
Allergies in children and adults - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Allergies in children and adults - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Allergy is a type of immune response that occurs with damage to one's own organs and body tissues. That is, under the influence of a number of circumstances the immune system begins to react to some substances( allergens), often absolutely harmless, as something extremely alien and dangerous.

    Allergy is a perverted way of protecting the body. For example, the immune system decides that the most terrible poison for a person is birch pollen and in the spring, when this tree blooms, begins to actively protect the body from it. External manifestations of this struggle will be lacrimation, sneezing, shortness of nasal breathing and active discharge from the nose.
    Allergic conditions are currently extremely common and are found in statistics in 30% of the population.
    Some authors tend to refer to the 21st century as a century of allergic diseases.

    Mechanisms of allergy development

    Pseudoallergic( false allergic) reactions

    Pseudoallergic reactions separate. These are the conditions that outwardly resemble the classic allergy, but proceed without the participation of the immune system. There are quite a few reasons for pseudoallergic reactions. For example, disruption of the liver, parasitic diseases, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, excessive intake of products containing histamine. The last reason is one of the most frequent.

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    What do you have to eat to have a chance to induce this type of reactions ?The most frequent provocateurs are: sea fish and other seafood, citrus fruits, chocolate, sauerkraut, some sorts of cheeses, wine, etc. Pseudo-allergy is usually different from the true allergy in that symptoms occur only after a large amount of an ingested allergen. For example, if you have red spots on your skin appear only after eating a whole chocolate, and half of this volume is transferred painlessly, then most likely you are dealing with a false allergic reaction.

    "Allergy" on alcohol

    A frequent provocateur of the development of pseudoallergic reactions is the use of alcohol. Especially with this are famous wines, liqueurs, vermouths. In the first place is red wine. It is noticed that the more old and aged the wine, the more it forms substances capable of provoking a pseudoallergic reaction.

    The separation of reactions into true and false is of fundamental importance, since the tactics of treatment are very different for them. But a differential diagnosis can only be made by a doctor who has experience with such diseases.

    Causes of allergy

    Currently, several main are identified as the causes of the allergy , which can lead to the development of an allergic disease.

    1) Heredity. It is proved that predisposition to allergy can be transmitted from parents to children, and, more often, these genes are transmitted exactly on the maternal line. It was noted that in children with allergies in 20-70% of cases( depending on the child's illness), the mother suffers from allergic diseases and in 12-40% of cases - allergic father. If both parents are allergic, the probability of its manifestation in children reaches 80%.

    2) Frequent infectious diseases, especially in childhood, create the prerequisites for the development of allergies in the future.

    3) Excessively sterile conditions of life. As it's not strange sounds, but excessively sterile living conditions, rare contact with infectious agents create the prerequisites for a shift in immune reactions towards allergic inflammation. That is why the allergy is more common among urban dwellers than in rural areas and in families with only one child. This fact also explains the high prevalence of allergy among people with a higher social level.

    4) Environmental factors. The "progress" of modern civilization has led to the fact that people from the very first days of life begin to contact with various and numerous aggressive aerosols and chemicals. Food products contain biologically active substances, antibiotics, hormones, etc. There is a constant impact of electromagnetic radiation of different spectra. Such an effect does not pass without a trace and the growth of allergic pathology only confirms this.

    5) Diseases of internal organs. Sometimes the push to develop allergies causes a failure in the work of internal organs, for example, the gastrointestinal tract, liver, endocrine, nervous system, etc.

    These are only basic, most popular theories about the causes of allergies. Most likely, their combination takes place. For example, a person with allergic diseases in his relatives lives in a large city, where the ecological situation leaves much to be desired - this person is likely to manifest an allergy to anything.

    The main allergens

    Symptoms of allergy

    Symptoms of allergies can be general( systemic) and local.

    General Symptoms of Allergy

    To , the general symptoms of the allergy include chills, fever, general arousal or, conversely, the patient's inhibition, pallor of the skin, drop in blood pressure, impaired consciousness. General symptoms of may occur with severe enough allergic diseases, such as anaphylactic shock, Quincke edema.

    Local signs of allergy.

    Local allergy symptoms can be noted from the skin, gastrointestinal tract, mucous nasopharynx, bronchial tree.

