  • Treatment of baths

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    Visiting a Russian bath is considered one of the most useful and pleasant water procedures. The fact that it can "evaporate" most of the ailments was known even by our distant ancestors. In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, baths also enjoyed great popularity, and in Russia people did not think of their existence without a hot steam room.

    Being in the bath, a person experiences the influence of a number of factors: steam, water and heat. They have a beneficial effect on the whole organism: they stimulate blood circulation, activate metabolic processes, improve the condition of internal organs and the musculoskeletal system, as well as of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In addition, through open on the heated skin pores are allocated from 0.5 to 1.5 liters of sweat, with which lactic acid, urea, salts and other metabolic products are excreted.

    As a result, the organ-free organs perform their functions better. Bath treatments improve kidney function and digestion, increase appetite and reduce the acidity of gastric juice. To full people, a bath also brings a lot of benefit: one who wants to get rid of extra pounds, walks into it to "burn" fat.

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    Bath treatments speed up the metabolism, improve gas exchange in the lungs, promote the expansion of the bronchi, which is why people with respiratory diseases are recommended. In addition, hot steam, acting on the nasal mucosa and skin, helps cure the runny nose and reduce edema caused by respiratory infection.

    About 70% of sauna visitors come there to get emotional and mental relief. Bath procedures can improve the condition with neurosis-like disorders, headaches, anxiety and insomnia. And the heat-induced increase in the level of adrenaline goes to the body only for the benefit.

    Bath treatments have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system. They are especially recommended for people suffering from rheumatism, inflammatory diseases of ligaments and tendons, polyarthritis, gout, osteoarthrosis of the knee or hip joint.

    The bath also works well on the urinary system, so its visit is recommended for nephritis and cystitis. With regard to the genital area, for example, with inflammation of the prostate or testicles or with gynecological diseases, physicians prescribe bath procedures as an additional therapy. The bath is indicated for varicose veins in pregnant women and helps to increase the amount of milk in nursing mothers.

    After the bath, the skin is cleansed not only from dust and sweat, but also from the keratinized cells of the epithelium, saturated with oxygen, becomes elastic and smooth. In addition, the duct opens the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which contributes to their cleansing. The combination of cool water and steam increases the tone of the skin and activates their protective, excretory and thermoregulatory functions. Bath treatments have a beneficial effect on the scalp, ease the symptoms of psoriasis, eczema and even furunculosis.

    Showing the bath and with allergic skin diseases: hot air, saturated with steam, removes itching and normalizes metabolic processes.

    During bath procedures, the number of heart beats per minute usually reaches 100-160, which increases blood circulation, including capillary ones.

    But the bath is not useful to everyone. It is contraindicated in people who are banned from serious physical activity. It is not recommended to visit it with patients with hypertension, epilepsy, severe forms of asthma or diabetes, cancer patients, as well as those with urolithiasis, hypo- and hyperthyroidism.

    To feel good, when visiting a bath you should observe several simple rules:

    1. You can not bathe in the evening before going to bed, and also earlier than 2 hours after a meal or on an empty stomach. Remember: after taking alcohol in the steam room, you may experience a heat stroke, a heart condition or a syncope.

    2. Having come to the bath, do not rush right into the steam room, as the body must get used to the high temperature and the effects of steam. To begin with, take a warm shower, a warm foot bath and dry the body with a towel. Before entering the therma, do not use soap - it defathes the skin, which should protect your body from drying out.

    3. Before entering the steam room, tie your head with a towel or put on a woolen hat. This will protect you from overheating, and therefore, from heat stroke. To achieve a better result, you can moisten the cap in water, but hair is not recommended for moisturizing.

    4. When pouring water on glowing stones, use caution: breathe not with your mouth, but with your nose. In order not to burn your fingers when steaming a broom or pouring water on the stones, put on your hands woolen or tarpaulin mittens.

    5. If you intend to visit the bath to get rid of the disease, take the lowest shelf in the steam room. The same rule must be followed and those who are just beginning to master the bath procedures.

    6. Do not think that if you spend more time in the steam room, then quickly get rid of illness or excess weight. Short, but frequent calls bring a lot more benefit. The optimal time for one approach in a steam room is 8-10 minutes, and it is not worthwhile to do 3-4 steps. This rule applies to healthy people, and the weak and sick the entire bath procedure should be limited to 20 minutes. The first entry into the steam room should not last more than 3 minutes, since thermal overloads negatively affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems. As a result, there may be anxiety, insomnia and irritability. If during the bath procedures you feel dryness in the mouth or burning of the skin, be careful, since this is a very alarming signal.

    7. Every time after leaving the steam room, pour the body with cool water, "take a cool shower or bathe in the pool. The cooling procedure should not exceed 2 minutes.

    8. Between the visits to the steam room you can drink a little water, juice without sugar or kvass. The duration of rest should be 5-15 minutes.

    9. In the steam room it's better to lie than to sit, and you have to put your head on the wooden armrest. Legs should also be on the bench, otherwise you will feel the temperature difference. If you decide to leave the steam room, you must first sit on the bench for 1-2 minutes, then slowly get up and get out.

    10. After the bath you should rest, drink tea with herbs, fruit juice or juice, but in any case not beer and no more strong drinks.

    11. It is not recommended to go to a Russian bath more than once a week. If you do this less often, the steam room will not give the desired effect, and if more often - your body will lose too many trace elements.