  • father and his child.

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    Some fathers are so educated that they consider caring for children exclusively as a woman's business. But you can be a real man and at the same time a caring father.

    We know that the closeness and friendship of the father can determine the strength of the spirit and the character of the child for the rest of his life. Therefore, you need to be a real father from the very beginning. It's much easier that way. Father and mother learn together. In some cities special classes are organized for future fathers. If the father provides everything to his wife in the first two years, she becomes the head of and in everything that concerns children. And later it will be more difficult for him to put up with his more modest place.

    Of course, I do not want to say that the father should give the same number of bottles with a pacifier and change as many diapers as the mother. But it's good for him to do this from time to time. He can prepare a milk formula on Sundays. If the baby needs to be fed from the bottle at two o'clock in the morning, when the mother is very tired, it would be nice for the father to take it upon himself. If time permits, it is useful to accompany the wife and child during regular visits to the doctor. This will give the father the opportunity to ask disturbing questions, which he thinks his wife underestimates. The doctor likes it. Of course, some fathers goose bumps at the thought of helping the baby, and they do not need to be forced. Most of them will enjoy communicating with children later, when they become "like a real person", but most fathers experience only a little confusion. They need to be cheered.

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    Grandmother and grandfather in many ways can help young parents.

    Besides, grandchildren give them great joy. Often they ask wonderingly: "Why could not I rejoice so much for the children as I am happy for my grandchildren? Probably, she tried too hard and she was too much responsible. "

    In many parts of the world, grandparents are considered to be the main specialists, and the young mother takes it for granted that with any questions regarding the child or for help, you should contact your mother. When a mother believes so much about grandmother's ability, she turns to her not only for advice, but also for consolation. But in our country young mothers tend to turn to doctors first and some do not consider it necessary to consult their mother. Partly this is because we are used to consulting with specialists about our personal problems - with doctors, consultants in schools, social workers, psychologists, priests. In addition, we believe it is obvious that science is developing too quickly and whoever was an expert twenty years ago is not that now. But the main reason is that most of the young parents are still very far away from adolescence. They want to prove to the world and to themselves that they can cope with their own lives. They are afraid that their parents will start telling them what to do, that they will become dependent on them again, and they do not want to return to this state of affairs.