  • Concepts of rational nutrition

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    Human nutrition has undergone a change in all periods of human development. In this era, the nature of food and communication with the discovery of fire and the use of thermal processing of food, which made it difficult to digest hard products to make easily digestible.

    In all periods of human development, the main factors that determined the nature of human nutrition were economic opportunities, the presence or absence of food resources, climatic, national and many other characteristics.

    The ways of preserving food reserves, etc. had a great influence on the development and dynamics of changes in the nature of nutrition.

    The ideas about the nature of human nutrition, nutritional and biological value of foodstuffs over the past decades have significantly expanded.

    The development of nutrition science and in-depth studies conducted in this field have revealed new data that allow us to make correct and, in some cases, to change the established notions.

    Caloric - not necessarily useful

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    More recently, weight gain after a vacation and rest was considered a positive phenomenon. Established even the tradition to ask the holidaymaker who visited the sanatorium, how much he "typed" during the rest. If the number of kilograms was sufficiently representative, then satisfaction was expressed about the fact that the person rested well.

    It is unlikely that now anyone will express satisfaction about the increase in their weight, which occurred during a short vacation period.

    There are fewer people who consider increasing their weight as an indicator of health. And accordingly, more and more people are becoming concerned about stabilizing their weight and, in some cases, about reducing it.

    Only a very small percentage of adults need to increase their weight. These are people of asthenic type, as well as with disorders of the central nervous or endocrine system, people with low weight caused by the diseases.

    The concept of "recovered" radically changed."Improved" is not the one who increased the weight, but the one who strengthened the general tone of the body, increased its mobility, revived muscle activity.

    More recently, the main criterion for assessing nutrition was calorie. Many people still continue to believe that good nutrition is a high-calorie diet.

    There was a tradition: in organizing the nutrition of a team to achieve the highest possible caloric intake. This affected, in particular, and the structure of nutrition in the sanatorium, which in most cases was characterized by high caloric values. As a result, the idea was established that the sanatorium diet should be abundant, high-calorie.

    Many visitors to the sanatorium still expect from the sanatorium menu something special, different from the usual food that was before coming to the sanatorium.

    It should be noted that high caloric content is the easiest way to achieve the so-called good nutrition. Against the background of abundance and unlimited caloric content, it is easy to provide variety and high taste properties of food and it is much more difficult to organize an equally tasty and varied table on the background of its small but sufficient caloric content.

    Meanwhile, today those sanatorium-type sanatoriums deserve special praise, in which the principle of low-calorie nutrition has been implemented with the achievement of the highest taste and maximum diversity. Of course, for young people with their mobility, active sports, boarding houses and campsites with high-calorie meals are more suitable.

    A housewife preparing breakfasts, lunches and dinners for her family, in the recent past adhered to a firmly established principle: "fatter - more tasty".

    "Slice fatter" was coveted when buying meat, and in its culinary use. This is reflected in the commodity classification of food.

    "Fatness" has become the basis of differentiation in grades. As a rule, high-fat products belong to higher grades, less fatty ones to lower grades. For example, meat of higher grades is the most fatty.

    The price of sausages is also largely dependent on the content of fat in them. High-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, milk are more expensive products than low-fat ones.

    Meanwhile, from the standpoint of modern food hygiene, just the most valuable for human health are food products not of high fat content, but rather low-fat and medium fat content.

    It turns out a strange situation: the best from a physiological point of view, meat by commodity classification is called the second grade, a product of "not first class".The highest quality is related to meat, which is not the best in its biological properties.

    The same, we repeat, applies to other products;from the point of view of food hygiene, cottage cheese of low fat content, low-fat sausages, meat nonfat poultry, etc. are most desirable.

    Anyway, people engaged in mental work, workers of automated and highly mechanized industrial enterprises, people of mature, elderly and retirement age and many others completelydo not need rich fatty foods. The changed conditions, thus, subjected to a substantial revision the notion of "a bit fatter".

    About fat and "oil butter"

    Even greater changes have occurred in the notion of the usefulness of fats. The firmly established view that animal fats are more valuable than vegetable fats has undergone a significant revision.

    The study of the properties of vegetable oils revealed the presence in their composition of a number of biologically valuable components that are absent in animal fats, including in butter.

    Important substances such as essential unsaturated fatty acids, sitosterols, phosphatides, tocopherols were better represented precisely in vegetable oils. All these biologically active substances are necessary for the normalization of fat metabolism in the body. Their biological effect is to a certain extent directed at preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Along with this, negative features of the predominant consumption of animal fats were revealed, the abundance of which in the diet is undoubtedly a factor contributing to the development of atherosclerosis. Thus, the situation was created when "full" animal fats recede into the background, and "inadequate" vegetable fats began to be recommended in every possible way.

    How should we now treat the fatty part of the diet?

    Biological fullness of fat is provided only when included in it and vegetable fats, and animal fats, which mutually complement each other with missing components. Eating only vegetable oil deprives the body of many vital substances( contained, in particular, in butter).Vegetable oil should be included in the food ration daily in small amounts( about 20-25 g).

