  • Diet № 1

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    This is a special curative and anti-relapse diet in diseases of the stomach, sometimes - the small intestine. Depending on the severity and severity of the painful process, it includes liquid, semi-liquid or puree-cleaned foods, which should provide mechanical, chemical and thermal shading of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.

    On a set of products( wheat bread, biscuits, vermicelli, lean meat, lean fish, vegetables, except cabbage and legumes, cereals, mashed or whole, chicken egg, milk, cream, low-fat cottage cheese, non-acid sour cream, weak tea, fruit and vegetable juices,unsalted butter) these diets are high-grade. However, they restrict food fibers, extractives of meat, fish, mushrooms. In case of exacerbation of diseases it is also necessary to limit the use of table salt, food often, in small portions. According to the strictest diets Nos. 1a and 1b, it is better to give boiled meat only if it is wiped.

    Cooking - all dishes boiled or steamed.

    1) Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the phase of fading exacerbation and remission( without exacerbation) during periods of courses of anti-relapse therapy.

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    2) Acute gastritis in the last period of dietary treatment.

    3) Chronic gastritis with preserved or increased secretion in the phase of fading exacerbation and remission.

    4) Infectious diseases that occur with impaired functions of the gastrointestinal tract, but without diarrhea.

    Intended purpose .Gastric dullness( less severe than diet No. 16) by limiting mechanical, chemical and thermal stimuli in food, stimulating the recovery of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, normalizing intestinal function.

    Physiologically complete diet with a sufficient content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, with a sharp restriction of dishes, which are strong agents of secretion and chemically irritating the mucous membrane. Foods containing cell membranes are also limited. A mode of a food fractional - 5-6 times a day.

    Culinary processing. The food is cooked in boiled or steam, but not in the garbled form. Food temperature: hot dishes not above 60 ° C, cold dishes and drinks not below 15 ° C.

    Chemical composition and calorific value. Proteins 100 g, fats 100 g( of which 1/3 of plant), carbohydrates 400-450 g. Caloric content of 3000-3200 kcal. The amount of free liquid is 1.5 liters. Sugar 10 g.

    Bread and bakery products - yesterday's bread, dry biscuit, dry biscuits, 1-2 times a week a limited number of buns or baked cakes with apples, jam, boiled meat and eggs.

    Soups - milky grinded cereals;Milk with the addition of mashed vegetables( cabbage is excluded);Milk with shredded vermicelli or homemade noodles;rubbed vegetable( from carrots, potatoes, beets: the vegetable broth merges, flour and vegetables are not steamed), dressed with creamy or refined sunflower oil. Meat and fish dishes-meat of low-fat varieties( beef, chicken, rabbit, veal) stripped of tendons and fat, boiled or steamed, grated( cutlets, knitters, meatballs, mashed potatoes, soufflé, rolls, etc.).Low-fat and non-rigid meat is allowed in a boiled form by a piece;A thin jelly prepared on a bone broth with the addition of gelatin. Various low-fat varieties of fish( pike perch, perch, cod) in boiled, steam, frayed and chunk. Jellied fish.

    Eggs and egg products - up to 2 eggs a day( soft-boiled), in the form of a steam omelet or in dishes.

    Milk and milk milk products, whole or condensed;cream in its natural form and whipped;sour cream( in a limited quantity), curd not acid, wiped, in the form of souffle, unsalted cheese mass, etc.; yoghurt is one-day.

    Vegetables and greens - various kinds of vegetables( boiled in water and steamed, in a grated kind).

    Fruits, berries, sweets-various ripe fruits and berries( except acid varieties) in natural, baked, steam and fried form, sugar, jam, honey, jelly, jelly, mousse.

    Cereals and pasta - various cereals( semolina, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) in the form of mashed potatoes, soufflé, porridges, puddings, boiled in water and steamed, mashed;home-made noodles, vermicelli, macaroni, finely chopped;green peas, bean curd.

    Fat-butter unsalted, well-purified olive, sunflower( do not fry, but add to dishes and give in kind).

    Appetizers - raw mashed garlic, ham non-greasy, low-fat, finely chopped, caviar( packed, granular) in small quantities.

    Sauces and spices - dairy sauces, sour cream( on cereal broth or on milk).Flour does not passer. Sweet fruit and berry gravies. Spices are excluded

    Drinks and juices - tea with milk, with cream, light cocoa, coffee is not strong with milk, with cream. Sweet fruit and berry juices. Broth of dogrose.

    is prohibited: white cabbage and red cabbage, turnip, rutabaga, radish, radish, onion, garlic, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms;eggs are raw;black bread;fried food;meat, mushroom and fish broth;alcoholic beverages;flour products;different canned food;peas, beans, beans, lentils, millet;refractory fats;sharp and salty dishes;smoked products.

    1st breakfast - Dutch cheese, buckwheat porridge, tea with milk.

    2-nd breakfast - cottage cheese, calcined, broth of rose hips.

    Lunch - potato vegetarian soup, boiled meat, baked under béchamel, boiled carrots, jelly.

    Snack-broth of dogrose, sweet crackers.

    Dinner - fish boiled, sauce with egg, carrot-apple roll, tea with milk.

    For the night-milk boiled( 1 glass).

    For the whole day-bread white 400 g, sugar 30 g, butter 30 g, fruit 300 g.

    1) Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum with unfavorable, severe course( long-term non-cicatrizing ulcer, often recurrent course, etc.), with disorders of metabolic processes, with a decline in nutrition.