    1) Cutaneous manifestations of allergies. Skin Allergies
    Typical skin allergy symptoms : redness and dryness of the skin, itching, burning, sensitivity to external physical irritants( cold, sun), skin rashes of the type of blisters, papules. Emerged rashes can merge, sharply delimited from the surrounding skin, can migrate, that is, today in one area of ​​the skin, tomorrow on the other.
    Classic examples of allergic diseases that occur with skin lesions are atopic dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis.
    2) Complaints from the gastrointestinal tract with allergies: increased gas production, abdominal pain, frequent loose stools, nausea.
    3) Eye symptoms for allergies .
    A patient with allergic eye diseases can make complaints about the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, itching, burning, lacrimation, eyelid edema. Redness of eyelids and skin around the eyes.
    A classic example of an allergic eye disease is allergic conjunctivitis.
    4) Complaints from the side of the nasopharynx and bronchial tree for allergies.
    The development of allergic inflammation in this area leads to symptoms such as sore throat, dry cough, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea( active discharge from the nose), sneezing, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, suffocation, wheezing in the chest.
    An example of diseases: allergic rhinitis, allergic bronchial asthma.

    One patient with an allergic disease can have both general and local manifestations of allergy. For example, with allergic reactions to insect bites.

    Allergy to insect bites.

    Symptoms of allergy to insect bites are due to the presence of allergies to insect allergens( see above for insect allergens).Allergy to insect bites is one of the most serious and dangerous types of allergic reactions. Symptoms are usually very pronounced, often there are systemic reactions like Quincke's edema or even anaphylactic shock.
    With Quinck's swelling, there is swelling of the face, neck. The skin in this area acquires a red tint. Often there is edema of the upper respiratory tract, which leads to shortness of breath, shortness of breath. With the progressing course of the disease, complete airway obstruction and death.
    With anaphylactic shock - the general symptoms of allergy prevail at once. The patient is at first agitated, then the consciousness is depressed until a complete loss. The pressure drops sharply, heart rate and respiratory rate increase, dyspnea occurs. In the absence of treatment, the risk of death is high.
    Immediately at the site of the bite, the skin becomes edematous, marked hyperemia( reddening of the skin), intense itching.
    The difficulty for the patient is also that the arrival of an allergen( due to a bite) can happen suddenly and a person can not protect themselves from this completely. If you look at the frequency of anaphylactic shocks, which ended in a lethal outcome, then the first place will be exactly the allergy to insects. Such patients are advised to carry an antishock kit with them: a 0.1% solution of epinephrine, a suprastin ampoule, and two 25 mg of prednisolone. Plus, there are syringes. When biting an insect - immediately enter these drugs. The sequence of actions should be discussed with the doctor.

    Allergy to the sun.

    The most common symptoms of the disease are the appearance of red spots and blisters on the skin after exposure to the sun. Skin cells can appear as soon after exposure to ultraviolet light, and after several hours. Open parts of the body are affected.
    There are a number of substances, getting on the skin or ingestion can increase the susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation. This celery, carrots, dill, fennel, lime, figs, yarrow, St. John's Wort. This ability is also possessed by some medications. For example, vitamin E, tetracycline, antibiotics from the sulfanilamides group, griseofulvin, most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Their use in the period of potential exacerbation( in spring and summer) is undesirable.
    Examination and treatment is performed by an allergist or dermatologist. It is necessary to find reasons that can provoke an allergy in the sun. It can be helminthiases, liver disease, endocrine disruption and so on. The list of analyzes is quite large.
    Treatment consists in prescribing a protective regimen. Patients with allergies to ultraviolet should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, use protective creams with a high protective factor. Antihistamines, sorbents are prescribed. Histoglobulin is often effective. A good effect gives plasmapheresis.

    Thermal allergy.

    Fortunately, this is a very rare form of an allergic disease, manifested by eruptions like urticaria. After any thermal effects, for example, after taking a hot bath, very large blisters appear on the skin, accompanied by skin itching. Thermal allergy can be combined with sunlight.
    To confirm the diagnosis, a warm object heated to 48 degrees can be applied to the skin for 1-3 minutes.
    Treatment is conducted according to the general principles of therapy of an allergic disease. It is recommended to avoid provoking factors.

    Allergic reactions to sperm.

    Allergic reactions to seminal fluid are occurring now more often. The risk factor for the appearance of antisperm antibodies in a woman's body is a general allergic predisposition, infections of the urogenital tract, frequent changes in sexual partners in unprotected sexual intercourse. Developing allergy to sperm can manifest itself in a woman as local inflammatory symptoms( local itching, swelling) after sexual intercourse, and infertility. Perhaps the development of an allergic mood, both on the sperm of a particular man, and on seminal fluid as such. Therapy is conducted jointly by physicians allergists and gynecologists.

