  • How to keep your teeth healthy

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    By the third year of life, the baby has already erupted into all 20 milk teeth. Practically there is a full set of teeth for biting, grinding and chewing food. Milk teeth later( at 6-8 years old) gradually change to stronger and larger permanent teeth. They will be already 32, and they will fill the increased in size arcs of the upper and lower jaws.

    Baby teeth need thorough care. Their enamel is thin, so they quickly deteriorate, collapse and without treatment can turn into a hotbed of chronic infection. Unfortunately, parents easily refer to the destruction of milk teeth, mistakenly believing that they will be replaced by strong permanent teeth. But this is not so. Damaged tooth deciduous teeth adversely affect the formation of dental rudiments of permanent teeth. A three-year-old child should already be shown to the dentist, even if there are no complaints of toothache. And in the future this is done every six months.

    Moreover, in a number of children, due to various reasons( rickets, disruption of endocrine and central nervous system activity, inflammatory and infectious diseases, hypertrophy of palatine tonsils, adenoids), an incorrect bite develops. Such harmful habits as sucking a finger, biting the upper or lower lip, and also the incorrect position of the child during sleep( face down, constantly on the same side) contribute to its formation. Bite deformation can form up to 2-2,5 years. Her treatment should be started as early as possible, for which it is necessary to contact the dental clinic in a timely manner, whose doctors will recommend a set of special exercises for the development of the muscles of the lower jaw and teach it, and if necessary, correct the bite with the help of special removable and non-removable orthodontic devices.

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    Among food there are friends and enemies of teeth. Friends are raw vegetables and solid fruits. At their desire, the enamel is cleaned, the gums strengthen, the blood circulation of the teeth improves, the bone base of the jaws is properly formed. Enemies - sweets and flour products. Their crumbs are an excellent nutrient medium for microbes that destroy tooth enamel. Therefore, if the child does not rinse his mouth after eating, does not brush his teeth at night, he certainly will not keep his dairy, and then permanent teeth, intact.

    For children special hygienic toothpastes are produced( "Children's", "Moydodyr", "Well, wait"), as well as therapeutic and prophylactic, containing complexes of anti-carious components( "Cheburashka"), which have anti-inflammatory effect, reducing bleeding and inflammation of the gums"Buratino", "Muk-poppy").All children's toothpastes are characterized by pleasant taste and attractive appearance.

    In the third year of life, the qualitative side of changes in the organs and systems of the child is growing noticeably. Accelerated( and sometimes excessively) develops lymphoid tissue, responsible for immunity to various infections.