  • Pilots of the Book Sea

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    No cinema, no radio, no television has replaced the book from among the children's favorite activities. The wider the outlook of a person, the greater his need for reading. Those who knew Vladimir Ilyich Lenin said that Ilyich never parted with the book, and gave her a huge role in the growth of culture, the education of the people. Maxim Gorky called the book the most powerful tool of spiritual development of a person.

    The culture of reading. .. The concept is multifaceted. Its most important term is the ability to choose the right, good book. Agree, the circle of reading the child depends mainly on the parents. The first books bought by the kid, the first tales he heard, the first learned poems. .. We can and should love the child for reading love.

    With the baby it's easy. We show him colorful drawings, explain what they are talking about, pay attention to what thought the author wanted to express. Thanks to the fairy tale, the child acquires serious concepts in his heart, learns to respond to the events of the surrounding world, receives the first ideas about justice. It is fairy tales for kids, stressed Sukhomlinsky, - the source of the education of love for the Motherland. Therefore, we try to read them about Little Red Riding Hood and Gray Wolf, about the brave Ivanushka and Tsar Saltan, about beloved animals. Later - books where heroic border guards, brave Gavroche act. .. All this influences the feelings of the child, opens the window to the big world, introduces the history of the Motherland, the heroes who are the defenders of the Motherland.

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    Should we pay such attention to fiction, art in our age of technology, space, outstanding scientific discoveries? Some believe - no, do not. However, depriving a person of reading, we will impoverish it, disrupt the harmony of the mind and heart: nothing like literature, awakens feelings.

    Does the kid grow up to be a real person if he does not read the Blind Musician, the White Poodle, Pushkin's poems and fairy tales, if he does not later meet the little hero of the Parisian barricades - Gavroche, then - with Korchagin, if he does not fall in love with the heroes of Kassil, Lev Tolstoy? The literature about the Civil War, about the Great Patriotic War is not just a book about the history of the country, written artistically, brightly, impressively. This acquaintance with the feat. The chanting of courage and heroism in the name of the Motherland literally fascinates the young reader, arouses the ardent desire to be an equally unbending patriot.

    And if the boy does not reach for the book? If, with great pleasure, he plays in a "war" with his comrades, he considers fiction, "mura" everything, as described in the fascinating tale? Then parents will have to work hard to awaken in the adolescent interest in reading. So, they let the gaps in his upbringing before. Lack of time for classes with the child in no way can not justify the father, the mother, who years later spread their hands: "Well, who is to blame? This has grown. .. "For the fact that his son" grew this way ", of course, in the answer they are none other.

    Even brief minutes of communication with children give them a lot.

    With any official workload, Sergei Pavlovich Kovrov cut out an hour or two for his son. Attached him to a game of chess, to reading. Petya fell in love with books not at once. School lessons were diligent, and other literature only leafed through and looked at the pictures.

    Once Sergei Pavlovich asked:

    - Have you heard, Petya, about any of the pioneers who were awarded a medal or order for exploits in the war?

    The boy tensed, trying to seem to remember, then shrugged his shoulders in astonishment:

    - So only adults are rewarded.

    - And here not. Do you know anything about the sons of the regiments?

    - No, - honestly admitted Petya.

    Sergey Pavlovich told his son about the pioneer-hero Kostya Kravchuk, the Knight of the Order of the Red Banner, who saved two Battle Banners of the Red Army units. About the young scout Vite Komarov, honored for the exploits of the Order of the Red Star, the son of the regiment Serezha Aleshkova. .. Father brought Petya small but interesting books, and then discussed them together. Gradually, the schoolboy so addicted to reading that Sergei Pavlovich barely had time to change his books.

    The son reaches out to his father, like a plant to the light. It is natural. It is the father that promotes the development in the boy of the qualities necessary for the future man, forms the masculine character. By heart, having understood his holy duty as a teacher, Sergei Pavlovich often turned to the works of the famous teacher A. S. Makarenko, listened to the radio programs "Parents about Children", searched for materials about the child's psychology.

    It's hard to overestimate the role of the book in the family. AI Herzen called her a spiritual testament of one generation to another, the advice of a dying old man to a young man beginning to live. Therefore it is extremely important that a good book fall into the hands of your children. Are not many of the guys starting to make a living from the literary heroes? Is not the book instilling in teenagers the ability to think, understand duty, help to reveal the wealth of a person's feelings?

    Do you often talk with your son or daughter about the events described by the author, about the actions of the characters? Lily-of-the-Valley Galimzhanovna spoke with the children about books all the time. Her father did not want to call children by ordinary names: they were identified by a mullah, and the red commander of the Ha- lams did not believe in Allah. I did not believe from the time I left the house and went to fight for the land, for the will, for the people's power. To give Russian names did not dare, because the Tatars then kept apart. He chose the book, mysterious, born of the age of the revolution: the eldest son - January - in memory of the victims on January 9, the middle - Dynamo, the youngest received the name in honor of the famous commander Blucher. And my daughter's name was tender - Lily of the Valley.

    The Tatar proverb says: what you learned in the nest, it will be in flight. Many children adopted Galimzhan Galimov from his father.

