Useful and medicinal properties of icteric spreader
Synonyms: jaundice gray, swamp, whisk, girchak.
Description. Two-year-old herbaceous plant of the cabbage family( Brassicaceae) up to 80 cm high, pubescent with short grayish-green hairs. The root is small, rod-shaped. Stalk erect, branchy. Leaves rosette, oblong, finely toothed, narrowed to petiole. The cauline leaves are sessile, alternate, linear-oblong, entire. The flowers are small, yellow, regular in shape, collected in an erect loose loa of 15-25 cm long. Fruit is a pod deviated from the stem,
up to 7 cm long, tetrahedral, thin, grayish-whitish because of pressed hairs, seeds are small, oblong, yellowish-brown. The mass of 1000 seeds is 0.25-0.3 g. It blooms in May-July. The whole plant is poisonous.
Medicinal raw materials: grass. Places of growth. It grows on dry heights, stony slopes. It is more common in small groups or absent-mindedly. The thicket, as a rule, does not form.
Distribution. It occurs throughout Ukraine, except for the Carpathians. Cultivated.
Chemical composition. All parts of the plant contain glycoside heartfrouts, similar to the glycosides of digitalis, but with less cumulative properties and shorter duration of action. Moreover, in the jaundice of glycosides is much more than in digitalis, goritsvete and lily of the valley. Grass and seeds contain glycosides, erysimine and erizimozide( in seeds and flowers 2-6%, leaves - 1-1.5%, stem 0.5-0.7%), organic acids( citric, tartaric, apple).In addition, other glycosides of cardiac action are found in the seeds, as well as fatty oil, which includes linoleic, oleic and palmitic acid.
Application. The pharmacological activity of this plant depends on the content in its grass of glycosides - erysimine and erizimozide. Clinical and pharmacological studies have established a large value of icteric spreader as an active cardiac agent. By the nature of the action, the preparations from it approach the stanfan, differing from it by the fact that they act faster, but less persistently, they are quickly removed from the heart muscle. In addition, the drugs are expectorant and diuretics, have a calming effect on the
central nervous system, are prescribed for acute and chronic cardiovascular insufficiency, with circulatory disorders, hypertension, angina, cardiosclerosis, with all pulmonary and chest diseases, including hoarand dropsy. Although plant preparations are not cumulated in the body, but, given their high biological activity, they should be prescribed cautiously.
Agrotechnics of cultivation. Site selection. Under the icteric can be taken away chernozem, light sandy loamy, loamy and other soils that do not swim and do not form a crust. The best predecessors are clean or busy couples, as well as winter crops that go along fertilized couples.
Soil treatment. In autumn, the main plowing is recommended to be done soon after harvesting of early crops. In early spring harrowing retains moisture in the soil, and when it is strongly compacted, it is cultivated with subsequent harrowing.
Application of fertilizers. An icteric requiring fertilizers. Very high yield of grass, it gives on acidic soils when applying mineral fertilizers together with humus, with the addition of lime 15-20 t / ha. With such a fertilizing of the soil, the yield is almost doubled.
Propagate the icteric by seeding. You can sow it in three terms: in early spring, in summer( around August), and also for winter. But the best results are produced by early spring sowing. The method of row seeding with row spacing is 45-60 cm;depth of seed sealing - 1-2 cm, seeding rate - 4-6 kg / ha. For podzimnego sowing, the norm is increased to 7 kg / ha( sow without seeding).They use seeders with disc or anchor openers.
Care for plantations. During the growing season 2-3 weeds are recommended to weed out in rows and carry out 3-4 mechanized interrow processing. In the second year of life in early spring, transitional plantations are swelled and fed, and weeds are also thrown out 1-2 times.
Harvesting is performed during flowering, when the maximum amount of glycosides in plants accumulates. The grass is mown at an altitude of 10-15 cm from the soil surface.
Drying. The mown grass is first dried in small piles and then transported for drying to a covered current or to dryers where the raw material is dried at a temperature of about 40-60 ° C.You can dry the grass and under the iron roof with good ventilation.
Packing. Pack the grass with a press in bags or bales of 20-60 kg.
Storage. Store raw materials in a dry, darkened, well-ventilated room.
Seed growing. Seeds are harvested during wax ripeness to avoid significant losses from shedding.