  • How to teach a child to stay dry

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    Readiness for training. In , in a sense, it is more difficult and slower to teach a child to urinate in a pot - rather than doing potty things on a pot. A person at any age is easier to control the intestine than the bladder. If the majority of children can hold a chair by the age of two, many of those who are already two and a half still urinate in bed at night and in panties during the day. On the other hand, children rarely resist when they are taught to use the pot in the afternoon. When they feel that the bladder is overflowing, they agree to empty it. That is, they do not refuse to go to the toilet and release urine. It seems that urine does not seem to them a valuable property, which often seems feces.

    The bladder becomes able to hold more urine between 12 and 18 months. In most children during the first year and at the beginning of the second, the bladder empties frequently and completely automatically. At about 15 or 16 months, the mother first noticed - with surprise and joy - that the child had already been asleep for two hours during a day's sleep. This is not the result of learning. Just strengthened the bladder. This is confirmed by the rare stories of children who are already dry all night long, even though the mother has not yet taught them how to use the pot. On average, boys are trained to urinate in the pot - day and night - later than girls. In some two-year-old children, the bladder empties every hour or even every half hour.

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    Although by the age of 15 or 18 months in most children, the urinary bladder is capable of holding urine for two hours, this does not mean, of course, that the children are trained. If the mother shows herself to be tactful and attentive, she may plant a pot on the pot several times during the day. But do not expect from a child at such an age that he will give you a sign. He seems to be unaware of such a need,

    Signs between 18 and 24 months. By the end of the second year, children are beginning to realize that they have a bladder overflow, and can tell the mother about it or give a special sign. More often signs are those children, whom the mother manages to put on the pot in time: it has focused the child's attention. By the way, in the first few weeks the child notifies the mother of after as wet. To some mothers, this seems pointless, and some even begin to suspect that the child is mocking them. Do not despair. Simply in the beginning, the consciousness of sputum is stronger than the consciousness of overflow of the bladder. The child has good intentions, he tries his best and will soon give a sign on time, if he sees that his efforts are appreciated. But even after the child begins to give signs, he is not yet trained. Sometimes he is too keen on something to notice a full bubble, so that at first there will be accidents if the mother does not follow the time. And the child has yet to master the last step: he must learn to notice on time and master the art of getting to the toilet, cope with the clothes and successfully complete the whole thing. Observations of children show that many people still have accidents in two and a half years, and many do not take this responsible business in three years.

    How to cope in the first half of the second year. There are two main approaches to learning. Mothers who prefer to start training early( those who "catch" a regular chair at the end of the first year or at the very beginning of the second) will start gradually "catching" urine when the baby's bubble is able to hold it for two hours. If you find that your child remains dry for two hours, you can be relatively confident in three circumstances:

    1. The bladder is strong enough and you can start working with it. You can not train something that is not ready for learning.

    2. The baby's bubble fills in two hours. So, by that time he will be ready to urinate. It will not have to be kept on the pot for a long time.

    3. At first the child will remain dry for.two hours is not always. But after a few weeks this will happen more often. Therefore, learning for the child will not be unexpected.

    This is the most suitable time for changing into special panties.

    Most children will initially remain dry after a day's sleep. Few will be dry at other times of the day. Very few of them first show up during the morning awakening.

    Waiting for signs. Parents who prefer not to hurry up in training( they wait until the second half of the year, when the child starts asking for a pot "for a big"), naturally, they will not be in a hurry to urge to urinate in the pot. A child who, between 18 and 24 months, gets used to showing that he will have a chair, usually in a month or a little later knows how to tell his mother and the overflowing bladder if she encourages him and asks to talk about it.

    If the mother waits until the child himself learns( thanks to the desire to use the toilet, like the other family members), he will most likely learn to use the pot for both feces and urine at the same time. As I mentioned, for a few days this can become a hindrance, because it is.every ten minutes will ask for a toilet in the hope of showing his achievements again.

    I want to emphasize once again that if the mother is willing to wait,.until the child himself learns to give signs or imitate others, she should not consider that her participation or encouragement can spoil the affair. Most children by the end of the second year are quite willing to fulfill the wishes of the mother if she expresses them friendly and encouraging and if she takes into account the willingness of the child. In other words, the child is embarrassed and disturbs him if the mother is so afraid of interfering, that she is trying to keep from him in secret her desire to educate him.

    Inability to urinate outside the home. Sometimes it happens that a child at the age of two years is so used to his own pot or seat that nothing can do without them. He can not be persuaded or forced. He, in all probability, will wet his panties, and for this he can not be scolded. If he has a full bladder and he can not urinate and you are far from home, try putting him in a warm bath for half an hour. Probably, this will work. Keep in mind such an opportunity when you go somewhere with a child, and take a pot or baby seat with you if necessary. It is better to teach the child early in different places, including not at home.

    The ability to urinate standing comes later. Sometimes parents become anxious if a two-year-old boy does not want to pee standing up. Do not worry about it. Sooner or later he will learn when he sees how other boys do it. Or father

    The child stays dry all night. Many experienced and inexperienced parents believe that the only reason that a child stays dry all night is that they raise it at night. They ask: "Now he learned to ask for a pot on the day, so it's time to start raising him at night?" This is a mistaken thought, there is no need to consider that it is very difficult to wean a child to urinate at night. What is closer to the truth is the statement that the child remains dry all night, when he has sufficiently strengthened the bladder, if the child is not nervous and does not resist the accustoming to the pot. Quite often there is that the child ceases to urinate at night since the year, although his mother does notaccustomed, and in the day the same child is wet. Many children at the end of the second and the beginning of the third year remain dry at night, although in the afternoon they do not know how to control the bladder. A bubble during sleep keeps the urine longer, because the kidneys automatically produce less urine when the person is lying or asleep, and the urine is more concentrated.

    Most children stop urinating at night between two and three years, less often between year and two, and even less often after three years. Boys achieve this later girls, nervous children urinate in bed longer than quiet. Sometimes the delay in mastering this skill is a family feature.

    I do not think that parents should do anything specifically to teach the child not to urinate in bed. In most cases, there is enough natural strengthening of the bladder, backed up by the thought that the child learns during the day - urine should remain in the toilet. Of course, if parents are proud of their achievements with the child, this will help.

    Some parents prefer to act more actively, and as soon as the child gets used to urinating in the pot in the afternoon, begin to pick it up at 10pm. Perhaps this speeds things up a little, because the bubble devastated in the evening is not so overfilled by the morning. Sometimes children themselves wake up in the evenings and readily urinate. Others wake up harder, or they do not want to urinate by waking up, or are very upset. I think that if parents face such difficulties, they should retreat.