    Margarine, a combination fat, including vegetable and animal fats, is widely spread. It can be variously vitaminized, injected with milk and cream, use highly bioactive fats of fish and marine animals. In margarine, the highest taste indices can be "invested".All this made him one of the most common types of edible fat.

    On the basis of margarine, so common combined oils are produced.

    In all combined( consisting of a mixture of butter and margarine) oils, hydrogenated( hydrogenated) fats containing trans-isomers of fatty acids are used. Numerous studies have shown today that trans-isomers of fatty acids, or, as they are also called, trans fats, have a more negative impact on human health than saturated fats and cholesterol.

    Therefore it is very important to be able to distinguish between real butter and combined. How to do it?

    Do not attach importance to the names, the form of packaging and the drawings on it. Often, producers and sellers call creamy combined oil. A cow on a package is not yet a guarantee that you have clean butter, without any admixture of trans fats.

    Only on the composition can you distinguish the real butter from the combined. If the list of ingredients contains not only butter but also vegetable oil, the oil is clearly combined. In the classic cow's( cream) oil, there can not be other fats. If less than half of the butter of milk fat is, this product is much closer to margarine than to oil by its nutritional value.

    If the package contains no information on the composition of the product and its belonging to the cow's oil, then the inscription must be "GOST 37-91"( state standard, compiled for cow oil).If the package contains neither composition nor GOST, but only technical specification( technical conditions) with a long number of digits, the belonging of such product to butter causes serious doubts.

    This terrible cholesterol

    In the recent past and up to the present time there is a widespread understanding of the extreme harm of dietary cholesterol and its primary role in the development of atherosclerosis. As a result, many retirement and middle-aged people exclude from the diet eggs, butter, liver, ham and sausage, fatty meat, mutton, pork, etc.

    It is often possible to meet people who persistently try to find out how much cholesterol is contained in a particular food product.

    Indeed, the published data on the increase in cholesterol in the blood under the influence of cholesterol-containing food is more than enough. At the same time, studies have been published whose authors do not reliably establish the connection of food cholesterol with the development of atherosclerosis. They attach the main importance to the general excess diet, the abundance of fat and digestible carbohydrates in it, a sedentary lifestyle, a neuro-emotional factor, endocrine disorders( especially disorders of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.).

    There is also evidence that the administration of cholesterol from food suppresses its biosynthesis in the body. Thus, perhaps, it is thanks to food cholesterol that the high perfection of mechanisms for the regulation of cholesterol metabolism is ensured. It is possible that prolonged exclusion of cholesterol from food leads to a weakening of the mechanisms of regulation of cholesterol metabolism. The lack of cholesterol in food, without prompting these mechanisms to active activity, makes them inert, passive, unable to prevent the formation of large amounts of cholesterol in the body.

    The basic supply of the body with cholesterol is due to its formation in the liver, which is reasonably considered the main regulator of cholesterol in the blood and tissues. It is proved that the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver is inversely related to its quantity coming from food, ie, the synthesis rises when there is little cholesterol in the food, and it decreases when there is a lot of cholesterol.

    Thus, cholesterol-free diet can lead to increased cholesterol formation in the body itself.

    How to be? How to treat cholesterol-containing foods?

    At present, it can be considered established that healthy people( including mature and elderly people) should not achieve a sharp reduction in cholesterol in food.

    On the other hand, people who are elderly and having signs of developing atherosclerosis should not use high-calorie rations rich in fats and digestible carbohydrates.

    As for such suppliers of cholesterol, as eggs and butter, in all cases, they should not be completely abandoned.

    For the above contingents, however, certain restrictions on eggs and butter are necessary( 1 egg and 30 g butter per day).

    "Sweet Venom"

    Gradually changes the attitude to sugar. Earlier, sugar was considered as a very necessary food product, not requiring any restriction. And only people who are prone to fatness and obesity, use of sugar was limited.

    Of course, sugar should be attributed to valuable, easily digestible food.

    Sugar in the body is used to form glycogen - a substance that feeds the liver, heart and muscles.

    It is an obligatory part of the blood, where its quantity is maintained at a constant level.

    All these and many other useful properties of sugar convince in its necessity and usefulness.

    However, with abundant consumption of sweet, the formation of fat in the body from other nutrients sharply increases. Consumption of large amounts of sugar adversely affects the state of beneficial intestinal microflora.

    There is evidence that an excessive amount of sugar contributes to the violation of cholesterol metabolism and the development of atherosclerosis. That is why it is recommended to recommend to people of mature and advanced age, as well as to overweight people to limit sugar consumption to 50 grams per day.

    As for young people, and especially children, as well as people who carry a great deal of physical activity, the sugar intake should be quite high( about 100 g per day).

    Balanced nutrition

    Recently, in many countries around the world, various nutrition concepts and theories most relevant to the needs of modern people have been disseminated.

