
What vitamins in black currant, the composition of black currant and its beneficial properties

  • What vitamins in black currant, the composition of black currant and its beneficial properties

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    Black currant is a berry that grows almost everywhere, in forests, along the banks of rivers, lakes, on the outskirts of marshes, it is grown by gardeners in their plots. Since July it can be found on sale. Brilliant black berry with an unsurpassed aroma, the taste is sweet and sour.

    It is used in cooking in raw form and for the preparation of various preparations: jam, jam, compotes, etc. It can be stored frozen, while the berry does not lose its useful properties. And yet, what vitamins are in the black currant? What is it useful for a person? How to apply it to health?

    Composition of black currant

    It is not for nothing that the currant is called a "health pantry".This plant is useful not only berries, but also leaves, branches and roots. It remains to find out what vitamins are contained in the currant? The berries contain vitamin C, B, P provitamin, A, also organic acids, sugar pectins and other useful components.

    It also contains minerals needed for the human body. In the leaves of black currant there are ascorbic acid, carotenoids, various phytoncides and oils.

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    The main vitamin of blackcurrant is ascorbic acid, in terms of its content, it is the leader among fruits and berries. Vitamin C plays a huge role in virtually all chemical and biological processes taking place in the human body, fulfilling the biological role of the reductant.

    In addition, vitamin C - the strongest antioxidant, protecting organisms from harmful influences of the environment. He also participates in the formation of collagen, converts cholesterol to bile acids.

    In cosmetology, vitamin C is widely used in preparations to enhance the recovery functions of the dermis, slowing down aging, improving the elasticity of the skin.

    Other components that are present in the currant are also important. All elements in the currant are so balanced in composition that this berry can be called the elixir of health.

    How useful is blackcurrant?

    As part of the black currant contains a huge amount of vitamin C, only twenty berries will provide a daily requirement of the body in this vitamin. Therefore, it provides protection against various viral infections. This is an excellent tool for strengthening immunity.

    Fruits are used for beriberi fresh and in the form of broths as part of various vitamin dues.

    Blackcurrant juice is advised to use weakened patients after surgery in connection with its ability to restore strength.

    Currant cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol, preventing the formation of plaques. Strengthens blood vessels, making them supple.

    Vitami B9 and ascorbic acid contained in berries are indispensable in removing radioactive components and heavy metals from the human body. For this purpose, use the dried berries in the form of a decoction.

    If the throat is ill, the currant juice will help to cope with this trouble due to antibacterial properties. Divorced juice with water( 1: 2) you need to gargle several times a day.

    Black currant is a wonderful remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with low acidity. Patients are encouraged to use these healthy berries during the season in their fresh form.

    Thanks to tannins and antibacterial properties, black currant saves from intestinal distress.

    Analyzing and studying the useful features of this berry, scientists have discovered the ability of the currant to prevent the development of sclerosis in people in old age.

    Experts recommend the use of black currant all year round in various forms. Virtually without contraindications, this available berry gives a huge supply of vitamins, energy and vitality.

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