  • Peculiarities of the course of diseases in elderly and senile people

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    Elderly and old people can suffer from illnesses that occur in their young or adulthood. This mainly applies to chronic inflammatory diseases, metabolic processes, persistent functional disorders with a long-term course. Like young people, they can develop acute, including infectious diseases, but the age-related features of the body cause a significant

    deviation in their flow. The most typical atypicality of each disease, smoothness of pathological processes.

    The characteristics of aging and the course of diseases in old people are very diverse: the disease is usually associated with a change in the psychology of man, it is in close interaction with the surrounding social environment and, first of all, with family relations.

    Diseases in old age are characterized by a slow, gradual onset, the first symptoms are usually not pronounced and vague. The very process of "accumulation" of diseases begins somewhere from 30-40 years, and only in old age they make themselves felt. With age, the number of chronic diseases increases and the number of acute diseases decreases. This is due to the fact that over the years, any pathological process, if it is not cured in time, progresses, there is an accumulation of both symptoms and organic changes.

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    The mechanisms regulating the functions of the cardiovascular system, and the adaptive capabilities of the body, are especially disturbed in old age. The organs and systems of an elderly person can not quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions. Because of limited mobility, old people can develop such diseases as hypodynamia, hypostatic pneumonia, difficulty urinating, urinary tract infections, pressure sores. With age, oxidative processes in the body decrease, the amount of protein, calcium and silicon decreases( "sand is poured"), which can lead to the development of such a disease as senile( senile) osteoporosis.

    Disorders of the functional state of the body in conditions of hypodynamia in elderly and senile

    age people occur much faster, and their intensity is more pronounced than in people of middle or mature age.

    Ofeznoe value for restoring the health of people of older age groups has early application of such methods of restorative therapy as light massage, therapeutic gymnastics and physiotherapy.