
Oligophrenia in the stage of debility: causes, symptoms and prevention

  • Oligophrenia in the stage of debility: causes, symptoms and prevention

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    Oligophrenia in the stage of debility represents the weakest degree of mental underdevelopment, which is formed under the influence of developmental delay or organic damage to the brain in the fetus.

    Oligophrenia is considered an innate disease, but it can be acquired in the early years of a child's life. The main causes contributing to the development of the disease can be classified into three groups:

    1. Genetic factors.
    2. Factors affecting the development of the fetus in the womb - alcohol abuse and illness of the mother's body, the use of drugs during pregnancy, negatively affecting the fetus.
    3. Severely passing birth and pathology of the child at an early age - birth trauma, craniocerebral trauma, immunological incompatibility of the fetal and maternal tissues.

    Despite the high degree of knowledge of the etiologic factors of the disease, specialists have not succeeded in establishing absolutely all causes of the disease of oligophrenia in the degree of debility.

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    Clinical signs of the pathology

    Oligophrenia in the degree of moderate debility is characterized by the manifestation of a general inadequate development of the psyche, especially this affects the cognitive abilities of the personality as a whole. Initially, the higher cognitive activity is violated, namely, abstract thinking against the background of the changing evolutionary components of the human personality.

    Often, deviations in mental development do not immediately manifest themselves, but gradually, sometimes they appear only at a younger school age. At the preschool age, pathology is manifested through lack of emotional responses, speech development lag, weak interest in the surrounding world, inability to build communication with peers, inability to identify specific phenomena and signs.

    For patients with this pathology in adolescence and older age characterized by the development of immaturity of the individual, the inability to make independent decisions and the impulsiveness of actions.

    Oligophrenia in mild debility is characterized by the following clinical manifestations:

    • inadequate perception of the world picture, absent mind, poor memory and low ability of logical thinking;
    • inadequate development of moral and intellectual emotions, inadequate response to events occurring around, insufficient manifestation of initiative;
    • lack of focus;
    • is a serious delay in psychological development and a poor intelligence factor.

    Oligophrenic in the stage of debility since childhood manifests some developmental lag, later other children begin to talk, walk. Phrase speech flow is formed only to three to four years, often accompanied by deviations in articulation.

    Some patients come to study in an ordinary school, so they can not even comprehend even simple educational material. But at the same time a good mechanical memory, assiduity of the child, as well as the perseverance of the teachers, make it possible for some patients to successfully master the curriculum in primary school, but they can not cope with secondary school education. In this regard, many remain in the second year of training, so specialists recommend giving these children to specialized educational institutions.

    Patients with oligophrenia are able to master any kind of work, usually this is unskilled labor activity, since the work is performed mechanically in accordance with the instinct of imitation. The circle of patients' interests is very narrow. They mainly focus on meeting their physiological needs and entertainment needs, they are not interested in the life of the collective and especially do not attach importance to abstract events and questions.

    Even with the development of reading skills at a satisfactory level, oligophrenics practically do not pay attention to reading books, preferring to visit a movie or watch TV.The choice of programs or films is completely random. Usually it's adventures or children's movies.

    People suffering from oligophrenia in the stage of debility, retain the ability to generalize the experience, they are able to make simple conclusions and draw practical conclusions from them. In certain life situations, based on the experience gained, patients can show activity and purposefulness of their actions. For debility characterized by the predominance of concrete-figurative thinking.

    Degeneracy, depending on the depth of the human psyche, is usually classified as a deep, moderate or moderate and mild degree of development.

    Treatment of

    pathology Specialized treatment for oligophrenia has not been developed, since pathology does not respond to any therapy, unless it is correlated with a metabolic disorder in the body. The basic rule that can facilitate the course of the disease is a patronage of a physical and mental nature.

    First of all, parents must implement it. But in addition to the care of parents in any country, there are special institutions for children with mental disabilities, in which the most possible adaptation of a sick child to life in modern society is made. As a rule, classes are organized according to the age group of the child, after which children continue the educational process in special schools.

    At any stage of development of oligophrenia in the form of debility, the child is assigned to take medications that correct metabolic processes, as well as therapy with vitamins, amino acids and medications that improve blood flow in the brain and stabilize intracranial pressure.

    Prevention of the development of pathology

    Any preventive measures designed to prevent the progression of oligophrenia are classified into primary and secondary means. The primary methods include: diagnosis of abnormalities in the development of the central nervous system of the fetus, which makes it possible to prevent the birth of a child with mental pathologies, the implementation of measures to protect the health of expectant mothers and to prevent the development of infections in them and traumatizing the child during childbirth.

    Secondary preventive measures include diagnosing dementia and full treatment, as well as rehabilitation of patients with oligophrenia. The diagnosis and subsequent treatment is a matter of medicine, but the rehabilitation of patients is a full package of preventive measures, the realization of most of which presupposes the availability of social security and material support from the state.

    Forecasts of pathology

    Forecasts of the development of the disease completely depend on the degree of mental retardation and on the form of leakage. For most oligophrenics, social adaptation remains possible in the degree of debility, but in more advanced stages of oligophrenia the prognosis remains unsatisfactory

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