  • Picking mushrooms

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    Mushroom picking

    Most people believe that the mushroom season is summer and the first half of autumn with drizzle not cold rains. In fact, the mushroom season begins in early spring and continues until the end of autumn.

    In April-May, the first mushrooms - morels appear. They can be found in deciduous forests on fertile soils and less frequently in willow stands. A conical cone with an elongated hat can be found in coniferous forests. In the mixed forests, a real morel with an ovoid-shaped brownish hat grows. A string-cap can be found in deciduous forests. His bonnet is bell-shaped.

    Some experts think these fungi are poisonous because of the content of helvellic acid in them. However, when boiling, all acid passes into a decoction, which must be drained. It disappears when dried.

    At the end of the spring mushroom season there are raincoats. They grow on glades, meadows, pastures, in gardens and near roads. In shape, these mushrooms resemble a pear. Gather the best young raincoats. Old specimens are painted in a dark color, from the cracks there is dust - spores.

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    At the same time on stumps, windmills and a heap of brushwood you can meet a common oyster mushroom. On the dry meadow there is a meadow fox which grows until late autumn.

    Spring mushrooms are replaced by summer mushrooms. In June birch groves begin to appear in birch groves, in the pine forests - oil. These mushrooms can be harvested until late autumn, but they attract mushroom pickers in early summer. At this time it is possible to collect mosses, russules, summer summer ducks, growing until October.

    At the end of June, white mushrooms begin to grow, which can be found in the pine forest and spruce groves. White mushroom is considered the best of edible mushrooms. His hat is dark brown, and the flesh is dense, the leg is white or brown.

    Podisinovik, like a podberezovik, is harvested until late autumn for pickling and drying.

    Also at this time you can meet the swine, and on the fringes and glades - mushrooms. It is possible to collect including bitterness. In July, there are mushrooms. This month the family of russets of the most varied colors grows.

    August is considered the main mushroom month. At this time, you can find all kinds of mushrooms, especially such valuable ones as boletus, redhead, aspen, birchbark, near the middle and end of the month, the mosses begin to grow. In the second half of August, there are mushrooms, redheads, a white wave.

    In aspen, less often birch thickets, as well as in pine forests, there is a plethora of boletus and chanterelle present.

    Redheads can be found in the spruce forests. They have a convex or funnel-shaped hat with circles and a cylindrical leg. The fungus is completely painted in orange.

    Often in August, come across chanterelles, you can also find nests of autumnal autumn.

    When the autumn cold comes, the growth of mushrooms is sharply slowed, and then it stops completely. In September, you can collect birch marsh, larvae, late russula, autumn fallow.

    In October, you can still find a white mushroom and autumn oyster. And with the onset of frost in the forest there is already nothing to collect.

    However, it should be remembered that all terms for the collection of fungi are conditional and depend on climatic conditions. Mushrooms can appear sooner or later than the average time.

    Freshly cut mushrooms should not be stored for a long time. They very quickly deteriorate and lose their taste. Especially it is not recommended to store wet mushrooms collected in rainy weather. All mushrooms are best processed immediately, that is, on the day of collection.

    If it is not possible to process mushrooms, then they should be sorted and sorted. During this work, mushrooms that will later be pickled or pickled should be poured with salted water, and the mushrooms for drying should be spread on clean sheets of paper or cardboard so that they do not come in contact with each other.

    Store mushrooms that will be dried in a cool, well-ventilated area.

    Before processing, mushrooms should be cleaned of debris, cut off the legs, cut off wormy places. Knives from stainless steel should be used for such processing, as the flesh pulp can blacken from ordinary knives.

    The most common ways of processing and storing mushrooms are:

    1) drying;

    2) salting;

    3) pickling;

    4) manufacture of powders and extracts;

    pickling is one of the most popular ways of processing fresh mushrooms.

    For pickling the plate mushrooms are perfectly suited:









    honey mushrooms,

    rozhiki, etc.

    Also used for pickling are chopped mushrooms: boletus, podberezoviki, oily. But these mushrooms are less common.

    It is desirable to salt the mushrooms according to the species, but if the year was not very productive, then it can be salted as an assortment.

    Preparation of dishes

    Mushrooms can be salted in glass and enameled dishes, as well as in wooden tubs.

    Wooden dishes for pickling( fig.)( New and used) should be soaked in front of the ambassador, then they will not allow water to pass through.

    Wooden containers for pickling mushrooms

    If the tubs are new and made of oak, they should be soaked for 12 days with frequent water changes. This procedure will help to eliminate tannins contained in oak wood. If the oak pots are not soaked, the pickle and mushrooms can turn black under the action of tannins.

    After preliminary soaking, the tub must be thoroughly washed with a brush and then steamed with hot water with the addition of caustic soda( 50 g of soda per 10 liters of water).

    It is not recommended to salt mushrooms in earthenware, as it becomes unsuitable under the action of salt and acids. In addition, in the glaze, which is covered with pottery, there may be lead, which can poison the fungi under the influence of the brine.