    2) Severe progressing course of chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, including in combination with diseases of the liver, pancreas.

    Intended purpose. Mitigation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum by limiting mechanical, chemical and thermal stimuli in food while simultaneously affecting the acceleration of healing of ulcers and erosions of the stomach and duodenum, enhancing the protective capabilities of the mucosa, enhancing the anti-inflammatory effect of treatment.

    General characteristics. A physiologically complete diet with an increased content of animal protein, greater than in diet No. 1, the amount of fats( mainly vegetable) and fiber( raw vegetables, fruits);provides stimulation of protein metabolism, primarily in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract;Favorably affects the motor-evacuation, bile excretory functions of the digestive organs, normalizes the processes of nervous regulation of the stomach, intestine, liver and pancreas. The increased content of vitamins in the diet( especially C, group B, A, etc.) increases the resistance of the gastrointestinal mucosa to the effects of unfavorable factors, prevents the unfavorable course of the disease. The mode of food is fractional - 7 times a day.

    Cooking .The food is cooked in boiled or steam form. The diet consists of salads from raw vegetables. The temperature of food is normal.

    Chemical composition and calorific value. Proteins 130-150 g( of which 1/3 vegetable), fat 130 g( of which 1/2 vegetable), carbohydrates 400-450 g. Caloric content 3600-3700 kcal. The vitamin B1 content is increased by 20% in comparison with diet No. 1, vitamin B2 by 40%, vitamin A by 50%, vitamin C by 3 times, phosphorus by 45%, iron by 2.5 times. Table salt 10 g. The total volume of free liquid up to 1.5 liters.

    Bread and bakery products - protein bread, dry biscuits, dry biscuit;2-3 times a week a pie or buns from an unsuitable dough with cottage cheese, egg, boiled meat.

    Soups - milky grinded cereals;they say full-time with the addition of mashed vegetables( cabbage is excluded), dairy with crushed vermicelli or homemade noodles;mashed vegetables, carrots, potatoes, beets: the vegetable broth is drained, the flour and vegetables are not steamed), dressed with creamy or refined oil. Meat and fish dishes-meat of low-fat varieties( beef, chicken, rabbit, veal), stripped of tendons and fat, mostly chopped, steamed or boiled in water. Fish of low-fat river and sea varieties( carp, perch, cod, pike perch, etc.) in cooked or baked form. Jellied meat or fish( on a weak broth with gelatin).

    Egg and egg products-egg white( no more than 2 eggs per day) in the form of additives to dishes;omelette protein steam.

    Milk and dairy products is a natural whole milk, cream, cheese, freshly prepared fresh in dishes( soufflé, pudding, lazy pierogi) or pureed, cream, sour cream, sugar;fermented milk products( kefir, fermented milk, one-day sour milk, acidophilus, acidophilus milk).

    Vegetables and greens - various kinds of vegetables( except cabbage and red cabbage, radish, radishes, turnips, rutabagas, spinach, onion, garlic), boiled, stewed, fresh( grated vegetables) form puddings, salads, mashed, stew, casseroles.

    Fruit, berries, sweets, fruits and berries of sweet varieties, ripe, raw, cooked, mashed and baked. Sweet berries juice( raspberry, strawberry) in half with water. Honey, jams, jam from sweet varieties of berries and fruits, pastilles, marshmallows, marmalade without aromatic essences.

    Cereal and pasta - dairy mashed cereal( especially oatmeal, "Hercules" flakes, buckwheat, oatmeal), pureed steamed puddings, boiled noodles, finely chopped noodles.

    Fats - butter add to ready meals( do not fry).Vegetable oil( sunflower, corn, olive, cotton, etc.) with good tolerance is added to ready meals at the rate of 80 g per day.

    Snacks - vinaigrette with vegetable oil, a salad of grated fresh vegetables, fruits, fish in aspic, meat, veal, cold, doctor's sausage, sturgeon caviar, cheese, mild, lean ham.

    Sauces and spices - dairy sauce( bechamel), fruit sauces, sauces on vegetable broth with parsley leaves, dill, sour cream. Drinks and

    soki- weak tea with milk or cream, vegetables( carrot, beet, potato) juice and mixed with water, fruit and berry juices, broth hips and wheat bran.

    Prohibited: sharp, salty, fatty, fried dishes, smoked foods, canned snacks;vegetables rich in essential oils, with coarse fiber( onion, garlic, radish, radish, turnip, etc.);mushrooms and decoctions of them;refractory fats of animal origin( pork, lamb, beef), margarine, cooking fats;black bread, raw eggs;alcoholic beverages;beans( peas, beans, beans, lentils);millet.

    1-st breakfast - omelette protein steam, oatmeal porridge mashed milk, tea with milk.

    2nd breakfast-grated fresh carrots with vegetable oil, meat stew( 100 g), broth of wild rose.

    Lunch - Rice milky rice soup, cooked chicken, vegetable ragout, berry jelly.

    Snack - a decoction of wheat bran with sugar, cheesecake.

    1st dinner - fish fillet in dairy sauce, mashed potatoes, fresh grated beet salad, tea with milk.

    2nd supper - milk boiled( 1 glass), dry biscuit.

    At night - whole milk powder - 1 tbsp.l.(with increased acidity);infant formula - 1 tbsp.l.(in all other cases).

    For the whole day-wheat bread 400 g, sugar 30 g, fruit 350 g.