  • Weight Loss Simulators

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    It often happens that adhering to a variety of diets we lose weight, but there is no expected result, for example, a tight stomach, firm skin on thighs and buttocks. And then you have to resort to the help of various simulators that help bring our skin into tone and become an indispensable assistant in losing weight. You can do exercises on the simulators in different fitness rooms and gyms, but this becomes unrealistic, since most women have work, family, household chores and therefore it is very difficult to spend 1.5-2 hours per workout. But from this situation there is a wonderful way out - to arrange a gym at home. For this you need to buy effective simulators and engage in them when there is a free minute.
    In the sports stores are sold a variety of simulators and we have eyes from this diversity run in different directions. In order to choose a good and effective simulator, you need &n bsp;it is good to know on which particular area of ​​the body you want to make a bias in the class.

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    There are two criteria for choosing the most effective simulator:
    1. It is necessary that in the employment of working as many groups of muscles as possible, the more muscles work, the faster calories are consumed.
    2. In order to get as much oxygen as possible into the body, which helps to burn fat.

    Of the variety of simulators in stores, there are two main groups: cardio trainers and power simulators. Among women, cardio trainers are the most common. The essence of such a simulator is based on training the heart. After all, with an active sport, it is very important to strengthen the cardiovascular system and increase the endurance of the body. And while doing cardio workouts lead to the withdrawal of excess fat from the body.
    And now we turn to the consideration of the most popular simulators.

    One of the most common and effective cardio machines is the treadmill.
    When training on a treadmill, a large number of muscles work, breathing becomes more intense and you need to breathe very deeply, so our body spends a lot of calories. In addition, training on the track helps get rid of the "orange peel" on the thighs and buttocks. And also running or walking helps to strengthen the bones. And the process of getting rid of fat occurs quickly enough. In addition, having such a simulator at home, you can alternate running and walking, so classes will not be monotonous and boring.
    However, for training on a treadmill, people who have problems with very high weight, diseases of the spine, knees and ankle should be approached with accuracy.
    There are several rules for practicing on the treadmill:
    1. Regularity, you need to exercise every day and at about the same time.
    2. You need to start with a few mines and gradually increase the training time( the optimal time is 30-45 minutes).
    3. Training should begin with a warm-up( to prepare the heart for the future load).
    4. It is very important to give training 10-20 minutes in the morning, as in the morning calories are most quickly consumed.
    5. It is necessary to drink ordinary water before training, during training and after training.
    6. It is necessary to walk or run properly. First you should step on the heel then roll on the toe and fingers. It is necessary to push off with force for the next step.
    Take steps often.
    7. To finish the training you need to gradually, slowing down the pace to normal walking.

    Another effective simulator is the Elliptical Trainer.
    When practicing on such a simulator, each your foot stands on its own separate floating platform, and hands hold on to levers. When you begin to move the growls, your legs also begin to move in turn, simulating a run.
    Advantages of the Elliptical Trainer:
    1. During training, not only groups of leg muscles work, but muscles on the hands. And because of this, fat cells disappear faster.
    2. Classes on this simulator simulate natural movements, as when walking or running.
    3. The elliptical trainer is safer for those people who have problems with the spine and knees, which is a plus in comparison with the treadmill.
    However, this simulator has a minus: calories are consumed much more slowly than on a treadmill.
    For the most effective training on such a simulator you need to perform a few small but important tips:
    1. You need to train at least 4 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes.
    2. Periodically change the load level.
    3. During training, you need to strain the muscles on the abdomen and other parts of the body that do not work during training.
    4. Begin and finish training at a slow pace. At the beginning of the workout, this is necessary as a warm-up( the muscles warm up and enter the working rhythm).