    Allergy in children.

    Allergy in children has some characteristics. First of all, it concerns the most significant allergens that can cause allergic reactions. In the period up to 5 years in the first place in the prevalence of food allergens. The most frequent food allergens: milk, eggs, nuts, fish. At an older age, household( dust, animal allergens) and pollen allergens already have a high prevalence.

    Symptoms of allergy in children with photos.

    In younger children, including in newborns , allergic diseases that occur with lesions of the skin predominate. At the same time, true allergic diseases rarely begin before six months of age.

    The most common allergic disease in children under one year is atopic dermatitis. This allergic condition in children is sometimes mistakenly termed by the diathesis of .Currently, in the classification of diseases adopted in Russia the term " diathesis " is not mentioned.

    Symptoms of allergic dermatitis in children, especially in newborns, usually first appear on the face, and with severe allergies cover the entire body.

    Here are some photos of allergies in children before the year

    Allergy in children, as a rule, manifests itself even more vividly than in the adult period.

    Additional photos of skin allergy in children you can see in the relevant sections:

    Symptoms of atopic dermatitis,

    Pseudoallergic reactions in children are highly prevalent. Most often, they are caused by various disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and parasitic diseases. To distinguish the pseudo allergic reactions from allergies can only an experienced doctor, so if you find signs of allergies in the child do not do self-diagnosis, but consult a specialist.

    Treatment of allergies in children.

    Allergy treatment for children is conducted in accordance with the general principles of treatment of allergic diseases. In childhood, the greatest effect is given by the allergen - specific therapy( SIT - therapy), which is worth pursuing.

    Features of the course and treatment of atopic dermatitis, allergic bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis in childhood are described in the articles:

    Atopic dermatitis in children,
    Allergic bronchial asthma in children,
    Allergic rhinitis in a child,
    Allergic conjunctivitis in children.

    Allergy treatment

    Several groups of drugs can be used for the treatment of allergic diseases. Their combination, dosage and order of appointment for allergies are determined by the doctor depending on the specific situation. Self-medication in allergology is extremely dangerous. Inadequate treatment of allergies can lead to an aggravation of the allergic disease or cause a variety of side effects, inevitably arising from the misuse of antiallergic drugs.

    1) Antihistamines in the treatment of allergies.
    The most famous group of medicinal antiallergic drugs. It is better to give preference to the drugs of the second( cetrine, kestin, claritin, etc.) and the third generation( erius, telfast, xizal, zirtek).The drugs are prescribed once a day, the duration of treatment is from 5-7 days. Sometimes the duration of their admission may be several months.

    2) Derivatives of cromoglic acid in the treatment of allergies. An old but still used group of drugs. Produced in the form of drops for the eyes( kromogeksal eye drops), spray for the nose( kromogeksal, kromoglin), aerosols for inhalation( intal, tayled).The effectiveness of the drugs is quite low, they can be used only for mild degrees of severity of the disease.

    3) Glucocorticosteroids in the treatment of allergies.
    Very powerful antiallergic agents. Can only be used as directed by a doctor.
    Corticosteroids are available in forms for "local" use and for general effects( tablets, injections).
    Topical preparations currently occupy a large place in the treatment of allergies. Can be used both to relieve exacerbation, and for permanent, supportive treatment of allergies. They can be produced in the form of ointments, creams and other external agents( for example, lokoid, advantan), nasal sprays( eg fliksonase, nazonex), aerosols for inhalation( eg beclozone, flixotide).And although the drugs of the last generation are relatively safe and lack most of the side effects traditionally attributed to hormones - their use is possible only on the advice of a specialist. Never exceed the recommended duration of the drug.
    Drugs for systemic action are produced in tableted and injectable forms. Preparations: prednisolone, dexamethasone, metipred, etc. Usually appointed a short course to combat severe exacerbation of an allergic disease. The course of treatment of an allergy of 3-5 days is considered relatively safe. Long-term use of corticosteroids is accompanied by the development of a number of side effects, for example, the development of diabetes mellitus, increased blood pressure, weight gain, the development of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. Thus, drugs of this group can be prescribed only in severe forms of an allergic disease, for example, with severe, uncontrolled bronchial asthma, when the remaining treatment options have been tried and failed to produce an adequate result.

