  • Freshness

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    This term refers to food only food not subjected to any storage. Ideally, this concept involves the consumption of freshly baked, freshly baked, still warm milk, eggs just taken from the nest, cucumber and other vegetables directly from the bed, live fish, etc.

    Of course, today in large settlementsit is hardly possible on a mass scale to supply the population with "paired" products. But still you can do a lot in this respect. And first of all, careful, persistent reduction of the ways of delivery and promotion of food products to the consumer, the organization of a clear, rapid implementation of "directly" products such as milk, greens, fresh vegetables, etc.

    In providing freshness, providing fresh milk anddairy products, as well as the most - fresh green vegetables. It should be borne in mind that greens, green cucumbers and other vegetables that have lost their turgor, crumpled and polluted, significantly reduce their biological value and can not be considered "fresh."Providing the population with fresh, high-grade vegetables is not only a trade and economic event, but also an important health-improving activity.

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    In the solution of the problem of fresh milk, in particular, the immediate cooling of milk after milking is extremely important. It has been established that with rapid cooling of milk, most of the properties inherent in fresh milk are preserved up to 48 hours. That is why the rightly performed rapid cooling of milk allows providing "paired" milk and the population of cities.

    Similar data are available for "paired" meat. It is established that if the meat is cooled to a temperature of 4 degrees C in the thickness of the muscles, then all the useful indicators are retained to a greater extent than in frozen meat.

    Storage of purchased food products( even in a home refrigerator) leads to significant loss of their biological properties.

    We can assume that every day of home storage of food leaves their "freshness" and they become less valuable in terms of vitamins, enzymes, phytoncides and other biologically active components.

    Such important sources of biologically active substances, like milk and green vegetables, should be stored at home for a short time( not more than 1-2 days).

    Large losses of biologically active substances occur in the process of cooking and storing finished food.

    The main destruction of biologically active substances, including vitamins, occurs during the heat treatment of food. The higher the temperature of the effect on the product, the more food is biologically depreciated.

    However, the destruction of biologically active substances during heating occurs not so much from a high temperature as from the duration of heating. Such long-term types of heat treatment, like extinguishing vegetables( cabbage, potatoes, carrots, etc.), are accompanied by the greatest losses of vitamins and other biologically active substances. At the same time, short-term heating at high temperature is not accompanied by their losses.

    This is the basis for the application of the high-temperature method for the milk pasteurization. The same principle is based on the rapid high-temperature sterilization of milk. We can assume that the time factor plays a decisive role in preserving the biological value of human food and food.

    It used to be argued that the main destruction of biologically active components occurs during heat treatment. However, this view was erroneous. The main losses of biologically active food substances occur not at the time of heat treatment, but during the progress of food to the consumer. The longer this period, the more cooked food is stored and is left without movement, the later it comes to the consumer's table, the more it is biologically impaired.

    Particularly intensive loss of biologically active substances occurs when storing food and finished food without cooling. But even in home refrigerators a day later the food practically does not contain vitamin C and many other biologically active components.

    When studying the nutrition of centenarians in Georgia, it was noted that they eat mostly freshly prepared food and never leave it "for breakfast".Basically, they use fresh freshly picked greens and other vegetables. Apparently, the most biologically valuable dish is the ear from freshly caught fish, cooked on the bank of a river or lake. The greatest preservation of vitamin C occurs in the baked potato in the peel. Apparently, baked potatoes should be used more often in nutrition as a product of high biological value of