
Fitness exercises for the buttocks - exercises for the buttocks

  • Fitness exercises for the buttocks - exercises for the buttocks

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    The shape of the buttocks can be any and correct it can only intense exercise, combined with proper nutrition. No, of course, no one talks about debilitating diets, because, as recognized beauties of the whole world have proved, you do not have to starve yourself, in order to look stunning.

    The most important element in the process of creating the ideal gluteal muscle is the strong muscles. Special exercises, which will be described below, will allow you to come up with an ideal shape for the buttocks and make you even more sexy.

    Buttock muscle

    The gluteus muscle is the strongest in the human body, therefore it is its shape and dimensions that determine the dimensions of the entire lower body. The main function that is assigned to this muscle is the straightening of the thigh, when you, for example, get up from the chair. Poorly trained gluteus muscle may cause some rather serious problems with the spine. While well-trained muscles of the buttocks and the press will allow to stabilize the pelvis, thereby easing the load on the spine and the whole body as a whole( for walking, running, etc.).

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    Together with the large gluteus muscle, the shape of the buttocks is also supplemented by medium and small. In order to bring this system of muscles in order, fitness exercises for the buttocks are performed, based on the removal of the straight leg to the side.

    Tips for the optimal workout

    In order for exercises to create a load on the muscles that you want to strengthen, and trainings passed as efficiently as possible, remember a few fairly simple rules:

    1. Voltage limit. To ensure that the effect from each movement is maximum, before you start the exercise, you need to strain the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis, legs and buttocks. Then you can not only quickly bring your body in order, but also save the health of muscles, joints, and improve the intensity of their work;

    2. The correct location of the pelvis. During the training it is important to monitor the correct position of the pelvis. One side should not be above the other - the entire surface of the pelvis should be on one straight line.

    3. Take your time. The calmer you will perform the exercises, the more effective and harmless they will be. Do lifts of the pelvis or legs slowly and smoothly, between the exercises also it is necessary to observe the most smooth transition, that would evenly distribute the load on the body. In general terms, it should look as if the exercises have no beginning or end - they all need to be smoothly connected.

    4. Proper breathing. In the process of training, you must work out the right breathing - straining - exhaling, relaxing - inhaling. Thanks to this system, the body can get enough oxygen.

    5. Choose music. Anyone who has practiced sports at least once in his life knows that any physical activity becomes much easier with music. Therefore, before you start training, you can arrange a musical accompaniment that will make your classes more enjoyable. However, it is worth remembering that too rhythmic music can knock you off the rhythm that will be comfortable for your body, so it's better to choose more melodic compositions.

    Exercises to strengthen the buttocks

    Exercise starts from the starting position: the emphasis is created on the knees and forearms, the elbows should be strictly under the shoulders, the knees under the hips, the palms turned inwards.

    The initial position of the exercise

    The exercise itself involves lifting the leg bent at the knee to the height of the pelvis, after which the leg drops almost to the floor, but it is not set.

    Raising the bent leg to the pelvis height

    For beginners who do not have sufficient physical training, you can carry out 2-3 approaches, each 4-8 times, after which the foot changes. trained athletes can increase the number of approaches to 1, and in each produce 12-24 lifts. Then the leg changes. If you want to achieve the result as quickly as possible, you can perform this exercise with burdening .To do this, a small dumbbell falls on the popliteal calyx and after 2-3 sets, with 8-24 lifts, the leg changes.

    When performing this exercise, on any difficulty level, it is important to remember that the upper part of the trunk and thigh should be on the same line.

    The exercise has the following starting position - it is necessary to stand upright, legs are placed on the width of the shoulders, hands are stretched forward, shoulders are pulled back.

    From this position we produce shallow squats - we bend our legs, at the same time it is necessary to push back in a way, as if we are going to sit on a chair. Next, you must move the upper body forward. Then we return to the starting position. It is important to pay attention to what would be the buttocks, do not fall below the knees.

    Incomplete sit-up with outstretched hands

    To begin with, this exercise can be performed in 2-3 sets, each with 4-8 sit-ups, and more advanced athletes can increase the number of approaches up to 3-4 times with 12-24 sit-ups.

    Exercises to reduce the volume of buttocks

    1. We begin the exercise from the starting position - stand up straight, legs together, hands rest on the back of the chair( the back of the chair should be at such a height that you could lean on it with straight hands).After that, we rise on the fingers of the right foot, while raising the left leg to the maximum height. Hold in this position for just a few seconds, go down from the toes on the foot of the right foot, and only after that we lower the left one. After that, we change the leg.

      This exercise is performed 10 times with alternating legs.

    2. Starting position - stand upright, legs are placed together, put your hands behind your head in such a way that your head rests against your closed palms, elbows planted to the side. Lean to the right( hands remain in the same position), the muscles of the back should be as tight as possible. We smoothly return to the starting position. Do the same with the slopes to the left.

      Exercise repeating 10 times, alternating the slopes in different directions.
      You should not make the slopes too sharp, because you risk damaging your back muscles.

    3. Initial position - lying on the back, legs together - arms stretched parallel to the position of the trunk. We take a deep breath, then sharply raise the left leg and stretch out the right hand - it will look as if you are trying to reach out to the toe of the foot. We return to the starting position and change the arm and leg.

      This exercise is done 15-20 times with each leg.
      It allows you to remove fat deposits on the hips.

    Exercises to improve the shape of the gluteus muscle are quite diverse, but it is worth remembering that in order to achieve the maximum result, it is necessary to perform them in a complex that would properly affect all muscles. At the same time, we do not forget about the correct breathing and safety - before the training we do warm-up in order to maximally effectively prepare your body for classes.