    4) Leukotriene receptor antagonists in the treatment of allergies. A fairly effective group of antiallergic drugs. Can be used for some forms of urticaria, bronchial asthma. Example: the preparation is a singular in tablets of 5 and 10 mg. It can be used only after consulting a doctor, as it is effective not for all forms of allergic diseases.

    5) Sorbents in the treatment of allergies. are not directly antiallergic drugs, but can contribute to more active removal of allergens from the body. Traditionally, they are prescribed for exacerbation of allergies. Especially effective in skin manifestations of allergies. Can be used and without the appointment of a doctor, although the latter is undesirable. To preparations of the given pharmacological group it is possible to carry lactofiltrum, filter, enterosgel or banal activated carbon.

    6) Allergen-specific therapy plays a huge role in the treatment of allergic diseases( SIT-therapy).
    If the allergy is an excessive immune response to a substance, the aim of SIT therapy is to create an immunity to this substance. This treatment can only be carried out by an allergist and only in the conditions of a specialized office or specialized hospital. Treatment is carried out without exacerbation of allergies, usually in the autumn or winter. To achieve the goal, the patient is injected( as a rule, injectively) with allergen solutions. Begin with negligible concentration, and each time the dose is slightly increased. As a result, this allergen develops tolerance( immunity).The effect of treatment is higher the earlier treatment begins. This method is most effective for the treatment of bronchial asthma or allergic rhinitis.

    Physiotherapy for allergies.

    Treatment of allergic diseases is not limited to the prescription of antiallergic drugs. Of great importance in the treatment of allergies is also the use of physiotherapy procedures.

    Plasmapheresis for allergies.

    This is a hardware method of purifying blood plasma in the course of which part of it( plasma) is removed from the body. Since it is the plasma that contains the majority of biologically active substances and mediators involved in the development of allergic inflammation - plasmapheresis has a pronounced therapeutic effect. Remote plasma is replaced by appropriate replacement solutions. Plasmapheresis can be used in a complex of treatment of any exacerbations of allergic diseases, for example, with exacerbation of allergic bronchial asthma, hives, severe forms of atopic dermatitis, etc. The indications of plasmapheresis are wide enough. The most reasonable use of plasmapheresis is with moderate or severe disease severity.

    A speleocamera for allergies.

    The speleocamera is one of the most effective physiotherapeutic methods used to treat allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract( allergic bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis).During the procedure the patient is in a room, the air of which is saturated with ions of salts. As a result, the work of ciliary epithelium( the upper layer of mucous cells) is restored, and inflammation decreases. The procedure also promotes the work of local immunity systems, which is especially important for patients in whom allergic diseases occur against the background of weakened immunity and frequent infections.

    Hyperbaric chamber for allergies.

    The pressure chamber is used to treat allergic diseases quite rarely. During the procedure, the patient is placed in a special sealed chamber in which increased air pressure is created. Often used gas mixtures with increased oxygen content. This method can be used to treat patients with allergic diseases of the respiratory tract, for example, for patients with bronchial asthma.

    Intravenous laser irradiation of blood( VLOK) for allergies.

    VLOK is a relatively new and promising method of treating allergies. During the session, the patient is injected into the vein with a needle( usually in the area of ​​the elbow fold) to which the optical fiber is connected. A laser pulse is transmitted along this waveguide with the specified characteristics. The VLOK method refers to quantum medicine and can be used to treat most allergic diseases: atopic dermatitis, urticaria, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, etc. Enough good anti-inflammatory effect, pronounced immuno-fortifying effect. But there are some contraindications, so you need to consult a doctor beforehand.

    Treatment of allergy by folk remedies.

    Allergic diseases represent a pathology, in which the means of traditional medicine should be treated with extreme caution. In patients with allergies, an increased sensitivity to food, herbs, infusions, beekeeping products, etc. is common. Therefore, more often on such schemes of treatment of an allergy by folk remedies there are side reactions, an aggravation of an allergic disease, than relief is noted. All possible methods of cleansing the body are also ineffective in the treatment of allergies.

    Folk remedies are more or less effective for the treatment of symptoms of atopic( allergic) dermatitis in children, these folk remedies are described in the article treatment of atopic dermatitis

    . Folk remedies that can ease the condition with relapse of allergic respiratory diseases can be considered only respiratory gymnasticsButeyko or Strelnikova), mandatory for the effective treatment of allergies is the cessation of smoking.

    Folk remedies for allergy treatment. Overview of methods.

