
Dr. Bubnovsky: gymnastics for the back and spine according to the method of Professor Bubnovsky

  • Dr. Bubnovsky: gymnastics for the back and spine according to the method of Professor Bubnovsky

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    Everyone wants to have a beautiful posture, a slim figure, a graceful body. And few people think that you should start not with active training in the gym, not with heavy loads and exhausting workouts. First, you need to strengthen your back, spine, so that he can bear the loads that are necessary for health and beauty. But many people have problems with their backs, most of them from childhood.

    All kinds of curvature of the spine, posture disorders, osteochondrosis and arthrosis. .. All this arises because of insufficient attention to its back . The method of gymnastics for the spine of Bubnovsky allows you to straighten your back and feel much better.

    What is the basis of the Bubnovsky gymnastics? On the move! Namely - on a special simulator, which the author of the technique, the MTB itself( under the conditions of an outpatient clinic), himself developed, you can use a simple expander instead of it, but it will only partially replace the simulator.

    At the first stage, adaptive gymnastics for beginners is used, so that you can increase the load gradually, overcome the pain.

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    During the rehabilitation period after the traumas( including injuries of the vertebral department), it is also possible to use exercises for beginners in Bubnovsky, although it should be noted that the exercises should be performed not to the pain threshold, but independently.

    In general, these exercises imply that they can be performed by any person, even without prior preparation, and are designed for absolutely any age.

    The second stage is articular gymnastics. Helps improve the mobility of not only vertebrates, but also all other joints, increases the stability of the spine to loads, even fairly large.

    Gymnastics professor Bubnovsky is applicable to both treatment and prevention of back problems. Osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, hernia, deterioration of posture and many other diseases are eliminated by the correct approach and exercises of Bubnovsky.

    No longer does the backache, especially after loads, the spine becomes more flexible, mobile, blood circulation improves, edema in the muscles decreases, and the tone rises, even migraines pass.

    Gymnastics for the back and spine, Dr. Bubnovsky develops for each patient individually, but there are general exercises that can be performed by everyone, but, of course, gradually, without loading yourself immediately.

    Alternative exercises for performing at home, alone: ​​

    1. Walking on all fours, making big steps with feet and hands for half an hour. What helps to eliminate: a hernia.
    2. 20 minutes walk on the knees. For what: with diseases of the knees.
    3. In the knee-elbow position, lifting your legs from your knees to your feet, make turns with your pelvis in both directions. For: general condition.
    4. Exercise in which one knee is bent, and the elbow of the opposite hand stretches to the raised knee, alternating legs and hands. Perform to: restore proper circulation, strengthen bone and muscle tissue, which is good for osteoporosis.
    5. Sitting on the floor with legs outstretched and hands "walking" on the buttocks. When it becomes easy, raise your legs a little.
    6. Sitting on the floor with one leg lifting straight, and the other - bent and bred them in the sides.
    7. Bend your knees to your chest, lean your hands on the floor behind your back. Cautiously we fall closer to a floor, but to lay down it is not necessary. Muscles of the neck are tense. Then straighten your legs and raise, while bending your arms.15 times is enough for a start.
    8. Lying on the back at the same time lift all the limbs above him, reduce.20 times.
    9. As number 4, only lying down, and hands - behind the head.15 times.
    10. Lying on the back, legs bent. At the same time, we turn our knees aside, and the body is raised, alternating sides.30 times. Push-ups from the floor. For a start, you can just stand in the bar for 1 minute, when your hands are strong, push-up. Improves blood circulation, removes migraines, if they are due to impaired blood circulation.
    11. Stretching sitting, legs stretched out in front of you, do inclines, alternately slightly bending each leg. Helps with pain in the spine, in all its departments.

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