    The concept of a balanced diet is based on the principle of complete satisfaction of the body's need for all essential nutritional and essential substances. It provides for the inclusion in the daily diet of human food substances in a balanced form, taken in proportions, providing optimal interrelations and a combination of irreplaceable components, and if necessary, balancing them with pure essential components( amino acids, vitamins, etc.).

    There are, however, some objections and criticisms regarding the scientific validity of the concept of balanced nutrition. They are reduced mainly to the fact that it is not necessary to develop a concept of balanced nutrition that does not matter, but to direct all efforts to a deep scientific justification of the norms of the need for food and biologically active substances.

    The more reasonable these physiological requirements are, the more correctly and rationally the nutrition of the population will be organized.

    In the presence of such strictly justified norms of nutrients, there is no need to develop a concept of balanced nutrition.

    There are objections and theoretical nature that the development of balanced diets is completely devoid of any reason and is inappropriate, since each individual organism will never recognize and accept the "strange" balance and still balances the nutritional substances in its own way, according to its individual needs.

    This can be confirmed by reamination of amino acids, which constantly occurs in the body, even when the most rational and high-value protein combinations and complexes provided by balanced nutrition are supplied with food.

    There are other, less significant objections.

    However, a balanced diet for most age categories is, apparently, the most acceptable and full.

    Increasing the biological value of nutrition

    So, it is not so much the calorie content of nutrition as its biological usefulness. Now it can be considered indisputable: it is necessary to raise and maintain the high biological value of nutrition in modern conditions of life and human activity.

    It is recommended to increase the consumption of vegetables, fruits, food and wild herbs( parsley, dill, green onions, coriander, watercress, mint and other herbs) as a main means of enhancing the biological properties of food, which should become an obligatory component at every meal(not just lunch, but breakfast and dinner).

    An important means of increasing the biological value of nutrition - the daily inclusion in the diet of fermented milk products( sour milk, kefir, buttermilk products, etc.).

    Milk products, which are currently given high biological properties, include buttermilk and buttermilk, and cream. The biological value of these products is associated with the content in them of the protein-lecithin complex, which possesses great biological activity and antiatherosclerotic properties.

    High content of protein-lecithin complex is characterized by cream. It is possible that the main, determining value of cream lies precisely in this. Phosphatides in cream are larger than in butter. Fat cream in terms of its biological properties is the most valuable.

    It does not show atherogenic action unlike other animal fats and besides it has lipotropic and antiatherosclerotic effects. Thus, cream can be referred to products that increase the biological value of nutrition.

    When using cream of 20% fat, they can be consumed up to 100 g per day. For obese and elderly people, this amount of cream should be reduced by half. Cream of 10% fat can be used more widely because they have low caloric value( 124 kcal per 100 g of cream).

    It should also be noted that vitamin C cream contains 5-6 times more than in milk. This is important not only for children, but also for adults.

    An important means of increasing the biological value of nutrition can serve as baked goods from wallpaper flour( flour not freed from shells and embryo).The greatest biological value is the germ of grain in which all the active components are concentrated: vitamins, phosphatides, essential fatty acids, etc.

    At present, pure germs are produced in the form of a new, highly bioactive product. The use of embryos( 1-2 teaspoons a day) helps to significantly improve the biological properties of food.

    The value of soy lecithin is also great. It is one of the real means by which the lipotropic, antiatherosclerotic properties of food are increased. One teaspoon of soy lecithin per day can dramatically increase the biological value of human nutrition.

    Sunflower phosphatides can play a big role in increasing the biological fullness of nutrition. As is known, all sunflower oil is refined, during which all phosphatides are "removed" from it. They are partially used in confectionery, bakery, fat and other industries. A significant part of fodder phosphatides is used in animal husbandry.

    To increase the biological fullness of nutrition, a wider use of sunflower phosphatides is needed. This can be done by enriching them with many foods in the process of their production, as well as by directly adding them to certain types of food.

    An important means of increasing the biological full value of nutrition is the expansion of the use of more active in biological terms Saharov. Sugars are a class of compounds that contain sucrose, fructose, glucose, etc.

    Many people experience an increased need for sweet. As you know, sugar( sucrose), which is used daily in the diet of the population, is characterized by biological passivity and inertia. Sugar substitution, In particular, honey can solve the "sugar" problem. There are other ways to increase the biological value of the "sweet part" of nutrition.

    We already know that sugar( sucrose) is easily converted to fat and, most importantly, with its significant use, other fatty substances, especially carbohydrates( starch, etc.) and partly proteins are also caused to turn into fat.

    There is evidence that abundant consumption of sugar( sucrose) leads to disruption of cholesterol metabolism, increase of its level in the blood, thus contributing to the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, an excess of sucrose adversely affects the condition and function of the beneficial intestinal microflora, which reduces its protective, enzymatic, digestive and synthetic functions.

    Speaking of some unfavorable aspects of the action of sugar, most often mean sucrose.