    Galimzhan was killed during the Great Patriotic War near the walls of Moscow. He was buried at an altitude of 242. Soon the death of the brave fell submariner hydroacoustic January Galimov, who found a grave in the student waters of the Barents Sea. Red commander and sailor, father and son, gave their lives in the battles for their Motherland.

    Lily-of-the-Valley married a Russian youth, Sergei Gorev, who became an officer.

    The greatest wealth in the house of Gorevs is of course the book. Their library is truly a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom. Collected works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Nekrasov, Gorky, Chekhov, Blok, Kuprin, Tolstoy. The brave son of the Tatar people is Musa Jalil. Foreign classics - Hasek, Balzac, Wells. Anthology "Russian Poets".A place of honor is the Short Literary Encyclopedia.

    Without books, Landysh Galimzhanovna, a teacher in a kindergarten, can not. And my husband - a teacher, was engaged in the institute in absentia. I myself studied foreign languages. By the way, Brother Landysh Galimzhanovny - Blucher defended his thesis in the military academy in German. Another brother, Dynamo, also graduated with honors from the academy.

    And most importantly - Gorevs are taught to read their children. They understand very well how important it is for every person to know the literature. Any truth stated in the work of art is easier to assimilate. And Eugene and Sergei fell in love with the book.

    Often, the mother makes a remark very peculiar:

    - Seryozha! You do not know where to put your hands? Let's read together "Youth honest mirror".Our ancestors also defined the rules of behavior in society.

    Read. Lively laugh. They think.

    A teenager is not a clean board, worn to a shine by a cautious attendant: take the chalk and write. Much has to be erased, re-creating what is needed. How to instill in children an interest in all the richness of human culture? Lily-of-the-Valley Galimzhanovna told them in detail about the performances she watched, about the paintings and museums located far from the garrison, explaining that people spend hours in the queue at the Tretyakov Gallery and the Hermitage for hours on end in any weather.

    Mother talks about Krylov's fables, about Derzhavin's civic poetry, analyzes complex proposals with his son, explains to his daughter what synonyms and aphorisms are. She has a solid goal, sublime, noble, - to cultivate harmoniously developed people. Engaging with children grammatical rules, carefully looks for examples. Each phrase for her is like a grain that is thrown into the soil, thinking about the future harvest. The children are well aware of what contemporary writers mother appreciates, what events excite her, what film she liked.

    To awaken bright feelings, to teach to think, to make children see their older friends in parents, that's what Gorevs are striving for."The soul of the child," V. Sukhomlinsky warned, "should not be a cold storehouse of truths."Before giving her son or daughter another book about the war, about heroes-front-line soldiers, Landish Galimzhanovna reminded them of relatives who died in the struggle against the Nazis.

    In conversations with sons and nephews during walks, outstanding revolutionary Mikhail Sergeevich Kedrov often turned to Darwin. The book of the scientist about the journey on the ship "Beagle" the children have not yet been read, and the father retold their contents. The boys were carried away mentally to the distant prairies, to the islands of Oceania, to the sultry desert. And every time the conversation seemed to be incidental to the hero's deed. The heroic deed of a scientist, a man, a soldier. ..

    - What is a feat? - asked the children.

    - It is committed by those who are always adamant in the struggle for their beliefs, "answered Mikhail Sergeyevich. And he tried to reveal the diverse nature of the exploits: Darwin as a scientist, Russian revolutionaries, who opposed the tsarist autocracy. Advised which books to read, focused on those or other episodes. A young man can not begin life, he believed, without reading Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Shakespeare, Goethe. .. No one has the right to pass by the novel E. Voynich "Gadfly".Mikhail Sergeyevich, according to his daughter Silva, was convinced that "from a person who does not care about Pechorin's experiences, Othello's suffering, which is indifferent to the fate of Lisa Kalitina and Natasha Rostova, can not get anything worthwhile."

    The attitude of the childhood and adolescence to the heroic deed of the older generations to some extent determines the civil position of the individual. Perhaps, fiction is the most complete, deeply recreates the greatness of the feat, traces its origins. And if one of the adults reads a book with a child - father, grandfather, brother, - her educational influence multiplies.

    Let's take another historical fact. The agent of Lenin's Iskra, Lenin's comrade-in-arms Viktor Nogin, elected after the revolution as chairman of the Moscow Soviet, liked to rest with his children on weekends and read them aloud. Contrary to the objections of friends - hunting, they say, you'll beat the children off, - I firmly believed: no sage would invent a more reliable way to get closer to the children than a collective reading. Sometimes he translated English books from his son to his daughter. Kipling's tales of Ricky-Tikki-Tavi, about Mowgli, the adventures of Tom Sawyer. .. Viktor Pavlovich instilled in his children not only love for literature, but also the ability to analyze its content. Especially he liked the "Legend of Eulenspiegel".Nogin helped the children to understand the deep meaning, high poetry of this novel. The book about the fighter for the people became for them, as well as for the father, desktop.

    No friendly sitting at the TV, collective trips to the movies can not replace the spiritual unity in the family during loud reading at a common table.

    And if you teach the child to write out the most interesting places from the work, put his thoughts in a special notebook, so we will take a serious step towards the formation of the personality. To argue, to share impressions of the book with the children, to help understand what the author wanted to say, is a feasible task for each of us. After all, our cherished desire is to raise a son, a daughter, real people, patriots of the Motherland.

    Is it to implement this dream of a pity time?