  • Fingertip

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    Features of the game and its educational value. This game develops focused attention, which is based on the interest of children in attractive pictures. During the game, the child chooses from the large number of more or less familiar objects depicted in the pictures, the one that called the adult, and quickly points to it with his finger. The fulfillment of these seemingly uncomplicated requirements presents a certain difficulty for the child. It consists in the fact that the kid must overcome the external appeal of other pictures, and focus only on the one that the adult calls. So, in this game he learns to control his attention, which requires some effort. But these efforts are rewarded by the fact that the child gets the picture found as a reward for being attentive.

    The main requirement of the game is to look for the picture with the eyes, not with the hands, that is, the mental activity is stimulated first of all. Movement( an index gesture) is only the last step in the solution of the problem. To prevent the child from trying to look for his hands, a special restrictive rule is introduced: hold your finger at the edge of the table until the picture is named.

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    The solution of these cognitive tasks occurs in the situation of a game competition between each pair of players. Acting in turn, the kids learn to reckon with each other, kindly treat peers.

    Play stuff. A set of twin subject pictures depicting toys, fruits, flowers and household items( dishes, furniture, clothes).You can use pictures of a subject lotto where animals, birds and people are depicted. Pictures should be realistic, with a clear image. They are laid out on the table in two rows( five or six pictures in each), a short distance from each other.

    Description of the game and the techniques of its conduct. The game can be conducted with the entire group of students or a small part of it. We describe the variant of the game with the participation of the whole group.

    The teacher brings the chairs together with the children in a semicircle, pushes them to a small table, near which he places three chairs - for two children and for himself. On the table he places in two rows ten - twelve subject pictures. While laying out the pictures, the teacher shows them to the children and proposes to name each picture, causing curiosity in the children( what will happen next?).Then the teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that each of them has one finger on his hand called the index finger."In this game," the educator continues, "the index finger will help everyone to look for pictures that I will call. Who first correctly points to the picture( put his index finger on it), he will receive it. "

    The teacher summons two children to him, invites them to sit opposite each other and sits down facing the children himself. He asks them to put the index fingers of the right hands on the very edge of the table and do not raise them until the picture is called. Then he pronounces the following words: "Who among you will find and point with your finger where the. .. apple is?" The children show the picture, and the tutor turns to the others: "Who put his finger on the apple before?" The children answer and the winner receives a picture.

    The educator allows the second child to "recoup" and calls another picture, preferably the one that is directly in front of him. If the child still can not win, the teacher replaces his partner. When the child wins his picture, the next couple of children are called.

    Pictures given to children are replaced with new ones. The game continues until the entire stock of pictures is exhausted and each of the children does not win at least once.(In this game there should not be losers.) At the end of the game, the children show each other what pictures they won, and then go to the table and pack them in a box.

    Rules of the game.

    1. Hold the finger of the right hand at the edge of the table until the adult calls the object. Do not remove your finger from the table ahead of time.

    2. The picture is taken by someone who will put his finger on it before.

    3. Winners are called all the participants of the game. If both children put their fingers on the picture at the same time, each of them gets a win.

    Tips for the educator. This game contains an element of competition, but is built in such a way that there are no losers in it. The presence of paired pictures provides an opportunity for each child to get their winnings, even if they find the subject at the same time. If there is no pair picture, you need to give the child the opportunity to choose the one that he likes best. The educator should create such a situation in the group, so that everyone gets satisfaction from the winnings. This is very important for the promotion of mindfulness.

    When selecting pairs of competing children, consider their capabilities, which should be approximately equal. Try to conduct the game in such a way that all its participants were not only active, but also attentive to each other.