    Substances used to replace it can be divided into three groups: the first group - glucose and fructose, the second - sweet alcohols xylitol and sorbitol, the third - aspartame, saccharin, cyclamate, acesulfame K and other substances that are almost devoid of caloric content.

    Glucose and fructose are more acceptable in dietary terms than sucrose. Of particular interest for the purpose of normalizing and even optimizing the diet is fructose, which can be considered as the most useful sugar for people of mature and advanced age, as well as for people in sedentary and sedentary occupations and people prone to obesity. Fructose is about 2 times sweeter than sucrose and therefore it can in less quantity satisfy the body's need for sweet and less pronounced participation in the formation of fat and cholesterol. It does not stay long in the blood and, disposed of by tissues and organs, leaves the bloodstream faster than other sugars.

    Given the many positive aspects of fructose and its beneficial effect on fat metabolism, the important role of fructose in the prevention and reduction of dental caries, as well as the lack in some areas of its natural sources in foods, confectionery and soft drinks containing fructose in place of sucrose,can be recommended primarily to children and the elderly.

    There is a kind of sugar, which includes mainly fructose and glucose in optimal, we can say, balanced ratios. This food is called glucose-fructose syrup, or liquid sugar, made from corn starch.

    Glucose-fructose syrup is used instead of sugar in the production of ice cream, dairy products( sweet cheeses, etc.), bakery products, confectionery, soft drinks, etc. This has contributed to a significant enrichment of fructose products such as ice cream, sweet dairy products andconfectionery. It should be noted that in the production of liquid sugar from corn, high-value corn oil is also obtained.

    The natural sources of fructose are many fruits and berries. Especially a lot of it in grapes. Grape sugar is almost completely composed of fructose. A lot of fructose is found in watermelons and honey.

    However, one fructose calorie does not greatly reduce. The fact is that in a gram of fructose calories almost as much as in sugar. Therefore, using fructose, which is 1,73 times sweeter than sugar, you can "save" no more than half the calories compared with sucrose. Of the daily calorie for sugar accounts for about ten percent, and therefore the benefits of fructose is low.

    Substances of the second group of sugar substitutes, xylitol and sorbitol, calories do not "save" at all, since their energy value varies from 2.4 to 4 calories per gram( in sucrose - 3.95).In addition, the sweetness of xylitol is equal to the sweetness of sucrose, and sorbitol is two( if not three) times less. Therefore, you can not lose weight due to one sugar replacer of the first two groups. Caloric sweeteners of the third group in this respect are much more attractive.

    And yet fructose and sweet alcohols are useful. Unlike sucrose and glucose, they do not need an insulin hormone for their assimilation, which is very good for diabetics. It's not bad for other people who consume sugar much more than normal and thus overstretch the pancreas.

    However, consuming more than 30 grams of fructose, sorbitol or xylitol per day is not recommended, otherwise a lax effect is possible. Fructoses for this will require 50 grams, sorbitol or xylitol - 10.

    Saccharides of the third group of saccharin, aspartame and cyclamate are often accused of carcinogenicity, but there is no substantiated evidence for this to date.

    And unlike saccharin, which is not absorbed by the body and completely excreted in the urine, aspartame is absorbed and has nutritional properties. There is nothing unnatural and not familiar to our body for other food products. It breaks down in the intestine into L-aspartic acid and L-phenylalanine, amino acids that play a role in nutrition, as well as alcohol methanol.

    Methanol is harmful to humans, but in aspartame concentrations, its effect is negligible, less than in fruits and juices. Phenylalanine is harmful to patients with phenylketonuria, a rare congenital disease, for which products with this amino acid are always warned.

    Acesulfame K, one of the youngest sweeteners of the third group, underwent serious safety tests and was registered in more than 40 countries.

    Sweeteners are available in the form of sweet tablets. They are added to beverages, confectionery, chewing gum and other products labeled "Nutra Sweet"( aspartame), "Sunette", "Sweet One" or "Swiss Sweet"( acesulfame).

    Of course, you can not solve all the health problems with sugar substitutes alone and they do not abolish the observance of the diet. But they can eliminate the excess of easily assimilated carbohydrates in the diet.

    A great positive role can also be played by substances that can enhance the sweetness of sugar. These include maltol, often used in confectionery production. A tiny additive of it allows you to reduce the consumption of sugar by 15%.

    How can we achieve adequacy and increase of the biological full value of nutrition?

    First of all, it is necessary to determine the values ​​of their daily energy inputs in all possible ways. This can be done at different levels of approximation and reliability. In solving this problem, it is best to consult a doctor.

    You can use the calculation method of timing yourself using energy consumption tables for various activities listed in many popular publications, as well as special calorie counters, etc.

    To control your food, to a certain extent, you can use various counting devices, among which are knowna calorie counter AA Pokrovsky and calculator "Ration" VI Vorobyov.

    AA Pokrovsky calorie counter is designed to determine the actual calorie content of the food used and control over this indicator. It allows you to simultaneously take into account the average human needs for energy, depending on age, body weight and the nature of work.

