of parsley and carrots

    ISO Parsley( 2-3 root vegetables), 3 carrots, 150 g. Sour cream

    Root parsley and carrot roots, grate on a large grater, mix with sour cream, add sugar, salt, lemon juice. Sprinkle with herbs.