  • Symptoms and treatment of pain shock

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    Pain shock is a composite concept: it is pain with a simultaneous drop in pressure. Only from pain people can not die, as a rule, death is caused by a combination of pain and heavy blood loss. In the medical literature, pain shock is considered only as part of a traumatic event.

    Traumatic shock is much more dangerous than for example infectious-toxic.

    To aggravate the state of pain( traumatic) shock, factors such as hypothermia, starvation, fatigue, re-traumatization in the process of assistance can.

    Symptoms of

    Symptoms of pain shock in humans are as follows:

    The first phase: pain from the resulting injury entails the release of a large amount of adrenaline into the blood, which dramatically increases human activity. Traumatized begins to rush, shout, try to make sharp movements.

    The second phase: comes in five to ten minutes( the largest - in half an hour).The brain, overloaded with the flow of pain impulses received by it, gradually loses control over the vascular system, which leads to a sharp drop in blood pressure.

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    First aid for traumatic shock

    For a person who has received a traumatic shock - the first aid will be as follows:

    • If possible, eliminate the cause.
    • Carry out rescue work as soon as possible( deliver the victim to the hospital), observing reasonable precautions.

    When trying to eliminate the causes, you should remember some points, namely:

    It is possible and necessary: ​​

    • Try to stop the blood with the bleeding present as soon as possible.
    • During the cold season, the victim should be carefully transported to a warm place.
    • It is important to moisten the lips and mouth of the affected person.
    • Dislocations and fractures should be fixed by overlapping the tires.
    • Try to calm the victim.

    It is impossible and contraindicated:

    • Do not give the patient any "heart" drugs - it can lower already low blood pressure.
    • Do not attempt to remove foreign objects( a knife, a fragment, etc.) from the victim's body - this can cause a repeated pain shock and cause more bleeding, which in turn can lead to death.
    • Do not try to "put in" the fallen internal organs( with abdominal injuries), better close them with a cloth soaked in water( it's painless for the injured person).
    • Do not drink or feed the victim with suspected abdominal damage, head and neck injuries.
    • Never give alcohol to a victim.

    Treatment of traumatic shock

    In its essence, the treatment of traumatic( pain) shock is an intensified fight against the manifestations of pain. It is best to use narcotic analgesics, but the use of these drugs without a special prescription( and hardly anyone carries them with them) falls under the articles of the criminal code. Therefore, usually a solution of Ketanov is used, or, as the most extreme case( in auto-pharmacies), analgin with diphenhydramine, in the ratio 2: 1 .

    If the first injection did not help, then it can be repeated, but it is necessary to delay the re-injection as much as possible, strictly as needed. If analgesics are not at hand, then you can try to anesthetize with improvised means:

    1. Give non-narcotic analgesics: analgin, aspirin.
    2. Attach ice to a damaged area( you can get it in nearby shops) or a bottle of cold water( preferably wrapped in a non-fleecy fabric).

    In case of traumatic shock, complex treatment is performed using a number of means:

    • Introduction of cardiovascular drugs.
    • Introduction of analgesics.
    • Immobilization of damaged limbs.
    • Introduction of polyglucin or plasma.

    In all cases, a full complex of anti-shock measures is carried out. The issue of evacuation( if it was not carried out) is solved only after the stabilization of the victim's condition.

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