    Calculator "Ration" V. I. Vorobyova is characterized by more opportunities to assess their diet. Feature calculator is that nutrients and their caloric presented as proportional lines, allowing visual perception of quantitative variables and easily lay them on the scanning line. The counter is easy to use. And the description contains information on the chemical composition and calorie content of more than 500 dishes and products.

    In all cases, the sedentary lifestyle without the use of any types of physical activity and exercise energy can be taken approximately at 2,500 kcal / day. Every hour of pedestrian walking raises energy costs by 200-300 kcal.

    second most important condition for the proper regulation of food - the availability of reliable, scientifically based standards calorie needs, as well as food and biologically active substances, respectively, energy consumption, gender and age.

    For mature and elderly people, the concept that provides for extreme restraint and some quantitative restriction with the widest variety of food is quite acceptable. The old position that one should get up from the table with a sense of desire to eat more( in a state of incomplete saturation) remains in force. In mature and old age with a sedentary lifestyle, it is always better to eat less than to overeat.

    It is extremely desirable to introduce the principles of freshness. Than fresh food and foods consumed, so they are more useful. The use of a variety of vegetables and fruits is not only desirable, but also necessary.

    The above data far from exhausting all possibilities of increasing the biological full value of human nutrition.

    Vitamins - primary means of increasing the activity

    supply Vitamins - biologically highly active substances which may prevent the development of deficiency diseases. Until now, it was believed that this is their main purpose. However, recently the other side of the action of vitamins - their ability to improve the internal environment of the body, increase the functional capacity of the body's basic systems, its resistance to the action of unfavorable external and internal factors. Improving the state of the internal environment, vitamins strengthen the body's resistance to disease. That is why they should be considered as an important means of general primary prevention of diseases.

    Vitamins have an important role in improving overall performance, retarding the development of aging processes. Thus, they have turned into means of general action aimed at improving and optimizing the internal environment of the body.

    Today manifestations vitamin deficiency took advantageously latent form, being favorable background for the formation and development of a number of pathological states -. Atherosclerosis, peroxidation, neuroses, stress conditions, etc.

    Manifestations vitamin deficiency often occur not isolated as a separate, specific expressed simptomokommleksa andmainly in combination with any kind of modern pathology, contributing to its development and aggravating, complicating the course of the disease Vitainnaya failure is a complicating factor for coronary heart disease and rehabilitation after myocardial infarction.

    Perhaps many types of treatment( particularly in the elderly and in people with excess body weight) should start with removing them from the state of vitamin deficiency. To do this, use highly effective multivitamin complexes and combined geriatric drugs. Vitamins, actively associated with protein metabolism, are of particular importance.

    Without detracting from the importance of all vitamins in the normalization of the internal environment of the body, we will dwell only on some of them.

    Vitamin C is of interest because of its particularly close relationship with protein metabolism. The most important property of vitamin C is that when its deficiency decreases the use of protein in the body and the need for it increases. Accordingly, if the protein is deficient( especially the animal), normal restoration of the dehydroascorbic acid tissues into the reduced form( into vitamin C) is disrupted and the need for ascorbic acid is increased. Given that the satisfaction of the body's need for protein is the basis for optimizing the state of the internal environment, the role of ascorbic acid acquires the importance of special indispensability.

    It is currently recommended to take ascorbic acid in a daily dose of 20-30 mg to protect against the development of C-avitaminosis. However, in order to achieve the optimum effect in the normalization of the internal environment, approximately 5 times more ascorbic acid is required. As a general-tonic dose for adults, 100 mg of ascorbic acid per day can be considered.

    To ensure this level of vitamin in the daily diet, you need to significantly increase the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the year.

    We should start creating a new, modern cooking vegetable orientation. Its goal is the development and creation of such recipes for dishes that would best satisfy the body's need for ascorbic acid, carotene and bioflavonoids.

    It should be taken into account that the increased level of consumption of fruits and vegetables provides the best condition of the intestinal microflora, prevents the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines, prevents self-poisoning of the body with poisonous substances coming from the intestine.

    Among the large number of biological aspects of the action of vitamin C, it is necessary to note the antioxidant( antioxidant) properties of vitamin C.Ascorbic acid has such pronounced antioxidant properties that it ranks with such recognized means as tocopherols, etc.

    A serious problem is the prevention of vitamin B1 deficiency, which plays an important role in ensuring the normal state of the internal environment.

    It is known that vitamin B1 is linked to carbohydrate metabolism and participates in its normalization. In conditions of prevalence of hypokinesia and associated with it obesity, the prevention of B1 deficiency is of great urgency.

    A complicated situation has developed. On the one hand, the need for vitamin B1 increased as a result of the sharply increased consumption of easily assimilated carbohydrates - sugar, confectionery, ice cream, and sweet drinks; on the other hand, sources of vitamin B1 intake decreased significantly. The reason for this primarily was a general decrease in the vitamin B1 content in food products, which are subject to increasingly improved technological and industrial processing, maximum cleaning and the most complete refining.

