
What vitamins are in lemon, the composition of the lemon and its beneficial properties

  • What vitamins are in lemon, the composition of the lemon and its beneficial properties

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    Lemon is the most unique fruit, which in its properties is superior to many citrus fruits. His homeland is China, India and the Pacific Islands. The useful properties of this wonderful plant are legends. Scientists have long established that citrus fruits are extremely useful for humans, and one of the first places in its unique composition is lemon.

    And yet, what vitamins in lemon are present and what are they useful for a person?

    Components of lemon

    For trouble-free operation of the whole organism, it needs to receive various trace elements and other useful substances. What vitamins contain a lemon?

    In the flesh of the fruit contains the main antiviral vitamin - ascorbic acid( C).This organic compound is one of the primary elements in the human diet, which is necessary for the normal functioning of connective and bone tissue.

    Vitamin C is the strongest natural antioxidant. Eating every day one quarter of a small lemon with skin, a person will significantly increase their immunity. Ascorbic blood contains the vessels in order, which is important for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

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    To create cells and preserve them in a healthy state, you need folic acid( B9), which is abundant in the pulp of citrus fruit. It is necessary for pregnant women that the fetus develop without pathologies, to children( especially at an early age) and is very useful for male strength. In addition, folic acid takes an active part in the metabolism processes, helping to get rid of excess weight.

    Beta-carotene and vitamin A play an important role for the organs of vision. They actively participate in the processes of metabolism at the level of cells, help in maintaining the health of hair, nails and skin. Retinol( A1) interacts with free radicals and with oxygen molecules, which proves the effectiveness of this component as the strongest antioxidant.

    Retinol is an intensifier of vitamin E( an immunomodulator that helps to strengthen immunity), in turn, vitamin E does not oxidize retinol.

    Vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6 participate in all biochemical processes of the body, take part in carbohydrate metabolism, synthesize hemoglobin, regulate the activity of the nervous system, etc.

    Importantly, the macro and microelements contained in the lemon: calcium,potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, fluorine, boron, etc. They are necessary for the normal working capacity of the human body and are important at the physiological level.

    Lemon rind contains a large number of valuable essential oils, as well as pectin substances. Pectin favors weight reduction, since it does not allow the body to accumulate a large amount of sugar and speeds up the process of metabolism.

    Application of lemon

    The composition of the lemon is so unique that it helps to fight many diseases. It is widely used as a prophylaxis as a vitamin remedy.

    This citrus fruit provides invaluable help for cold and viral diseases, vitamin deficiency. In folk medicine, lemon juice, diluted with water, is used to rinse with angina, various inflammatory processes of the oral cavity.

    The apple and citric acid contained in lemons strengthen the metabolic process in the body, thereby helping to get rid of fat deposits. Also help with gastrointestinal diseases with low acidity.

    The use of lemon juice is also great in cosmetology: its aqueous solution mixed with whipped egg whites and glycerine is used for bleaching, softening and rejuvenating the skin of the face. He also copes with cracks in the skin, helps in the improvement of nails. Lemon juice is added to lotions, creams, masks for various skin types.

    You can talk endlessly about the merits of this fruit, but, like all products, it has contraindications. It is not recommended to use in case of an allergic reaction( a fairly strong allergen), with increased acidity and gastric ulcer( due to the high acid content).

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