  • The hysterics prefer immediate retribution for alms.

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    One lovely blond teenager and asteroid, crying with a large sympathetic tear, approached with an elegant pirouette in the eyes of the passers-by who were astonished by her kindness to the rascal, whom I knew well( many times I saw how he shifted profits from the cap into his pockets), and bent the swan neck,a big bill, and then in the evening of the same day, before my very eyes, begged my mother for money tomorrow. Do not be so - the mother honestly earned a little money.

    The hysteroid as a whole needs to consider the strategy of life. Here the hysterical disappears from the poor husband without the "Zhiguli" to the richer with the "Zhiguli"( her first husband spoiled life), from the richer with the "Zhiguli" - to the richer with the "Mercedes"( the second spoiled), with the third she alreadythere will be an arrow on the fly, but manipulative habits will remain, and he will throw it out of his helicopter. And then she wants to be pitied, and she will arrange a suicidal "theater of the absurd," psychotherapists will start running around her, but did she achieve this at the beginning of her life? After all, this is a collapse.

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    And if we have a hysteroid in the frame of the figure of personality, and not a psychopath, then she knows all this in advance( and I'm drawing this), she may be careful. Here we are colluding with a healthy part of the human psyche, as Freud said, and the person will not lose life in the end.

    It is possible to advise an itsteroid that he constantly, every five minutes, sends himself impulsive auto-suggestions: I am interested in others more than myself. This will contribute, among other things, to his better reputation.

    Isteroid, be compulsory. In order not to forget anything, start inter-tech, learn from epileptoids.

    It is necessary to properly master the psychology of communication. In the family, the hysteroid produces many conflict agents and few synthons. It is necessary to confiscate its inherent conflictants and cultivate synthons( words, intonations, gestures - in response to the needs of the partner).It is necessary to react correctly to conflicting messages.

    The Isteroid should be careful not to touch the pride of the paranoid, because, as we know, they are very vindictive. The hysteroid must be careful with epileptoids, which will not immediately react, but will, if necessary, take revenge. We must be alert and with the hysterias, who first enter into a tailspin uncontrollable conflict, and then put the foot. The hysteroid must be delicate with the schizoid, because, being emotionally not too responsive, but witty, the schizoid will give out a serving of pepper. And with psihastenoids, sensitivami and gipotimami need to show a special tact and never prick them with caustic stamped witticisms, smirk, disdainful gesture. All this will cause them insult, a decrease in mood, self-esteem and level of claims.

    You do not need to be too demanding on your husband. The hysteroid must say to myself: my husband is an epileptoid, he does not know how and does not want to take care, but he's businesslike. I'll endure it. After all, he is respected in society.

    In general, let's put it this way: where the minuses are concentrated, we should dissolve them in our own or borrowed from other psychotypes.

    The hysteroid within the framework of the figure of the person and even the accent is most often listening to the advice of authoritative consultants. He believes in books, in authority, in specialists. Having come to a scientifically thinking psychologist, he can correct himself. And many "attachments" to the radical personality in him are amenable to appropriate changes. He easily adopts the necessary intonations. This is very important, because of the intonations of many troubles.

    The radical of the same personality, that is, the complex of needs and typical reactions of the individual, is reworked with great difficulty. It is difficult for an itsteroid, of course, to refuse to pull the blanket of attention to itself. Still, the radical is reworked if the intellect of the hysteroid is sufficient.

    And now we will discuss the situation when the hysteroid is near you. In the beginning I spoke about the minuses of this psychotype. Let's talk now about PLUSS, very significant.

    Without hysterics it would be all business, businesslike, there would be only boring Ants from Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and the Ant".Deeply classic psychology classics Lev Semenovich Vygotsky wrote that children condemn the Ants and sympathize with Strekoze, before them "does not reach" the Krylov morality of this fable. Indeed, without dragonflies, the world would fade. Why homes where there are no dragonfly songs? After all, once the houses themselves rot, and the songs will remain as a fact of art.