    Worsening of vitamin B1 supply occurred due to a sharp decrease in its synthesis by the intestinal microflora.

    Means to combat the development of B1 deficiency is the implementation of a number of preventive measures. These include the normalization of the internal synthesis of vitamin B1 by the intestinal microflora and the increase in the sources of vitamin B1 intake due to food products, as well as due to the mandatory vitamin B1 vitamin supplementation of flour of higher grades used for the preparation of bread and bakery products.

    The third vitamin, which is of particular importance for the normalization of the internal environment, is vitamin E( tocopherol).

    Among the diverse biological properties of tocopherol, which affects the state of the internal environment, its antioxidant( antioxidant) properties, normalizing the action of the functional capacity of muscles, are of the greatest importance.

    The main physiological significance of vitamin E is its ability to protect the body's intracellular fat from oxidation. The fact is that as a result of self-oxidation of intracellular lipids( fats) that enter the structure of cellular membrane systems( chromosomes, etc.), toxic oxidation products are formed that disrupt the function and state of the cell.

    In addition, oxidation products inhibit and inactivate the function of enzymes and vitamins in the body. In the development of peroxidation, other active substances( polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc.) also undergo intensive destruction.

    Peroxidation is one of the essential factors that disrupt the normal state of the body's internal environment and weaken the function of its protective complexes( enzymes, vitamins, etc.).

    Oxidation of cell stromal fat can cause hemolysis( dissolution) of red blood cells, which in turn is an important factor in the deterioration of the internal environment.

    It is known that by enriching the diet with lipotropic substances( methionine, choline, etc.) it is possible to improve the internal environment and give it some stability and security with respect to the development of the atherosclerotic process.

    Antioxidants( vitamin E, etc.) and lipotropic substances( methionine, choline, inositol, etc.) have a synergistic effect. In addition, the main natural antioxidant - vitamin E - itself has lipotropic properties.

    Thus, the closure of the two most important second biological effects of nutrients - lipotropic and antioxidant - is an extremely important and interesting fact of natural integration, aimed at increasing the biological activity of nutrition and improving the internal environment of the body.

    It follows from the foregoing: to optimize the state of the internal environment and to give it a pronounced lipotropic orientation, it is advisable to use not only lipotropic substances, but also antioxidant substances. The combination of them will provide the best biological effect and the greatest preventive effect.

    Antioxidants( including vitamin E) are increasingly asserted in gerontology( the science of aging), gaining a certain importance as an effective geriatric drug. Normalization of oxidative processes and prevention of peroxidation, occurring under the influence of vitamin E, have a positive effect on the state of the internal environment and on the general state of the organism( especially people of mature and old age).

    Vitamin E( tocopherol) can play a significant role in preventing the development of pronounced manifestations of aging.

    An important aspect of the biological effect of vitamin E, as already mentioned, is its normalizing effect on the functional capacity of muscles.

    Studies conducted on animals have shown that with a deficiency of vitamin E they develop muscular dystrophy. The metabolism in muscles is disrupted, the activity of enzymes that cause normal metabolism decreases. At the same time, the content of myosin, the main active protein of muscles, decreases in muscles, and its inactive protein, collagen, is replaced. All this leads to a decrease and deterioration of the internal environment, a decrease in the functional capacity of the muscles and, ultimately, to the appearance( in man too) of fatigue and fatigue.

    Given the beneficial effect of vitamin E on the activity of skeletal muscles, we can assume that its effect on the function of the heart muscle is just as favorable.

    Alpha-tocopherol is the most active in the manifestation of a beneficial effect on the functional ability of muscles, which is mainly represented in the internal environment. In tissues and blood, alpha-tocopherol is about 90% of all tocopherols in the body.

    Given that vitamin E in the human body is not synthesized, sufficient intake of it becomes particularly important. The daily requirement for vitamin E is about 20-30 mg.

    The satisfaction of this demand is mainly due to the usual mixed, medium-balanced nutrition.

    Vitamin E is found in both vegetable and animal products in a significant amount, it is present in germinal cereals and in green vegetables. In wheat germ of tocopherol contains 25 mg%, in corn - 15-25, in grain of oats - 18-20, in beans - 6 mg%.In other food products, the content of tocopherols varies within 1-3 mg%.The most significant source of tocopherols are vegetable oils. It is generally accepted that 20-25 g of vegetable oil is optimal in the daily diet. With this amount of vegetable oil, all biologically active components come in optimum amounts.

    When evaluating vegetable oils as a source of antioxidants, you should consider the type of oil and what tocopherols it contains.

    Different types of vegetable oil contain its own set of tocopherols, which is peculiar only to this type of oil.

    So, for example, in sunflower oil contains only alpha-tocopherol, which, as is known, has E-vitamin properties, but is not sufficiently active in its antioxidant effect. Therefore, sunflower oil can not provide the full necessary antioxidant activity of food.

