
Demodecosis in humans: treatment with folk remedies

  • Demodecosis in humans: treatment with folk remedies

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    Read in article:
    • What is demodex and demodicosis mite: symptoms
    • Demodecosis: treatment with folk remedies, home recipes
    • Prevention and useful tips how to prevent demodicosis infection

    Home treatment for demodicosis: folk recipes

    Demodectic is a dermatological skin disease caused by a microscopic tick, referred to as demodex.

    It is advisable to approach demodicosis treatment in a complex way, using for this purpose pharmacies of insecticidal action, adhering to certain nutrition and applying popular techniques.

    What is demodex mite and demodicosis: symptoms ^

    Demodecosis in humans is a parasitic disease that recurs with a decrease in the protective properties of the skin.

    The face mite demodicosis, or the acne vulgaris, getting on the skin, begins to parasitize in the sebaceous glands of the face and hair follicles. Favorite places of localization of the parasite are the auditory external passage, eyelids, facial skin, nasolabial folds, forehead and chin.

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    Symptoms of demodectic are as follows:

    • Itching of the ears and eyelashes;
    • Hyperemia of the eyelids;
    • Nasty skin of the face;
    • Light tickling or creeping sensation;
    • Red or maroon stains on the affected area of ​​the skin;
    • The appearance of a small rash, ulcers, pustules, blackheads.

    Causes of demodicosis:

    • Use of substandard oily cosmetics;
    • Failures in the hormonal system;
    • Obesity;
    • Non-compliance with personal hygiene;
    • Frequent neuroses and stresses;
    • Exposure to high temperatures - baths, saunas;
    • Vascular or intestinal diseases.

    The danger of demodicosis is that if the demodex mite penetrates the skin, it will create a favorable environment for the passage and development of pathogenic microorganisms that can cause various infectious diseases.

    Demodectic can occur in the following forms - localized, juvenile and generalized.

    Traditional medicine offers a large number of tools and external recipes, allowing to answer the question "how to get rid of demodecosis forever".Folk remedies, which have drying, soothing, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic and antimicrobial effect, can excellently suppress parasitic mite activity and effectively cure demodicosis.

    The main methods that are used at home for the treatment of demodicosis are lotions, compresses and ointments based on natural components.

    Demodecosis: treatment with folk remedies, home recipes ^

    Traditional recipes for the treatment of demodicosis: aloe with honey

    Treatment of demodectic on the face

    • Grind in a coffee grinder st.l.fruits of juniper, then pour them for five hours with a glass of boiling water.
    • In the resulting broth, moisten the three-layer gauze and cover the face pretreated with tincture of calendula for 20 minutes.

    Treatment of demodectic eyelids

    • Two st.l.wormwood brew in a glass of boiling water, then moisten in the infusion of cotton wool and attach to the area of ​​the eyelids for 15 minutes.
    • Ч.л.bark oak boil in 200 ml of water for five minutes, then strain, moisten in a decoction of clean bandage and attach to the eyelids for half an hour, changing the compresses every 10 minutes.

    Treatment of demodicosis of the scalp

    • 1 tbsp.crushed roots of elecampane to hold in a water bath for 10 minutes in a glass of boiling water
    • Then insist for another 5 hours.
    • The resulting decoction should be treated with a head, soaked for an hour, then washed off.

    Treatment of demodectic eyes

    • Tangerine flowers( st.l) put in boiling water( 200 ml), insist 40 minutes and filter. Squeeze out the pressed flowers on gauze, wrap and apply to the eye area for 10 minutes.
    • With a strained infusion, the eye area should be washed daily.

    Treatment of eyelashes demodectomy

    • Buy in a pharmacy or prepare an eucalyptus alcohol solution.
    • Then moisten the cotton swab and gently treat the roots of the cilia.

    Treatment of demodicosis with birch tar

    • Combine equal parts of solidol, tar of birch and olive oil, then treated with ointment to treat the affected areas of the face.
    • The ointment should be washed off after 15-20 minutes with lime decoction.

    Calendula Demodicosis Treatment

    • In an alcoholic tincture of calendula, moisten a cotton swab or a cotton pad and gently treat the parasite-affected areas.
    • In addition to the tincture, you can apply a decoction of marigold for daily washing of the face and eyelids.

    Treatment of demodicosis with decoction of wormwood

    Two st.l.wormwood bring to a boil in a liter of boiling water, then let it brew for three hours and add st.l.honey. Take the decoction of wormwood as follows:

    • First day - 50 ml every hour;
    • The second day - 50 ml every two hours;
    • In the following days - 50 ml every three hours.

    Treatment of demodicosis with garlic

    • Cut several cloves of garlic into gruel, combine with linseed oil 3: 2, then put the mixture on gauze, wrap and apply to the affected area with demodicosis for 30 minutes.
    • Remains of the mixture should be removed with a decoction of oak bark and tar soap.

    Treatment of demodicosis of aloe

    • Squeeze juice from aloe leaves, soak a sterile bandage and apply for half an hour to the affected skin.
    • Periodically change every 10 minutes for more fresh.

    Treatment of demodicosis with herbs

    • Prepare the next collection - one part of plantain, tansy, wormwood, mint, yarrow and two parts of a string with chamomile.
    • From the resulting mixture should take three tablespoons, pour them ½ liter of boiling water for 30 minutes, then filter.
    • Take this herbal infusion for one month in half a cup three times daily.

    Treatment of demodicosis with urine

    • Urinotherapy is one of the specific methods of treating demodectic infections.
    • For this, it is necessary to moisten the cotton wool in the baby's urine and apply it to the skin affected by demodicosis for 5 minutes.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of allergy with folk remedies.

    Prevention and helpful advice on how to prevent demodicosis infection ^

    A demodicosis diet is an important part of a comprehensive treatment that allows creating an unfavorable habitat for the reproduction of a tick. For this, smoked, sweet, spicy, spicy, salty and fatty meals are completely excluded from the food ration. Also from the menu are products that increase glucose - honey, citrus and sweet fruits.

    For the period of carrying out of improving procedures the daily diet should consist of sour-milk products, cereals, fresh vegetables and unsweetened fruits. In addition, dietary nutrition with demodicosis provides for a generous drink consisting of unsweetened tea, juices, compotes, berry fruit and non-carbonated mineral water.

    The diet for demodicosis is aimed at cleansing the body and introducing a certain imbalance in the life cycle of parasitic ticks.

    In order to prevent infection with demodicosis, the following measures must be strictly observed:

    • Regular sanitation of personal items;
    • Strictly respecting personal hygiene;
    • Periodical intake of vitamins, minerals and immunostimulating drugs;
    • Minimizing stress and fatigue;
    • Reduces the time spent in the sun, especially from 12 to 3 hours;
    • Providing competent and gentle skin care.