    The next most effective is Stepper.
    Classes on the stepper are very similar to walking up the stairs.
    The Stepper is a very effective simulator for the lower body. This is because all the leg muscles( muscles of the thigh and lower leg, gluteus muscles) work on it. As a result of such training our legs and buttocks will become tight and beautiful( as cellulite also disappears).
    Classes on the stepper bring also a good result, if you study for 45 minutes a day and at least 5 times a week. If classes are held in an active rhythm, then you can lose 450 - 500 calories.
    For the best result of classes on Stepper you need to follow some rules:
    1. Regularly train.
    2. Before training, you need to do a little workout for 5 - 7 minutes.
    3. Press on the floating platform you need the whole foot, not just your fingers.
    4. Keep your back straight during training.
    Stepper is not recommended for people with hip joint disease.
    The next in effectiveness is the Rowing Simulator.
    Such a simulator is rightly considered a very good helper in losing weight and maintaining a great figure, as when practicing rowing machines, many muscle groups work. During training, our hands and feet imitate rowing. First of all, muscles of the upper part of the body( straight and rhomboid muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles and biceps) are developed in this exercise, the muscles of the legs and gluteal muscles also participate, but the load on them is much lower. Conducting training on the rowing machine 4-5 times a week for 25 - 35 minutes can improve muscle tone and flexibility of the spine. It is not only young and active people who are able to engage in such a simulator, but middle-aged people. A rowing machine can not be used for people with aching joints, radiculitis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    And one more simulator which is very popular among women is the Exercise Bike.
    Training on the bike is aimed at the muscles of the lower part of the trunk( buttocks, hips and calves).Regular training on the stationary bike leads to very beautiful results: your legs will become tight and slim and cellulite will disappear. Exercise on a stationary bike is not recommended for people with a weak backbone or who have suffered trauma in the lumbar region.
    To train on the exercise bike to give a very good result, you need to follow some tips:
    1. You can start training only after a little warm-up.
    2. Conduct training regularly, at least 4-5 times a week.
    3. The duration of training should not be less than 30 minutes. The most optimal duration is 45 - 60 minutes. Since the first 30 minutes our muscles are warmed up and enter the working tempo.
    4. It is necessary to drink water during training, before and after. Since with then comes not only fat, but also liquid from the body.
    5. If you are a beginner, then the first few days you need to train not in full force. This is necessary for our body to get used to such stresses. Otherwise, if you put it on the first day, then the next morning you can not get out of bed from the pain in the muscles. And this will lead to the fact that the simulator you bought will always gather dust in the far corner of the room.
    6. In order for the workouts to bring a positive result, you do not have to pedal very often and often, the duration is more important here.
    Regular exercise on the exercise bike will provide regular intake of oxygen, normalize the work of the respiratory and circulatory system and help in the fight against excess weight.

    Since recent times, another simulator has appeared, but has already gained immense popularity - it's Ryder.
    This simulator looks like a pair of scissors, on one side there is a seat and leg support, and on the other hand there is a fixed construction and handles. Training on this simulator simulates a horse walk from here and the name( rider - translated as a rider).In the process of training our body rises and falls, due to our own efforts. A person engaged in a rider should simultaneously press his feet on the supports and pull the handles toward him, due to this our body rises on the seat.
    Pursuing on the rider, we work on the muscles of the legs, arms, shoulders, abdomen and back. That's why such a simulator as Ryder will be an excellent assistant not only in losing weight, but also in improving the entire body, as it increases his endurance. Rider is ideal for the whole family, as the load in it depends on the weight of the body involved. There are no definite contra-indications for employment on this simulator, that is, it is possible to train everyone without restriction.
    In order for the result to be positive, the duration of the training should not exceed 40 minutes. The most ideal time is 20 - 30 minutes, during this time you can pump all muscle groups.

    It is necessary to train on any of the above simulators not earlier than 1.5 - 2 hours after sleep and not later than two hours before sleep, also before training it is impossible to eat 2 hours and after training 2 hours.

    If you have purchased a simulator, this does not mean that you do not have to work hard to become slim. In addition to regular training, you still need to monitor your diet, since by squandering your calories our body will much more quickly want to "eat" and that is why it is necessary to restrain the urge to grab any bun to satisfy hunger. If you really want to lose weight and get graceful forms, then in addition to training on the simulators you need to adhere to dietary intake or at least reduce the calories coming with food. This can be done due to a minor replacement of fatty foods for skim and more useful. You need to eat more vegetables, fruits and products containing protein.
    And then you yourself will not notice how your figure will become slim and fit.