    At the same time, in soybean and corn oils, 90% of tocopherols are represented by antioxidant forms. To achieve the antioxidant effect, soya and corn oils are most suitable. Cotton butter occupies the "golden mean".In it approximately in equal shares there are both E-vitamin and antioxidant tocopherols.

    Thus, in order to normalize the internal environment and ensure the supply of the entire complex of tocopherols, it is necessary to use not only sunflower oil, but also corn, soybean, cottonseed oil.

    In conclusion, it should be noted the diversity of aspects of the biological effects of vitamin E. It has a normalizing effect on the function of the thyroid gland, and also participates in the processes of converting carotene to vitamin A in the body.

    The balance of vitamins in nutrition can provide a better state of the internal environment and,to influence on the improvement of health and efficiency, and also to increase the resistance of the organism to unfavorable factors.

    Fiber and connective tissue as a means of increasing the activity of food

    The generally accepted recommendations that food should be caloric and easily assimilated are unlikely to be acceptable for many people now.

    It is established that easily digestible food( fiber-free white bread of higher grades, confectionery, sweets, etc.) forms a refined food that does not require any effort for digestion.

    As a result, hypokinesia develops in the digestive system, which is not stimulated by activity, which is accompanied by a decrease in the secretory function and a decrease in intestinal motility, which leads to the development of constipation, intensification of putrefactive processes in the intestine, the development of flatulence and increased absorption of toxic putrefactive products.

    Developing at the same auto-toxicity regulates the body and promotes the emergence of early atherosclerosis and the formation of coronary heart disease.

    Oxidation of fiber nutrition allows you to give an active diet. The best source of active fiber is vegetables and fruits. Now they are given special importance in maintaining health.

    Indeed, vegetables and fruits are vital food that must be consumed on a daily basis. The increase in the specific weight in the diet of vegetables and fruits contributes to a decrease in irritability, which prevents to a certain extent stressful conditions.

    It is unlikely that the unilateral evaluation of animal food, especially meat, is continuing yet and now. The notion that meat, containing the least amount of connective tissue proteins, is most useful, requires revision.

    From the point of view of protein usefulness, this statement is really true. Connective tissue proteins are less valuable for the balance of their amino acids. In particular, they do not contain such important amino acids as tryptophan and cystine.

    Higher grades of meat are characterized by high fat content, combined with a minimum content of connective tissue elements. Cuttings, for example, are easily digested, the protein content is optimal in terms of amino acid balance. It is necessary to strive to ensure that such types of meat products occupy an important place in the assortment of food products.

    At the same time, many positive aspects are revealed in meat with a high content of connective tissue proteins and other elements. Such meat has in its composition a certain amount of connective tissue containing collagen, which is capable of forming glueing substances( glutin, gelatin, etc.) when heated. They are more active in their action on digestion, in particular, stimulate the secretion and motor function of the stomach and intestines, while showing some dietary properties, and also having a beneficial effect on the condition and function of the beneficial intestinal microflora.

    Now it can be considered justified the provision about the greater benefit of category II meat in the diet of patients with atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease and coronary heart disease. Equally in the diet of elderly people and people in hypokinetic conditions, as well as those who experience increased nervous excitability, those types of meat that are rich in connective tissue proteins are most suitable. That's why a well-prepared jelly is not only delicious, but also very useful.

    The Georgian people's high demand for national dishes is well known. We all know about the remarkable properties of khachapuri, satsivi and many other really "high-brow" Georgian dishes. And at the same time, one of the most popular dishes in Georgia is a relatively mawkish hashi. Why did it receive such recognition and wide dissemination? The fact is that hashi has undoubtedly a healing effect on digestion and has a favorable effect on the general state of the body.

    The hashi recipe provides not only the inclusion of components rich in collagen and other connective tissue elements. There are some other specific components in the hashi. Khashi is more complex than the relatively simple cold

    Georgian medical scientists, therapists and nutritionists conducted scientific studies that justify the legitimacy of the recommendation of hashi for the treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

    As you can see, the fiber of vegetables and fruits, connective tissue of meat should be more widely represented in human nutrition. The idea of ​​fiber and connective tissue as a ballast, unnecessary substances should be reviewed. They are the necessary components of nutrition. Of course, we do not call for the use of only category II meat and more often include a cold in the menu. It is necessary to find other, more valuable sources of useful connective tissue, rich in protein glue components.

    In this respect, some offal may play an important role.

    Food value of by-products

    The main types of by-products - tongue, liver, brains, kidneys, udders( sub-products of the 1st category), as well as lungs, spleen, scar( sub-products of category II) are an important source of protein, phosphorus and especially iron.

    Today, such subproducts, like tongue and liver, have reached the rank of high-value, original delicacy food products. Or another example. Until recently, the unpopular scar, when studied in detail, turned out to be a food product of high nutritional value and original taste properties. It can be reasonably attributed to food of the widest use. In some countries, really delicious dishes( flakes) are being prepared from the rumen, which are in great demand.

