  • Contraindications for vodka

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    Everyone knows that people have long used the gifts of the kingdom of nature for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. There were and still are many recipes for various medicinal compounds, including a common component for all - vodka.

    We will not enumerate what healing properties this or that tincture has: about this - just below. Now we are talking about those diseases, in the treatment of which it is not recommended to use alcohol tinctures.

    First of all, it should be noted that excessive consumption of infusions in any disease can not only worsen your condition, but also lead to such a serious ailment as alcoholism. It is known that alcohol has a destructive effect on a person. In a relatively short time, with the systematic use of alcoholic beverages, a symptom of a painful addiction to it develops. This can result in a loss of sense of proportion and control over oneself, a violation of the function of internal organs and the activity of the central and peripheral nervous system. So do not abuse such folk remedies.

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    When is it better not to use alcohol tinctures at all? At the forefront are diseases of the cardiovascular system in the period of exacerbation. Everyone knows that, getting into the body, alcohol first dilates the blood vessels( heat spreads through the body), but subsequently they narrow, so alcohol tinctures are contraindicated both in hypertensive patients and in hypotonic patients.

    People who have diseases of the digestive system should be extremely careful to use products containing vodka in their composition, i.e., the

    Die dosage should be strictly observed. In no case should not neglect the advice of a specialist.

    Alcohol significantly reduces the acidity of the gastric juice or completely neutralizes it, so if you already have gastritis with a low acidity, do not aggravate the situation by taking alcoholic tinctures.

    It is not recommended to take alcohol tinctures with peptic ulcer in the acute stage. Vodka irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, it can significantly aggravate your condition, cause acute pain, slow down recovery.

    If you have liver disease, you should never use products prepared with vodka. The liver is very sensitive to alcohol, when it is used excessively, it often causes a serious illness like cirrhosis.

    In some infectious diseases, it is also not recommended to be treated with folk remedies containing vodka. These include viral hepatitis, which in the first stages of development can be considered a normal flu. The disease is acute: there is an increase in temperature to 38-39 °, chills, joint and muscle pain. Only with the onset of icteric period, when the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, sclera, and then the skin change color, we can confidently make a diagnosis.

    The main symptoms of the disease in this period are decreased appetite, drowsiness, aching pain in the right upper quadrant. The liver is enlarged and painful to the touch. Of course, in this case, you need to urgently call a doctor and strictly follow his appointments.

    In any case, it's worth repeating: you need to strictly follow the prescribed dosages, otherwise even a mild disease can give very serious complications.