    Then steamed and washed tubs are recommended to be fumigated with sulfur. This will help to destroy microorganisms, which may have settled in the crevices of the walls.

    Glass and enamelware should be washed very carefully and dried at high temperature.

    All prepared for salting mushrooms dishes should be clean and free from foreign odors.

    Freshly mushroom pickling cold

    For cold pickling, ie salting without preliminary boiling, the following types of mushrooms are suitable:

    1) real grapes;

    2) Oak bushes;

    3) aspen tracks;

    4) the worms are yellow;

    5) black( load white and black);

    6) pine redworm;

    7) spruce fir;

    8) pink roselets;

    9) white freckles;

    10) serry;

    11) some kinds of russules.

    All listed types of fungi can be salted both in the mixture and separately.

    All the mushrooms that will be salted must be cleaned, carefully cleaned of debris, poured with clean water and leave to soak for 4-5 hours.

    After that, the mashed mushrooms should be rinsed under running water, cleaned of stuck dirt with a brush brush and againrinse thoroughly in clean water.

    For all washed mushrooms, the legs must be cut, leaving no more than 5 mm. Hat mushrooms should be shifted to prepared dishes, laying in layers of 6 cm cut down. At the bottom of the dishes, which will pickle the mushrooms, it is necessary to pour in a layer of salt in advance, add the leaves of black currant, cherry, horseradish, and stalks of dill. With seasonings it is important not to overdo it, as they can drown out the taste and aroma of mushrooms.

    Each layer of mushrooms must be sprinkled with salt with the addition of spices. Salt is added from the calculation of 40-50 g per 1 kg of fresh mushrooms.

    The mushrooms laid in the dishes should be covered with a layer of currant leaves, cherry, dill, from above it is necessary to put a wooden circle, which must be wrapped in a clean gauze beforehand and crushed, for example, with a stone.

    After 1-3 days, the mushrooms in the dishes will settle and give juice.

    If pots of large capacity are used for pickling mushrooms, you can add mushrooms to it as they are collected. As soon as the container is filled, it is necessary to put a layer of currant and cherry leaves and dill stems on top of the mushrooms so that they fully cover the mushrooms. This will help to protect the fungi from contact with mold if it suddenly appears.

    It is not recommended to use stones from lime or dolomite as a yoke. Stones from such materials can be dissolved by dissolving the brine and spoiling the mushroom pickle.

    Mushrooms, salted in a cold way, can be eaten in 30-40 days after the beginning of salting.

    This method of salting helps to get better products, and mushrooms at the same time acquire a dense consistency.

    Salted mushroom salted mushrooms

    Salts are mostly pickled mushrooms, which contain bitterness: mackerel, bitter bread, rubella, valuvia, some ryadovki, govorushki, arachnids, blue-green stapharia, mushrooms and some russules.

    Mushrooms, after they have been cleaned of debris and washed, it is necessary to boil in salted water for 30 minutes. Then the water in which they were cooked should be drained, and the mushrooms washed under cold running water, thrown in a colander and letting water drain.

    After that, boiled mushrooms should be placed in a container, add salt( 40-60 g per 1 kg of boiled mushrooms) and cover with a wooden mug with oppression. As a seasoning in such mushrooms you can add garlic, onions, horseradish.

    Salted mushrooms are suitable for food already for 6-8 days.

    This kind of salting is also suitable for the processing of white mushrooms, boletus, podberezovikov, oily. Boil these mushrooms for 15 minutes.

    For the processing of redheads, a dry way of salting is suitable. Mushrooms with this method do not need to be washed or soaked. It is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth, put them in the container for salting with the feet upwards and pour salt on the basis of 50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms. Other spices are not necessary to add. Then from above it is necessary to put a circle on which the oppression is established. Rozhiki will be ready for use after 6 days.

    Blighted mushroom pickled mushroom

    Such mushrooms as mushrooms, boletus, freckles, russules, you can salt the field of how they will be pre-blown.

    For this purpose, the mushrooms must be cleaned, washed and lowered in a colander or in a sieve for 5-8 minutes in boiling water, then cooled by rinsing them in cold running water and put into a bowl, adding salt from the calculation of 50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms.

    As a seasoning for pickling mushrooms in this way, you can put garlic, parsley root, horseradish, dill and celery.

    Pickled mushrooms can be eaten in this way after 10 days.

    Storage of salted mushrooms

    Store salted mushrooms in a cool, well-ventilated room( Fig.).

    Storage tanks for salted mushrooms

    The temperature in it should not be more than 5-6 ° C.At lower temperatures, fungi can freeze and lose their taste qualities. If the temperature is above 6 ° C, they will turn sour and spoil.

    When storing salted mushrooms, you should always make sure that the mushrooms are always in the brine. If the brine evaporates and will not cover the mushrooms, then in the dishes in which they are salted, you should occasionally add the boiled but chilled water.