    Most by-products contain the same amount of protein as meat.

    Each kind of offal has its own peculiarities, allowing to distinguish its valuable biological properties and to determine its rational use in nutrition.

    The languages ​​of all types of slaughter animals are slightly inferior in content to the meat, but they are superior in quality. By the ease of digestion and assimilation, the small content of connective tissue and extractive substances, they can be attributed to food products that have great opportunities for delicacy and dietary use. Boiled tongue With mashed potatoes, tongue in jelly received the widest use in the menu of many countries of the world. Language is no less valuable food than the best sorts of meat.

    The liver can also be referred to an independent specific food product of delicacy and medical purpose. The tissue structure, specific taste properties, ease of separation of nutrients from the stroma make the liver an indispensable basis for the preparation of pates and liver sausages. The amount of protein The liver is the same as in category I beef, but in quality this protein has significant differences. The liver contains many proteins: globulins, albumins, collagens, nucleoproteins, glucoproteins and a group of proteins containing iron.

    The presence of iron proteins in liver proteins is the main feature of the protein structure of the liver. Ferritin is the main iron liver protein - contains more than 20% of iron. It plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin and other blood pigments.

    100 g of pork liver, for example, contains 12 mg of iron - 5 times more than in category I beef, 6 times more than in lamb, and 8 times more than in pork. The presence of a significant amount of ironoproteins and iron as a mineral substance gives the liver high anti-anemia properties.

    The liver is widely used in medical nutrition in the therapy of anemia, radiation sickness, general exhaustion, decreased hematopoietic capacity, with general weakening of the body.

    The liver is a real "storehouse" of vitamins. Therefore, it is widely used in all cases when it is necessary to increase the level of vitamins in the diet, eliminate some vitamin deficiencies and hypovitaminous conditions of the body.

    Before the development of the vitamin industry, the liver and fish oil served as the main means of rapidly curing A-avitaminosis( night blindness).In 100 g of liver contains 3.5 mg of vitamin A( two daily doses).50 grams of liver is enough to meet the daily requirement for vitamin A( it is represented in other foods is extremely inadequate).

    The liver also contains a significant amount of phosphorus( in 100 g to 350 mg of phosphorus), which is important for the normalization of the state and function of the nervous tissue of the brain.

    The liver is rich in extractives. They cause a strong cocaine effect, in connection with which the use of the liver in the diet of patients with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum and with gastritis with high acidity is limited.

    B vitamins are well represented in the liver( especially B2, PP, pantothenic acid, B6, choline, B12).Vitamin C in the liver is small and the amount does not exceed 8 mg per 100 g of liver. Quite a lot of cholesterol, in connection with which dishes from the liver in the elderly should not be carried away.

    Kidneys in protein content are inferior to meat. The amount of protein in the kidneys does not exceed 13%.The specific taste and smell of kidney products is a significant barrier to widespread everyday use of the kidneys in the diet.

    However, the kidneys in some dishes are indispensable, defining their character as a component. A clear example of this: rassolnik with kidneys and sote from the kidneys received universal recognition and mass distribution in modern cooking. Kidneys are a very important source of iron and B vitamins.

    Brains contain about half of the amount of protein that is found in beef. This dish, originally tasteful, can serve as an additional source of phosphorus and iron.

    From the data given, it can be seen that by-products are changing a full-fledged food product, and by the content of phosphorus and iron are much superior to some types of meat.

    One of the most important components of subproducts of special importance, and connective tissue, the most valuable part of which is collagen, which manifests in the body diverse, only its functional and biological characteristics.

    A significant source of collagen is the scar, in which almost half of its proteins are connective tissue proteins. Among them, collagen( 6.8%) is the main one and a small proportion is accounted for by elastin( 0.59%).

    In addition to the scar, an essential source of collagen( gelatin) is the skin( dermis), in which more than 93% of the total amount of proteins is collagen. In addition to the dermis, the source of collagen may be tendons, in which the amount of collagen is 88.5%.

    In any case, most of the by-products are a good source of collagen and other sticky substances.

    It is now recognized as inexpedient and even harmful to exclude from the diet of fiber. We have already noted the exceptional role in this respect of vegetables and fruits, giving a delicate fiber in combination with pectin substances and vitamins, biomicroelements, organic substances and other biologically active substances.

    However, in some cases, the fiber of fruits and vegetables is too tender. There is a need to strengthen it with a more "strong" fiber of grain products.

    In this regard, received official medical advice and approbation of bakery products enriched with coarse fiber shells of grain( bran, etc.).Among them, the doctor's bread and other types of bread from whole grains.

    In parallel with the enrichment of nutrition with plant fiber, it becomes necessary to increase the specific weight in meat products of connective tissue, mainly in the form of connective tissue proteins( collagen, procollagen, etc.), and in a number of cases, special purposeful enrichment of some meat products with these connective tissue glueing components.