    The face of the hysteroid is the correct oval. And to this is added the correctness of the eyes, nose, lips, forehead. .. With some variety of facial types, giving individuality to each individual "hysteroid" face, this attractive for many correctness determines the sexual success of hysterias. Minor errors are smoothed out by skillful make-up, hairdo, which without fail - in the latest fashion. In this case, everything can be in gentle, feminine tones. The skin is well-groomed. The woman's torso is close to the sculpture of Praxitel "Aphrodite of Cnidus."And the malesteroid ** is close to the sculpture of Leohar "Apollo Belvedere".The waist in hysteroid is chiseled, the neck - with a tendency to swans. The iseroids are plastic. Their movements are elegant, smooth, relaxed, deft, flirty. They dance beautifully, their movements in the dance are graceful, diverse, expressive. .. And how the hysteroid corrects the glasses. Do not poke into the bridge of your nose, as, for example, the schizoid does, but gracefully, coquettishly and accurately, behind the arms. ..everyone paid attention to sleek fingers, each of which is bent by a ringlet. .. And if it is a cup of coffee, then too - sleek fingers, curled with rings, hold a cup for a small little crochet so that everyone understands how this cup becomes more beautiful because it is heldsuch fingers. At the same time, if the beauty is provincial, then the little finger is protruding, and if the capital is small, then the little finger is pressed with a ringlet to the other rings of the fingers. .. And smokes, kuritto like As the cigarette is holding, like the leg on the leg, like smoke, too,smoothly, exposing everyone to show off long thin fingers with long beautiful nails. The asteroids are playful. ...

    All the above qualities admire people, make them admire the hysterical beauty, fascinate. .. If the epileptoid is good in order, the paranoia is a global good for the whole people, then the hysteroid has good in its very existence. On the hysteroid it is pleasant to watch how she eats and just how she is. .. Here she arched a brow, but squinted, but expressed confusion. She wrinkled her nose spasmodically, smiled all her teeth, mowed cunning eyes, put it naively for the kiss of the sponge - the hysteroid is all beautiful and expressive. And everything is adequate. In a hysteroid, its usefulness is in its most uselessness. Beauty, according to Kant, is useless.

    A husband can say to himself that yes, a hysteroid, but in fact it is good, it is possible and to suffer its minuses. If we sincerely admire the hysterias, their talent will blossom. Play the hysteroid not for the purpose of manipulation, but in order to better reveal his talents. It is necessary to accept it( to realize acceptance) with all its pluses and minuses and in contrast to remember about the minuses of other psychotypes: about the impudence of hypertimony, the hypocrisy of the epileptoid, the disregard for the people of the paranoid. Again we take into account: "shortcomings - the continuation of merits" and "dignity - the continuation of shortcomings".

    The hysteroid should not be uncomfortable with our behavior. With him and with him, it is advisable to follow the rules of psychotechnics of communication( again, I will advise my book "Labyrinths of Communication"( ASTPRESS, 2002, 2003, 2004). Discuss the negative assessments of his personality and relics, accusations and categoricity, from lectures,on the contrary, ask his personality, his achievements, his society, focus on him the attention of the people around him

    The husband should say to himself: I have a wife of a hysterical person, which means that it is necessary for her to have within reasonable limits flowers, sweets( chocolate, and not leAnd I'll buy myself Belomor instead of Marlboro, and I'd rather give up smoking altogether.

    The hysteroid is a bright man, he easily comes into contact, quickly finds topics for a general conversation, talks, saves from loneliness, he is playful and elegant, he is the soul of the company, a good entertainer, the narrator, keeps the evening in. It all makes the family communication interesting, if guests come to you. The hysteroid is an active assistant, a family sign, an impresario.

    With a good oratorical data, the hysteroid can become a good lecturer, teacher. Many hysteroids are artists who conduct various television talk shows, classical music performers, announcers, representative and representative referents, secretaries. .. This contributes to the material well-being of the family.

    It is necessary to enter into long-term relations with hysterias with care. All to pronounce and negotiate, the contract must be certain, in order to reduce the possibility of manipulating them. At the same time, it is almost useless to negotiate with a hysteroid, since in another similar case she will still use another manipulative device. But nevertheless, for some time, the clarification and the contract all the same help the hysterics to be kept within the framework of logic. So do not despair.

    Isteroid should not trust serious secrets. All the time you have to be on the alert, "trusting, checking", but it's delicate to check, but what's good, he will take offense and bark.

    If the hysteroid is clearly overloaded, then a soft confrontation, a tight confrontation and a controlled conflict should be applied in full or reduced volume. Stimulating some actions of the hysteroid, it makes sense to appeal to his nobility and to assess his behavior by other people, for example, one can use such an argument:"It will look good".