  • Cataract treatment with folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • What is cataract: symptoms, causes, types
    • Cataract treatment with folk remedies: home recipes
    • Prevention and helpful tips on how to avoid developing cataracts

    Cataract treatment at home: folk recipes

    With age, many people notice that their visionbecomes clouded and fuzzy, there is a sensation of the presence of the veil before your eyes.

    According to statistics, about 50 percent of people over the age of 40 feel this kind of symptoms in one form or another.

    What is cataract: symptoms, causes, types ^

    Cataract is a clouding of the inner lens of the eye. In early terms, cataract treatment with folk methods can be effective.

    In later terms, surgical intervention is mandatory. When diagnosing an illness, it is necessary to start its therapy immediately, in order to avoid serious complications.

    Types of cataract:

    • , depending on the localization of turbidity, distinguish anterior, posterior, layered cataract;
    • , depending on the time of manifestation - congenital and acquired;
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    • , depending on the mechanism of occurrence - primary and secondary.

    The main causes of cataract development:

    • age-related changes in the lens;
    • heredity;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins;
    • negative impact of radiation;
    • mechanical damage and eye diseases;
    • toxin poisoning.

    Symptoms of cataract:

    • bifurcation, blurred image;
    • before your eyes often there are glare, dots, strokes;
    • a rainbow appears around the light sources;
    • develops nearsightedness;
    • colors become unclear;
    • increases the sensitivity to bright light.

    Cataract treatment with folk remedies: homemade recipes ^

    Cataract treatment at home: folk remedies

    Cataract treatment at home should correctly complement the methods of drug therapy, and not replace them. To avoid complete loss of vision, after the appearance of the first signs of cataracts, you need to undergo a test and begin immediate treatment.

    Treatment of cataract without surgery

    An excellent and very effective cataract eye remedy is mocryca.

    • Juice of this herb is recommended to mix with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Use the medicine to instill a couple drops into each eye 3 times a day.
    • Moistice infusion is also used for washing. To make it, you need to pour a spoonful of grass with a glass of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. Carry out up to 5 procedures per day.

    Treatment of the initial stage of cataract

    At the initial stage of cataracts, as is known, folk recipes can be most effective. To cure the disease you need to cook onion drops.

    • For this, a tablespoon of juice, squeezed from onions, should be diluted in the same amount of purified water.
    • To maximize the effect, a drop of juice squeezed from the dandelion leaves can be added to the drops.
    • It is necessary to drip a couple drops of medicine in each eye three times a day.

    Treatment of secondary cataract

    In the secondary stage of cataracts, the use of folk methods without drug therapy will not work, and can only lead to serious complications. Potato infusion significantly improves the patient's condition, however, it is not recommended to replace them with medications.

    • To prepare a medicinal potion, you need to cut off germs of sprouted potatoes, wash and grind them, dry them in the oven.
    • After this, pour dry shoots with vodka( 200 ml of vodka are taken for each spoon of raw material).
    • The drug should be infused for 14 days, then strain and drink on a teaspoon three times a day before meals.

    Cataract treatment after surgery

    To restore the eye after surgery, it is necessary to use herbal remedies. One of the most effective is prepared from a chemist's daisy, petals of a dogrose and a leaf of a burdock.

    • It is necessary to take a tablespoon of each shredded ingredient.
    • Raw materials should be poured with boiling water( for each tablespoon of a herbal mixture take a glass of water), bring to a boil, insist 30 minutes and strain.
    • Bury 2-3 drops of broth in the eyes 2 times a day.

    Treatment of aloe cataracts

    • Of the four leaves of aloe, squeeze the juice and dilute it in two glasses of boiling water.
    • Infuse the drug for at least 12 hours, then strain and add 2 tablespoons of honey.
    • Store the medicine in the refrigerator.
    • It is used this way: you should instill 2 drops in each eye 3 times a day for six months.

    Cataract treatment for calendula

    • It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of calendula and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The grass can be used both fresh and dry.
    • Cooked broth is required to insist for an hour, wrapped in a blanket or towel, and then strain. This medicine can be used in different ways: to wash their eyes or take them inside.
    • It is recommended to drink 100 ml of medicinal liquid twice a day.
    • Washing can be carried out unlimited times.

    Cataract treatment with honey

    Honey is very popular in folk medicine for treating cataracts, because its composition includes substances that can slow down and even stop the development of the disease, as well as improve vision.

    • May honey must be mixed with distilled water in a 1: 3 ratio.
    • Should be instilled by drop in each eye 5 times a day for 3 months.

    This method is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes, as well as having an allergy to honey.

    Cataract treatment with herbs

    • To improve the condition of the patient with the help of herbs, it is necessary to prepare a collection of burdock, drop caps and coltsfoot, taking a tablespoon of each component.
    • Prepared mixture is recommended to pour 450 ml of boiling water and insist in a dark place for 2 hours.
    • Three times a day should make lotions, moistened with a cotton swab in the broth.
    • You can also wash your eyes with herbal potion.

    Cataract treatment: eye compresses

    Dill compresses will significantly improve the patient's well-being and are used for any problems with vision, including cataracts.

    • It is necessary to sew two small pouches of a bike measuring 5 cm in length and width.
    • In each bag you need to place 3 spoons of dill seeds, put them in a bowl with boiling water, insist a little.
    • Before carrying out the procedure, make sure that the compresses have cooled slightly. This is necessary in order to prevent burns.
    • Apply bags to the eyelids need 15 minutes before bedtime.

    Cataract treatment: gymnastics for the eyes

    • It is convenient to sit on a chair and look from one side to the other, lingering 2-3 seconds in each direction.
    • As in the first exercise, you need to translate and stop looking at a couple of seconds at the top and bottom.
    • To translate and detain a look you need to diagonally.
    • It is recommended to blink quickly for 15 seconds.
    • It is necessary to draw a smooth snake with a glance. The number of repetitions is 2-3.

    Eyelid massage for cataracts

    Very effective for all eye diseases, including cataracts, acupressure. Press on the following points:

    • points that are located behind the ears before the beginning of the scalp;
    • the point located in the center of the forehead;
    • ear lobes.

    It is recommended to massage 2-3 times a day, performing pressure on each point for a minute.

    We also advise you to read the article Treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to avoid developing cataracts ^

    Preventive measures to help avoid cataracts:

    • Protect eyes from direct sunlight;
    • body weight control;
    • control of blood sugar level;
    • use of vitamin complexes;
    • proper nutrition and eating foods useful for sight;
    • no bad habits;
    • sports;
    • daily charge for relaxing the eyes.