    From mouth to mouth people's recipes of healing medicines are transmitted, capable of curing allergic diseases. In this case, human imagination can give the most unexpected results. For example, one of my patients with bronchial asthma, who was in a fairly stable state, on the advice of a friend, refused all medication and began to inhale the scent of pine cones during the attack. Sometimes traditional medicine works thanks to the power of autosuggestion, but in this case it played against the patient, and after 10 days of treatment with folk remedies, she was in intensive care with asthmatic status.

    Here are a few popular folk remedies for allergy:

    1) Use of beekeeping products to treat allergy .It is recommended to brew, insist or simply eat large quantities of pergue, zabrus( caps from honeycombs), honeycomb honeycombs, wax, honey.
    Possible consequences of allergy treatment with bee products : Honey and bee products contain a large amount of histamine. It is a substance that intensifies an allergic reaction. In addition, the allergy to pollen is widespread. Therefore, the use of these products, most likely, will exacerbate allergic inflammation. The more you use, the stronger the reaction.

    2) Daily intake of vitamin C for the treatment of allergy .The course of treatment is 1 gram twice a day for 6-8 weeks.
    Information for consideration: Vitamins are one of the most allergenic medicines. And among vitamins, ascorbic acid( vitamin C) is one of the first places. Here also think, whether it is necessary to accept such preparations for a long time to patients at whom predisposition to a medicinal allergy and so is raised or increased.
    In addition, prolonged intake of acid can cause damage to the stomach with the subsequent development of gastritis, and if "lucky", then peptic ulcer.

    3) Herbal collections from the allergy .Anti-allergic properties confer many herbs: St. John's wort, hops, nettle, duckweed, oregano, wormwood, birch buds, etc.
    For reference: Allergy to plants occupies a rather high proportion of allergic mood in general. Sometimes it can be mild, without bright clinical manifestations in the spring and summer. Long-term use of herbal preparations can significantly enhance the manifestations of an allergic disease. No wonder that patients with allergic pathology are not recommended to use medicines and cosmetics on herbs.

    4) Daily on the morning to eat on the onion head to treat the allergy .
    This recipe can be used to strengthen the immune system as a whole t( the presence of phytoncides in onions and garlic is known to everyone), and not for the treatment of allergies. In allergic reactions, the activity of the immune system is so high. I'm not talking about a sharp smell and the resulting problems with communication.

    Hydrocolonotherapy( intestinal cleaning of the bowels) for allergies

    Therapeutic fasting with allergy

    Allergy treatment during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, allergies often occur, and during this period one should be very cautious in the selection of treatment, since many drugs are dangerous to take during pregnancybecause of the potential negative impact on the fetus. Diagnosis of the causes of allergy during pregnancy is possible only by the analysis of blood( lgE specific), skin tests are unacceptable.

    Application for the treatment of allergies in pregnancy antihistamines should be limited( effect on the fetus).In case of acute necessity, treatment is carried out with antihistamine preparations of the third generation( telphase, for example) in minimal effective dosages. The best allergy treatment during pregnancy is the maximum restriction of contact with allergens.

    More details on the treatment of allergy during pregnancy for each individual allergic disease are covered in the relevant articles.

    Allergic conjunctivitis in pregnancy
    Allergic rhinitis( runny nose) during pregnancy
    Allergic bronchial asthma in pregnancy
    Urticaria during pregnancy
    Allergic contact dermatitis in pregnancy and after childbirth

    Nutrition, a diet of patients with allergy

    An important role in the treatment of bronchial asthma is adherence to a special dietfor allergy sufferers. Its goal is to remove from the diet those products that directly cause an aggravation of the inflammatory process or can contribute to it. Below is an example of the composition of this diet. The exact list of products can be checked with your doctor, so it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

    Allergy-Tolerated Products and Allergy-Tolerated Products

    Allergy Prevention

    The activities possessing a proven ability to prevent the development of allergies are not currently developed.
    A number of authors recommend the exclusion of cow milk for children up to 12 months in cases where there are allergic diseases in the family. Specialists of the World Health Organization indicate a positive effect in this regard of a long( at least 6-8 months) breastfeeding of the child.
    Features of complementary feeding - chicken eggs can be introduced from 1 year, only with 3 years it is possible to give nuts, fish for the first time.

    In general, it is worthwhile to lead a healthy lifestyle, try to consume natural products( rather than something with a 10-year wound), to be examined regularly by a doctor and to treat opportunistic diseases in a timely manner.

    Solving allergens

    Answers to frequently asked questions about the allergy

    If allergy pills help, why go to the doctor?

    How to find out what allergy is?

    Can I completely cure allergies?

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